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抛,掷,扔(多指有目标的):~篮。~弹(dàn )。跳进去:~河。自~罗网。放进去,送进去:~入。~资。~标。走向,进入:~宿(找地方住宿)。~奔。~靠。~降。~师(从师学习)。~诉。发向:~射。~影。寄,递送:~递。~稿。合:~合。意气相……
1. 降 [jiàng]降 [jiàng]下落,落下:下~。~旨。~临。~旗。空~。减低,贬抑:~低。~价。~职。~解(jiě)。~心相从(抵制自己心志以服从别人)。姓。基本字义● 降xiáng ㄒㄧㄤˊ投降,归顺:宁死不~。降服,使驯服。……
汉语拼音:tóu xiáng
唐 陆贽 《放淮西生口归本贯敕》:“其投降人等,权於诸州县安置者,亦任各从所适。” 辽 懿德皇后 《伏虎林应制》诗:“灵怪大千俱破胆,那教猛虎不投降。” 明 唐顺之 《为擒获溃兵及奸细事疏》:“餘党怜其被脇,既已投降,悉从轻典,理合题知。” 梁斌 《播火记》四八:“为了革命,流血并不可怕,最可怕的是投降与屈辱!”
This will be changed under the war situation, did not alert the enemy, soon surrendered.
这下便改变了战局,敌人没有戒备,不久就投降了。But when he turns up one night asking her to help him find his missing cousin, she's ready to surrender to sweet sensual satisfaction. . .
但是,当他变成了一个晚上请她帮他找到他失踪的表妹,她准备投降甜感官满足…The enemy surrounded the town trying to force them to surrender .
敌人围困了这个城,想逼他们投降。He did not put forward his own solutions toward the unconditional surrender of fascist state.
没能在要求法西斯国家无条件投降不足上提出自己的对策;Is there any doubt about this ongoing inflation capitulation and the beginning of sharp deflationary forces?
有任何疑问这种持续通货膨胀投降并开始急剧通货紧缩的力量?They, like rows of soldiers, like a strong and unyielding, unwilling to yield to the enemy to surrender.
它们像一排排坚强不屈的士兵一样,不肯向敌人投降屈服。Here's this guy with his hands up, turning in a circle to give himself up to a model airplane with a camera in it.
这家伙举着手围绕着一架装有摄像头的模型飞机转,示意投降。Without withdrawing his hand, he mouthed a threat at Teacher Fei, who lifted his arms as if surrendering and stood up to leave.
男孩没有停手,而是对范老师发出威吓的声音,范老师举起双手做出投降的样子,然后起身离开了。They had fought well against a much stronger enemy. Anderson said he would surrender, if he and his men could leave with honor.