







汉语拼音:zhāo jià








  1. 承认;应承。

    《京本通俗小说·菩萨蛮》:“先前説过的话,如何赖得?他若欺心不招架时,左右做我不着。”《西游记》第六八回:“汝等见他,须要行个大礼,叫他声‘ 孙老爷 ’,他就招架了。”《古今小说·临安里钱婆留发迹》:“只怕彩头短少,须吃他财主笑话。少停赌对时,我只説有在你处,你与我招架一声。”

  2. 接待;答理。

    《警世通言·钝秀才一朝交泰》:“ 曹公 见其衣衫不整,心下不悦,又知是 王振 的仇家,不敢招架,送下小小程仪,就辞了。”《警世通言·杜十娘怒沉百宝箱》:“后来叙到路费欠缺,意欲借贷……亲友们就不招架。”《快心编初集》第八回:“只见众人但诧怪土贼围城,説到借宿,都不来招架。”《快心编二集》第三回:“便有一个姓 王 的出来招架,留 珮珩 住歇。”

  3. 抵挡。

    清 洪昇 《长生殿·进果》:“挨受打和駡,将身去招架。”《说唐》第十六回:“ 雷明 看 司马超 这把大刀,神出鬼没,自己招架不住,慌忙要走。” 袁静 《伏虎记》第二六回:“这时候,从山坡上又飞下来了一串串子弹和一颗颗手榴弹,敌人招架不住,败下阵去。”

  4. 应付;对付。

    《快心编二集》第六回:“正是哩,亏老爷骗脱了,若是小的们,定难招架。”《收穫》1981年第5期:“人们纷纷围住 田炜 ,有的敬酒道喜,有的埋怨他不早讲,看不起庄户人,登时闹得 田炜 招架不迭。”



  1. Grimm We may not be able to deal with ground enemies in this formation. . . Are we still launching like this?


  2. He did not take the identification as a compliment; but he made the best of it, and turned it off with a laugh.


  3. As they invested those reserves in places like the U. S. and U. K. , they put an unprecedented strain on financial markets.


  4. The last thing the Japanese need now is to open a second front and invite Chinese retaliation against Japanese exporters.


  5. AS IF collapsing prices were not enough, American mortgage firms now have to cope with home rage.


  6. You will be very kind, sensitive, empathetic, aggressive beh*ior may be the face of overwhelming but willing to accommodate.


  7. Researchers believe that HIV attack fast, there was no time even to the immune system defenseless Huanshou.


  8. At first she fought just to get him off her, but it was a hard fight. Such a small a child to fight so fiercely.


  9. It came as Norway succumbed to a double attack in what is being described as the worst atrocity it has faced since the Second World War.


  1. 这女孩很会招架。

    This girl could fence.

  2. 某物多得难以招架

    to be swamped with sth

  3. 某物多得难以招架

    to be swamped with something

  4. 他可能还招架不了你

    You were probably more than he could handle.

  5. 那人一壁招架,一壁夺门而出。

    The man forced his way out as he warded off the blows.

  6. 我对浪漫毫无招架之力。

    I'm such a sucker for romance.

  7. 让我的父母觉得难以招架

    had taken a toll on my mother and father.

  8. 她聪明机智, 使人难以招架。

    She uses wit with deadly effect.

  9. 冷板凳队似乎无招架之力。

    And it looks like the benchwarmers will go down without a fight.

  10. 他秘书的工作多得难以招架。

    His secretary was swamped with work.

  11. 她认为他对女人毫无招架之力。

    He was, she believes, unusually susceptible to women.

  12. 她的伶牙俐齿叫人招架不住。

    Her clever tongue gets on one's nerves.

  13. 过多的改革会让学生招架不住。

    Too many students losing some of the reforms will.

  14. 克林顿夫人发现这一次很难招架。

    Mrs Clinton finds this hard to parry.

  15. 攻城机械将不再格挡、招架和闪躲。

    Siege engines should no longer block, Parry or dodge.

  16. 所有涌出的乳汁可能令宝宝难以招架。

    All that milk rushing down the ducts may be more than baby can handle.

  17. 冰霜打击将不能被格挡, 躲闪或招架。

    Frost Strike can no longer be blocked, dodged or parried.

  18. 狄克依旧在他的前边招架着,窥觑着破绽。

    Still Dick fled before him, spying for his chance.

  19. 结果表明反对势力强大得使他难以招架。

    The opposition proved too strong for him.

  20. 当然死亡骑士要堆大量的闪避和招架

    I think DKs may end up stacking a lot of dodge and parry just because they cant benefit from block percent or block value.

  21. 他是闪避的化身、招架的人格化和躲避的神话。

    He's the epitome of evasion, the personification of parry and the apotheosis of avoidance.

  22. 女人的呻吟和唠叨, 都能使男人无力招架。

    Moaning and nagging women can make men unable to parry.

  23. 这使得未命中, 躲闪, 招架不那么让人痛苦。

    This makes misses, dodges and parries a lot less painful.

  24. 他连番出招,对手已经招架不住了。

    He attacked continuously, and the opponent could hardly ward off the blows.

  25. 他连番出招,对手已经招架不住了。

    He attacked continuously, and the opponent could hardly ward off the blows.

  26. 我在网球赛时把他打得无招架之力。

    I walloped him attennis.

  27. 这一招倒是出人意料,而且也使人难以招架。

    This move was unexpected, and proportionately disconcerting.

  28. 我们打他们, 他们只有招架之功, 并无还手之力。

    When we attacked them, they could only parry our blows without being able to strike back.

  29. 他不能被躲闪,招架,格挡,消耗10符文能量。

    It cannot be dodged, blocked or parried, and costs 10 runic power.

  30. 新天赋正直杀戮你每次招架时获得6点怒气。

    New talent Justified Killing You gain 4 rage every time you parry an attack.


  1. 问:招架拼音怎么拼?招架的读音是什么?招架翻译成英文是什么?

    答:招架的读音是zhāojià,招架翻译成英文是 hold one’s own


