







汉语拼音:diào jù






  1. 钓鱼用具。

    唐 封演 《封氏闻见记·狂谲》:“﹝ 王严光 ﹞廵歷郡县,求麻铁之资,云造钓具。”



  1. Must also be prepared to tackle the site and species for the fishing, the size carefully selected.


  2. all of the correct hardware, shiny and untested, hung from his chest, like tools in a toolshed .


  3. Should be considered as unconditional possibility to properly prepare several different fishing tackle.


  4. So Explorers fishing tackle supplies Co. , Ltd. is willing to work with colleagues from all walks of life progress and common development.


  5. While Santiago is preparing for his eighty fifth attempt, a young boy named Manolin brings him some food and helps him prepare his gear.


  6. The utility model relates to a fishing tackle, concretely to a new fishing tackle applicable to fishing silver carp and bighead carp.


  7. As an example, imagine that FishinHole. com operates a Web site that markets fishing tackle to its customers.


  8. These games are very exciting and I will soon expand the tackle select for the fishing.


  9. Weihai Lan Trading Co. , Ltd. The first objective - one tailored for the best fishing tackle products.


  1. 钓具的形态研究

    The Form of the Fishing Tackle is Studied

  2. 有钓具可供出租。

    Fishing tackle is available for hire.

  3. 约翰忘了带钓具。

    John forgot to bring fishing tackle with him.

  4. 由美国钓具制造商协会

    AFTMA, American Fishing Tackle Manufacturers Association

  5. 渔猎人假饵钓具专门店

    Fish Hunter Lure Fishing Tackle Specially Shop

  6. 我正考虑做钓具生意呢。

    I'm thinking of starting up in the fishing tackle trade.

  7. 调查中使用传统钓具和试验钓具。

    The traditional and experimental fishing gears were used in the survey.

  8. 别忘了带上你的钓具。

    Don't forget to bring your fishing tackle.

  9. 并且也保留您的钓具轻巧和简单。

    Also keep your fishing tackle light and simple too.

  10. 这几种鱼是用专门得钓具钓得。

    These kinds of fish are caught with special tackle.

  11. 更名为如今的国际钓具交易联展会

    International Convention of Allied Sportfishing Trades

  12. 那是你可以买到最好的钓具了。

    That's about the best reel that you can get.

  13. 这几种鱼是用专门的钓具钓的。

    These kinds of fish are caught with special tackle.

  14. 他把钓具用绳子固定在他的汽车顶上。

    Eg. the fishing tackle was held on the top of his car by ropes.

  15. 我们到渔具用品店买了几样钓具。

    We went to the bait shop to buy some tackle.

  16. 我们到渔具用品店买了几样钓具。

    We went to the baIt'shop to buy some tackle.

  17. 我现在就去拿我的钓杆和钓具箱。

    I'll go get my rod and tackle box now.

  18. 试验钓具大眼金枪鱼的捕捞效率高于传统钓具。

    The efficiency of the experimental gear for the bigeye tuna was greater than that of the traditional gear.

  19. 是一个装满了医疗器备的钓具箱。

    It's a tackle box filled with medical supplies.

  20. 站点目前向专业的钓鱼者推广和销售各种钓具。

    The site currently markets and sells fishing tackle of all types to enthusiastic sport fishermen.

  21. 钓具的准备也必须针对所钓场所与鱼种, 大小精心选择。

    Must also be prepared to tackle the site and species for the fishing, the size carefully selected.

  22. 该钓箱箱体容量大,能装下较多的钓具,用具,物品。

    The body of the fishing box has a strong capacity that is able to carry more fishing gadgets, and other utensils.

  23. 如无条件则应考虑多种可能, 适当准备几种不同钓具。

    Should be considered as unconditional possibility to properly prepare several different fishing tackle.


  1. 问:钓具拼音怎么拼?钓具的读音是什么?钓具翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钓具的读音是diàojù,钓具翻译成英文是 fishing tackle