


关于军事或技击的,与“文”相对:~装。~器。~警。~林。~坛。~生。~旦。~丑。~净。~举。勇猛,猛烈:英~。威~。~断。~士。~夫。半步,泛指脚步:步~。踵~。行(xíng )不数~。姓。……





汉语拼音:wǔ yì







  1. 指骑、射、击、刺等武术方面的技能。

    《三国志·蜀志·刘封传》:“﹝ 刘封 ﹞有武艺,气力过人。”《陈书·高祖纪上》:“﹝ 陈高祖 ﹞读兵书,多武艺,明达果断。”《七国春秋平话》卷中:“你有甚高强武艺交我回兵?” 清 顾炎武 《少林寺》诗:“颇闻经律餘,多亦諳武艺。” 清 翟灏 《通俗编·武功》:“武艺十八事:《读书记数略》一弓、二弩、三枪、四刀、五剑、六矛、七盾、八斧、九鉞、十戟、十一鞭、十二简、十三檛、十四殳、十五叉、十六杷头、十七绵绳套索、十八白打。” 杨朔 《三千里江山》第十三段:“据他自己说,他从十几岁就练武艺,才练的这样强壮。”



  1. He often fought in disguise, but he was always recognized because no other knight had as much courage and skill as he.

  2. The legendary skills of the Shaolin monks have for years thrilled and fascinated him. He has been a fan of Bruce Lee from childhood.

  3. Master Wugui: Stay. Use your skills for good, young warrior. Find the one thing that you were denied so long ago.

  4. You are not necessarily to be a master of all professions, but must be equipped with required skills.

  5. Once, before he became an outlaw, he decided to enter a contest to prove his skill.

  6. Man , he is constantly growing and when he is bound by a set pattern of ideas or way of doing things , that's when he stops growing .

  7. Such a feat in popular Chinese kung fu novels generally makes the hero invincible.

  8. Master of the A Bao raccoon had doubts about, and later saw the potential of A Bao carefully martial arts professor.

  9. The Mughals were the descendants of two of the most skilled warriors in history: the Turks and the Mongols.


  1. 孔子与武艺

    The Confucius and the Feat.

  2. 一身好武艺

    highly trained in martial arts.

  3. 十八般武艺考述

    Textual Research on Eighteen Types of Feat in China

  4. 他不仅武艺高强,

    He was not only good at martial arts

  5. 我有不同的武艺。

    I walk a different path.

  6. 武术与军事武艺辨析

    The Analysis of Wushu and Military Technique

  7. 每个人也都有十八般武艺!

    Everyone also has eighteen skills!

  8. 他放出话说他将使出十八般武艺。

    He has said he will use all the weapons at his disposal.

  9. 实战武艺之散打难度的探讨

    A probe into the degree of difficulty In free pugilism of practical military arts

  10. 你们的武艺和勇气令人折服。

    We will watch your career with great interest.

  11. 孔子与武艺散打实战姿势的研究

    The Combat Posture of Chinese Boxing Study

  12. 论古代武术与军事武艺的异同

    On the Similarities and Differences Between Ancient Wushu and military Arts

  13. 每个人也都有十八般武艺!哦耶!

    Everyone also has eighteen skills! Oh yeah!

  14. 地痞们遂拜他为师,向他学习武艺。

    Accepting their defeat, they then asked Lu to teach them the boxing art.

  15. 高超的武艺不用钱来衡量,魅力也是。

    There is no charge for awesomeness, or attractiveness!

  16. 论武术对唐代军事武艺发展的影响

    The Influence of Martial Skills on the Development of Military Martial Arts in Tang Dynasty

  17. 他这手空拳夺刀的武艺,令人叫绝。

    Everyone applauded his skill in seizing knives bare-handed.

  18. 密涅瓦掌管智慧,发明,艺术和武艺的女神。

    The goddess of wisdom, invention, the arts, and martial prowess.

  19. 非有过人的胆识,超绝的武艺,不得入内。

    Must has the excellent courage and wisdom, the extraordinary skill in wushu in do not enter.

  20. 令郎的武艺我是领教过的,在下甘败下风。

    I've encountered your son's martial arts skills, and I sincerely acknowledge his superiority.

  21. 令郎的武艺我是领教过的,在下甘败下风。

    I've encountered your son's martial arts skills, and I sincerely acknowledge his superiority.

  22. 当我很小的时候,许多士兵都教过我武艺。

    I had learned from many soldiers since I was little.

  23. 武术是我国的文化瑰宝,又称武艺或国术。

    Wushu is our national cultural gem, called skill in Wushu or skill.

  24. 这位大侠有一身武艺,在局子里走镖。

    The swordman is very experienced in fighting and works for a professional armed escort establishment.

  25. 幸运的是沉香被霹雳大仙所救,练就武艺。

    Fortunately, Chen Xiang was rescued by the God of thunder, who taught him martial art.

  26. 他从小就拜师学习南拳,如今已经武艺高强了。

    He learned southern style boxing from a master when he was very young, and now he is highly skilled in wushu now.

  27. 他从小就拜师学习南拳,如今已经武艺高强了。

    He learned southern style boxing from a master when he was very young, and now he is highly skilled in wushu now.

  28. 对了,你能给我介绍一下什么是十八般武艺吗?

    By the way,could you introduce me something about the 18 kinds of wushu weapons?

  29. 净重 290多斤,是当时用来演练军士武艺用的。

    Its net weight is more than 145 kilograms. It was used to train the wushu skills of the soldiers.

  30. 我相信武艺制造了,而且仍然制造我,一个较好的人。

    I believe the arts made, and still makes me, a better person.


  1. 问:武艺拼音怎么拼?武艺的读音是什么?武艺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:武艺的读音是wǔyì,武艺翻译成英文是 skill in martial arts



武艺(1990年11月3日—),中国男歌手、演员、主持人。出生于香港九龙,在湖南长沙读小学和初中,高中及大学在加拿大留学。2009年,以“刘扬帆”为名在加拿大参加歌唱比赛《K王争霸》,问鼎加拿大赛区,最终获得北美赛区第3名。2010年4月11日,参加湖南卫视《快乐男声》比赛,并最终获得季军。2010年9月16日,推出单曲《下雨天》,正式出道。尔后发行《问月》、《仙侠传·雪字》等单曲。出演《爱在那一天》、《落跑甜心》、《蝙蝠别墅》等影视剧。曾主持《中国爱·大歌会》、《越策越开心》等节目。个人首张唱片《见习爱》于2012年3月23日发行并荣获2012年内地男歌手销量冠军。 2013年8月14日,推出第二张唱片《武艺的异想世界》。电影《蝙蝠别墅》已于9月30日上映。