


人、动物的躯体,物体的主要部分:~躯。人~。~材。~段。船~。树~。指人的生命或一生:~世。献~。亲自,本人:自~。亲~。~教。~体力行。统指人的地位、品德:出~。~分(fèn )。~败名裂。孕,娠:~孕。量词,指整套衣服:做了一~儿新衣服……





汉语拼音:shēn shǒu







  1. 本领;技艺。

    北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·诫兵》:“顷世乱离,衣冠之士,虽无身手,或聚徒众,违弃素业,徼倖战功。” 唐 杜甫 《哀王孙》诗:“ 朔方 健儿好身手,昔何勇鋭今何愚。” 张天翼 《包氏父子》:“那时候跟飞虎队拼命,他 包国维 就得显点身手。”

  2. 身体;体魄。

    元 刘祁 《归潜志》卷七:“ 金 朝兵制最弊,每有征伐或边衅……其民家有数丁男好身手,或时尽拣取无遗,号泣怨嗟,闔家以为苦。” 清 吴伟业 《仿唐人本事诗》诗之三:“远愧 木兰 身手健,替耶征战在他乡。” 鲁迅 《花边文学·趋时和复古》:“原是拉车前进的好身手,腿肚大,臂膊也粗。”

  3. 身上手头,指家当。

    清 姚燮 《双鸩篇》:“爷娘怨郎身手穷,囚妾不使郎衾同。”

  4. 身段手势。

    李木庵 《秧歌舞吟》:“多少儿女笑妙才,身手色相一齐来。” 周振甫 注:“身手,身段手势。”



  1. The wave and monkeys, o master (chan) -- a martial arts, slick warrior, his task is always remind of, is nothing.


  2. He has now completed his training and is ready to use his boat-handling and global-positioning skills to hijack ships.


  3. Since agility and a keen sense of balance are skills essential to the sport, women climb just as well as, or better than, men.


  4. by exertion of a very unusual degree of activity and courage, an entrance into the window, from the rod, might have been effected.


  5. For years he had made a practice of riding unmanageable horses, and he never heard of a vicious brute without wishing to try it.


  6. Portfolio managers will tell you their clients have been back on the phone since the start of the year, eager to get in on the action.


  7. He is particularly proud that there is now an annual competition named after him in which amateur pianists play the piece.


  8. I'm ready to have two or three years of great things here: this is my first goal.


  9. He made light conversation as he skillfully dyed the man's hair dark brown.


  1. 剧院可以大展身手。

    The theater has been going through its kind of paces.

  2. 到了一显身手的时间了。

    Time to dust off the old jockstrap.

  3. 它们从小就身手矫健。

    They are prodigiously nimble from their infancy.

  4. 在奥林匹克上显身手

    In Olympiad show your skill

  5. 总领事夫人, 酒店厨房显身手

    Wife of Consul General Displays Her Culinary Skills in A Hotel Kitchen

  6. 他武功盖世,是个好身手。

    He is well-versed in kung fu, and is of no ordinary talent.

  7. 学生在模拟戏台一试身手。

    Students practice on a mock stage.

  8. 她的开车速度也算身手不凡。

    She has amazing land speed for a woman her age, too.

  9. 我在浮浅潜水中大试身手。

    I tried my hand at scuba diving.

  10. 身手如此敏捷,自己毫发未伤。

    And it does it in such a way that it doesn't get bitten itself.

  11. 他明天要去那里显显身手。

    He's going there tomorrow to show his paces.

  12. 她不是科班出身,但却身手不凡。

    She has an unorthodox technique, but is an excellent player.

  13. 这位穿便服得警察身手骁健。

    The police officer in his casual clothes is very brave.

  14. 这位穿便服的警察身手骁健。

    The police officer in his casual clothes is very brave.

  15. 这位穿便服的警察身手骁健。

    The police officer in his casual clothes is very brave.

  16. 她在农场工作期间大试身手。

    She tried her hand at working on the farm.

  17. 那个游泳冠军身手灵敏,技术超群。

    The champion had great dexterity and skill in swimming.

  18. 你现在可以一显身手, 好好表演了。

    You can display your skills and start your performance now.

  19. 你现在可以一显身手,好好表演了。

    You can display your skills and start your performance now.

  20. 杂技演员的好身手让我们叹为观止。

    We acclaim the consummate skill of the acrobats as the acme of perfection.

  21. 杂技演员的好身手让我们叹为观止。

    We acclaim the consummate skill of the acrobats as the acme of perfection.

  22. 许多人认为吉宁得确身手不凡。

    Geneen's personal skills were regarded by many as truly remarkable.

  23. 我敢说你一定想见识我的身手。

    I bet you wish you could see some of my moves.

  24. 那次选举给了他显身手的机会。

    The election gave him his innings.

  25. 那次选举给了他显身手得机会。

    The election gave him his innings.

  26. 我觉得我能到高级坡道一试身手

    and I decided that I could take the advanced slope?

  27. 现在是战机机师显身手的时候了

    Chopper is not being able to fly with a captain with a sunnier disposition.

  28. 它既是身手的检验, 又是人类意志的检验。

    It is a test of human spirit as much as physical prowess.

  29. 需要身手敏捷或手艺精湛的职业或行业

    An occupation or trade requiring manual dexterity or skilled artistry.

  30. 我相信他会成为一名身手不凡的拳师。

    I'm sure he'll make a master boxer.


  1. 问:身手拼音怎么拼?身手的读音是什么?身手翻译成英文是什么?

    答:身手的读音是shēnshǒu,身手翻译成英文是 skill

  2. 问:身手不凡拼音怎么拼?身手不凡的读音是什么?身手不凡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:身手不凡的读音是shēnshǒubùfán,身手不凡翻译成英文是 An outstanding capability or workmanship....

  3. 问:身手灵活的拼音怎么拼?身手灵活的的读音是什么?身手灵活的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:身手灵活的的读音是,身手灵活的翻译成英文是 light-fingered


身手,大多借指本领或技艺。语本 北齐颜之推《颜氏家训·诫兵》:“顷世乱离,衣冠之士,虽无身手,或聚徒众,违弃素业,徼幸战功。” 唐杜甫《哀王孙》诗:“ 朔方健儿好身手,昔何勇锐今何愚。”阿袁(即陈忠远)《前门邂逅桃子因以戏赠之》诗:“前门身手健,一笑喜回眸。”有时指身体;体魄。 元刘祁《归潜志》卷七:“ 金朝兵制最弊,每有征伐或边衅……其民家有数丁男好身手,或时尽拣取无遗,号泣怨嗟,阖家以为苦。” 清吴伟业《仿唐人本事诗》诗之三:“远愧木兰身手健,替耶征战在他乡。” 鲁迅《花边文学·趋时和复古》:“原是拉车前进的好身手,腿肚大,臂膊也粗。”此外,亦指身上手头即家当等。 清姚燮《双鸩篇》:“爷娘怨郎身手穷,囚妾不使郎衾同。”