







汉语拼音:pāi dàn






  1. 犹拍弹。盛行于 唐 宋 时的一种流行曲调。

    《事文类聚续集》卷二四引 宋 吴曾 《能改斋漫录》:“於时才士,始依乐工拍但之声,被之以辞,句之长短,各随曲度,而愈失古之‘声依永’之理也。”



  1. As baby photos go, this collection has got to be one of the most adorable. And certainly the most magical.


  2. It can be regarded as a street photograph, but it is at the same time a beautiful formal portrait.


  3. I got attracted by this smart design on the gate, but didn't watch the trench while taking this picture;


  1. 你长得很可爱, 但拍照片时不应该站她边上。

    You're cute but maybe you shouldn't stand next to her in family pictures.

  2. 谢里夫说,我拍的,但我发誓这是自卫。

    I shot the sheriff, but I swear it was in selfdefense.

  3. 当您结束, 有些人可能会或不会拍你, 但你可以很容易脱身。

    When you exit some people may or may not shoot at you, but you can easily get away.

  4. 莫妮卡和钱德去拍订婚照, 但钱德在镜头前总是笑得不自然。

    Monica and Chandler try to get a good engagement picture, but it seems impossible because Chandler can't seem to smile properly when there's a camera involved.

  5. 但要拍一只性感,引人眼球的蚌真的很困难。

    Its very, very difficult, though, to make a sexy, grabby picture of a clam.

  6. 他想要拍我马屁, 但我才不吃那一套。

    Hes trying to butter me up, but Im not buying it.

  7. 我知道他想要拍我马屁, 但我才不吃一套。

    I know he's trying to butter me up, but I'm not buying it.

  8. 而我们为他们拍了一些简单但不错的录影。

    And we took some pretty cruddy home movies.

  9. 乔说他只拍成人电影,但我认为那太过低级。

    Joe said he only did adult movies, so I said thats kind of sleazy.

  10. 大家都说会永远拍不完, 但现在是放手的时候了。

    People said it would never end, but now it's time to let it go.

  11. 但你是拍不完的。

    But you never have.

  12. 我拍了很多, 但比较满意的很少, 下面我挑选几张与大家分享。

    Below are just a few chosen, which are much better than previous ones shown.

  13. 但你没法拍下汽油的味道。

    But you can't photograph the taste of gasoline.

  14. 拍狗的脊背可以,但可别拍它的鼻子。

    It's safe to pat the dog on its back but not on its nose.

  15. 拍狗得脊背可以,但可别拍它得鼻子。

    It's safe to pat the dog on its back but not on its nose.

  16. 他拍了三部电影, 但从未获奖。

    He made three films but never won prizes.

  17. 尽管我对国王湖感到失望,但还是拍了不少像片。

    Although I felt disappointed for the k? Nigsee, I still took some pictures there.

  18. 太漂亮了!我看到这样的彩虹但没有机会拍到他。

    Too pretty, I see as rainbow but no chance to get him.

  19. 本人写过小说, 拍过小电影, 但从未开过专卖店。

    While I have written a novel and made a short film, I have never worked in a boutique.

  20. 需要的话, 我们能为您拍到海上日出, 但日落不行。

    We can get you a sunrise over the sea, if necessary, but not a sunset.

  21. 我们也许不能拍得很好, 但我们可以展现自己的潜力和视界。

    We may not do it very well, but we can show our potential and vision.

  22. 但我不敢拍,怕拿出照相机惹怒他们。

    But I was afraid to irritate them so I did not take out my camera.

  23. 他声称自己已戒烟,但今年却被拍到在一家烟草工厂吸烟。

    He claimed to have quit smoking but was snapped puffing on a cigarette at a tobacco factory this year.

  24. 但他们总是停下来拍张照片。

    But they always stop and take a picture.

  25. 但在非洲西部音乐中,第一拍

    But in West African music the one.

  26. 但他的传球总是慢了一拍。

    But he was slow in releasing his passes.

  27. 但最後還是必須將所有製圖 拍成電影

    But then, you know, eventually you have to turn all these drawings into reality.

  28. 我想我都已经拍齐了,但我不能肯定。

    I think I've got them all, but I'm not sure.

  29. 但他还是以惊人的速度拍完了这部电影。

    He nevertheless completed the film with breathtaking speed.

  30. 但他们毫不知道这将是他们拍的最是时候的照片。

    Little did they know that it would be heir best timed picture.