







汉语拼音:dū nóng







  1. 嘟囔。

    《老残游记》第二十回:“ 小金子 出了房门,嘴里还嘟噥道:‘没有了银子,还做大爷呢!不害个臊!’” 骆宾基 《生与死》:“商人嘟哝着背过身,想另外找插腿站的地方。” 包川 《办婚事的年轻人》:“‘难道现代化会从天上掉下来!’姑娘低声嘟哝了一句。”

  2. 指唠叨地向人表示不满。

    孙犁 《白洋淀纪事·光荣》:“我什么活没做完呀!我不过是多卖些力气罢了,又轮着你这么嘟哝人!”参见“ 嘟囔 ”。



  1. Why is Duncan allowed to talk all that SMACK after he was T'ed up? Kick him out of the game.

  2. grumbled Lilly's uncle Frederick. And he turned his back and stomped out to the garden.

  3. Her dad yelled for her to get in the car immediately, and headed for the garage grumbling.

  4. But Rhodes was not going gentle into any good night. On his deathbed he was heard muttering, "So little done, so much to do. "

  5. "Haven't had one of these for years, " he murmurs, sitting down on especially plumped-up cushions while I remove his shoes.

  6. 'It is not be supposed, I say 'And I say, ' murmured Mrs Chick, 'that I never thought it was. '

  7. Lisa: (Mutters under her breath) The only reason he left was that he didn't have to eat your cooking.

  8. Did not get medicine prescribed in a dejected expression, mouth repeatedly murmured: "retribution, this is retribution. "

  9. I hate my boss , " a grim-faced office worker mutters. " He never shows appreciation for anything .


  1. 嘟哝着抱怨

    To mutter complaints.

  2. 我嘟哝着回答说。

    I answered with a grunt.

  3. 男孩嘟哝着回答。

    The boy grunted in answer.

  4. 阴郁的抱怨或者嘟哝

    To complain or grumble morosely.

  5. 他嘟哝着道了谢。

    He grunted his thanks.

  6. 我进屋时嘟哝道。

    I growled as I went in.

  7. 你半夜三更嘟哝什么呢?

    What's with all that mumbling?

  8. 废话,我嘟哝了一声。

    Rubbish,'I grunted.

  9. 他自言自语般地嘟哝着。

    He spoke in a low mumble, as if to himself.

  10. 奥斯卡嘟哝着站起身。

    Oscar grunted and got up.

  11. 大海却用他独有的语言嘟哝

    And the sea murmurs in its own language

  12. 把声音渐渐放低, 变成小声嘟哝

    to diminuendo down to a mutter

  13. 畸,它不太大,他用英语嘟哝道。

    Huh, him not very beeg, he grunts.

  14. 嘟哝喉间发出低沉的声音或叫喊

    To emit a low, guttural sound or utterance.

  15. 咕哝低声地嘟哝或者不清楚地说话。

    A low grumble or indistinct utterance.

  16. 这时,哈罗德间或会嘟哝两声,

    From time to time Harold grunted

  17. 他嘟哝着一些不干不净的话走了。

    He left, muttering obscenities.

  18. 法师嘟哝了一声, 被击退到雪中。

    The mage let out a grunt and was hurtled backward into the snow.

  19. 她正嘟哝着抱怨她那走味的陈年食糖。

    She was mumbling away about her rotten old sugar.

  20. 司机嘟哝了一声,认定迈克尔是发疯了。

    The driver grunted, convinced that Michael was crazy.

  21. 莉莉的叔叔一边嘟哝着,一边转身向花园走去。

    grumbled Lillys uncle Frederick. And he turned his back and stomped out to the garden.

  22. 马修轻声嘟哝着,打着手势指着他的字母板。

    Matthew whispered and gesticulated at his board.

  23. 马库斯站了起来, 前言不搭后语地嘟哝着。

    Marcus stood up, muttering incoherently.

  24. 他回来后就嘟哝个不停,谁也不知道他在说什么。

    He kept mumbling after coming back, but no one knew what was going on in his mind.

  25. 虽然他嘟哝着的西班牙语, 可当我大抵知道了说什么。

    He grunted something in Spanish that I didn't understand, but I got the general drift.

  26. 虽然他嘟哝着得西班牙语,可当我大抵知道了说什么。

    He grunted something in Spanish that I didn't understand, but I got the general drift.


  1. 问:嘟哝拼音怎么拼?嘟哝的读音是什么?嘟哝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:嘟哝的读音是dūnong,嘟哝翻译成英文是 Now generally written as "嘟囔"; mutter




【读音】dū nong


【出处】《老残游记》第二十回:“ 小金子出了房门,嘴里还嘟哝道:‘没有了银子,还做大爷呢!不害个臊!’”
