


1. 供 [gōng]2. 供 [gòng]供 [gōng]准备着东西给需要的人应用:~给(jǐ)。~求。~应。~需。~销。提~。~不应求。供 [gòng]奉献:~养。~献。~奉。~佛。~职。祭祀用的东西:~桌。~品。~果。上~。被审问时在……


1. 给 [gěi]2. 给 [jǐ]给 [gěi]交付,送与:~以。~予。送~。献~。把动作或态度加到对方:~他一顿批评。替,为:~大家帮忙。被,表示遭受:房子~火烧掉了。把,将:请你随手~门送上。给 [jǐ]供应:供~。补~。~养。自~……



汉语拼音:gōng jǐ








  1. 以物资、钱财等给人而供其所需。

    《管子·地图》:“论功劳,行赏罚,不敢蔽贤有私,供给军之求索。”《史记·封禅书》:“使者存问供给,相属於道。” 唐 薛用弱 《集异记补编·叶法差》:“詔 衢 、 婺 、 括 三州助葬,供给所须。” 清 沉复 《浮生六记·闺房记乐》:“ 芸 既长,嫻女红,三口仰其十指供给。” 老舍 《骆驼祥子》七:“他的家庭是沙漠中的一个小绿洲,只能供给来到此地的一些清水与食物。”

  2. 指生活所需之钱物。

    唐 杜甫 《有客》诗:“不嫌野外无供给,乘兴还来看药栏。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十一:“﹝ 焦大郎 ﹞吩咐店小二道:‘ 满 大哥官人供给,只管照常支应。’” 清 焦循 《忆书》六:“自备供给,而以应用之费分给诸生饭食。”

  3. 指奉祠;祭祀。

    《国语·周语中》:“内官不过九御,外官不过九品,足以供给神祗而已,岂敢猒纵其耳目心腹以乱百度?” 韦昭 注:“言嬪与卿主祭祀也。”《礼记·曲礼上》:“祷祠,祭祀,供给鬼神,非礼不诚不庄。” 唐 韩愈 《潮州祭神文》之四:“间者以淫雨将为人灾,无以应贡赋,供给神明。” 宋 欧阳修 《南省试进士策问》之二:“其斋戒供给,期召奔走,废日几何?”



  1. Parts and components either to be supplied by Party A or to be purchased in Guangzhou by Party B are as per the list attached.


  2. Low agricultural production meant insufficient food supplies and a quota system and the coupons were a means of distribution.


  3. We want to put it out in the environment, and we want it to be powered by the Sun. What we do is we involve it in a box with a light on.


  4. Such an administrative structure seems to well solve the insufficiency of primary care and inefficiency of special care at present.


  5. He would look at the growth of the money supply, though he and his followers always had trouble identifying which measure was the right one.


  6. Provided is an electronic apparatus capable of also supplying sufficient air flow to a heat generating device other than the heat sink.


  7. Then, too, as the supply of youthful workers shrinks, wages should rise and push up the rate of inflation and the cost of capital.


  8. China will be able to maintain its development thanks to a sufficient labor supply for at least the next 40 years.


  9. Now, he felt very happy. He could give his mother food and money. She would be proud of him!


  1. 供给阀鞲鞴

    supply valve piston.

  2. 原材料供给

    raw material supply.

  3. 实行供给制

    To practice thesupply system

  4. 农产品供给

    agricultural product supplies.

  5. 供给制学员

    cadet under the supply system.

  6. 社会福利供给

    social welfare provision.

  7. 社会保障供给

    supply of social security.

  8. 生活供给制

    system of providing for the basic needs of life.

  9. 社会总供给

    total social supply.

  10. 国民总供给

    gross national supply.

  11. 总供给曲线

    Aggregate Supply Curve.

  12. 重油供给泵

    heavy fuel feeding pump

  13. 总供给价格

    aggregate supply price.

  14. 总供给函数

    aggregate supply function.

  15. 信贷供给主体

    credit provider.

  16. 提供供给供应

    To supply furnish.

  17. 会计准则供给

    suooly of accountin

  18. 公共产品供给

    public goods supply.

  19. 基础设施供给

    infrastructure provision.

  20. 供给价格弹性

    price elasticity of supply.

  21. 食物供给短缺。

    Food is in short supply.

  22. 供给发毛营养。

    Provides nutrients to the hair.

  23. 昼夜供给蓄水池

    day supply reservoir

  24. 供给朋友食宿。

    To find food and lodging for a friend

  25. 农产品供给能力

    Agricultural products supply ability

  26. 资金国家供给制

    the system of capital supply by the state

  27. 原材料供给合同

    Exclusive Supply and Sole Source Agreement

  28. 总供给与总需求

    AD and AS

  29. 供给阀鞲鞴涨圈

    supply valve piston ring

  30. 纸币供给量

    money supply


  1. 问:供给拼音怎么拼?供给的读音是什么?供给翻译成英文是什么?

    答:供给的读音是gōngjǐ,供给翻译成英文是 supply

  2. 问:供给制拼音怎么拼?供给制的读音是什么?供给制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:供给制的读音是gōngjǐzhì,供给制翻译成英文是 free supply system

  3. 问:供给值拼音怎么拼?供给值的读音是什么?供给值翻译成英文是什么?

    答:供给值的读音是gōng jǐ zhí,供给值翻译成英文是 supplied value

  4. 问:供给流拼音怎么拼?供给流的读音是什么?供给流翻译成英文是什么?

    答:供给流的读音是gōng jǐ liú,供给流翻译成英文是 supply flow

  5. 问:供给点拼音怎么拼?供给点的读音是什么?供给点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:供给点的读音是gōng jǐ diǎn,供给点翻译成英文是 feed point

  6. 问:供给的拼音怎么拼?供给的的读音是什么?供给的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:供给的的读音是,供给的翻译成英文是 provided

  7. 问:供给管拼音怎么拼?供给管的读音是什么?供给管翻译成英文是什么?

    答:供给管的读音是gōng jǐ guǎn,供给管翻译成英文是 supply conduit

  8. 问:供给箱拼音怎么拼?供给箱的读音是什么?供给箱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:供给箱的读音是gōng jǐ xiāng,供给箱翻译成英文是 service tank

  9. 问:供给线拼音怎么拼?供给线的读音是什么?供给线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:供给线的读音是gōng jǐ xiàn,供给线翻译成英文是 feed line

  10. 问:供给者拼音怎么拼?供给者的读音是什么?供给者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:供给者的读音是,供给者翻译成英文是 furnisher

  11. 问:供给量拼音怎么拼?供给量的读音是什么?供给量翻译成英文是什么?

    答:供给量的读音是gōng jǐ liàng,供给量翻译成英文是 quantity of supply

  12. 问:供给阀拼音怎么拼?供给阀的读音是什么?供给阀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:供给阀的读音是gōng jǐ fá,供给阀翻译成英文是 supplying valve

  13. 问:供给专员拼音怎么拼?供给专员的读音是什么?供给专员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:供给专员的读音是gōng jǐ zhuān yuán,供给专员翻译成英文是 Commissioners of Supply

  14. 问:供给分配拼音怎么拼?供给分配的读音是什么?供给分配翻译成英文是什么?

    答:供给分配的读音是gōng jǐ fēn pèi,供给分配翻译成英文是 Allocate Supplies

  15. 问:供给压力拼音怎么拼?供给压力的读音是什么?供给压力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:供给压力的读音是gōng jǐ yā lì,供给压力翻译成英文是 supply pressure

  16. 问:供给工具拼音怎么拼?供给工具的读音是什么?供给工具翻译成英文是什么?

    答:供给工具的读音是gōng gěi gōng jù,供给工具翻译成英文是 implementation

  17. 问:供给帽子拼音怎么拼?供给帽子的读音是什么?供给帽子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:供给帽子的读音是gōng jǐ mào zǐ,供给帽子翻译成英文是 supplying cap

  18. 问:供给干管拼音怎么拼?供给干管的读音是什么?供给干管翻译成英文是什么?

    答:供给干管的读音是gōng jǐ gān guǎn,供给干管翻译成英文是 supply main

  19. 问:供给弹性拼音怎么拼?供给弹性的读音是什么?供给弹性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:供给弹性的读音是gōng gěi tán xìng,供给弹性翻译成英文是 elasticity of supply

  20. 问:供给曲线拼音怎么拼?供给曲线的读音是什么?供给曲线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:供给曲线的读音是gōng jǐ qū xiàn,供给曲线翻译成英文是 supply curve


