


1. 屈 [qū]屈 [qū]使弯曲,与“伸”相对:~曲(qū)。~折。~膝。~伸(弯曲和伸直,引申为失意和得意)。首~一指。卑躬~膝。低头,降服:~服。~从。威武不~。冤枉,叫人不痛快:冤~。委~。~辱。~才。~就(受委屈而担任某种职务,……


1. 从 [cóng]2. 从 [zòng]从 [cóng]依顺:顺~。盲~。~善如流。采取,按照:~优。跟随:愿~其后。跟随的人:侍~。仆~。参与:~业。~政。投笔~戎。由,自:~古至今。~我做起。次要的:主~。~犯。宗族中次于至亲的亲属……



汉语拼音:qū cóng








  1. "Even the European Central Bank has somewhat bowed to international pressure with its purchase of covered bonds, " she said.


  2. Expressing anger may be difficult if you were taught to soothe over conflicts or to defer to other's feelings.


  3. You don't know Gaddafi if you think he'll give in to international pressure and take the path of a negotiated exile.


  4. Tempted by a dream of happiness, he had yielded himself with deliberate choice, as he had never done before, to what he knew was deadly sin.


  5. But the President was no Wilson or Franklin Roosevelt when it came to bending Congress to his will.


  6. Yet the Fed's credibility could be at stake if it allowed itself to be bullied into a late U-turn that is not clearly justified by the data.


  7. But she let herself give in to what her body commanded, sunk underneath the surface, and let her eyes close for good.


  8. Perhaps having someone to look up to would have made it less appealing to succumb to the temptation of THIN.


  9. In Brazil, it looks as if the bank has yielded to pressure from the government to ease up.


  1. 屈从于舆论

    servile to puBlic opinion.

  2. 威逼某人屈从

    frighten sb into submission

  3. 强迫他人屈从

    to will others into submission.

  4. 屈从性人格

    submissive personality.

  5. 屈从于外来压力

    yield to pressure from outside

  6. 完全屈从于压制

    A complete surrender of inhibitions.

  7. 完全屈从完全屈从, 如情感

    To yield completely, as to emotion.

  8. 他懂得了如何屈从。

    He knows how to bend.

  9. 他们不肯屈从权力。

    They refused to bow to power.

  10. 屈从于他人的权势

    to surrender to the power of another

  11. 他们恐吓他, 使他屈从。

    They terrorized him into compliance.

  12. 不要屈从于轰动效应。

    Dont give in to sensationalism.

  13. 整个民族屈从于暴政。

    The whole nation bowed their necks to tyranny

  14. 他屈从于她的意志。

    He bent to her will.

  15. 他屈从于她的愿望。

    He bent to her wishes.

  16. 我决不屈从任何人。

    I refuse to kowtow to anyone.

  17. 易屈从于政治压力的

    vulnerable to political pressure

  18. 他屈从了我们的要求。

    He was caved in to our demand.

  19. 他屈从了他们的请求。

    He was overcome by their entreaties.

  20. 我们使我们屈从于我们的诗。

    We make ourselves subservient to our poetry.

  21. 进化, 就是对选择的屈从。

    To evolve is to surrender choices.

  22. 他们拒不屈从任何压力。

    They refused to knuckle under to any pressure.

  23. 不要屈从于可怕的事情。

    Never succumb to the gorgon's stare.

  24. 她被迫屈从南西的意见。

    She be force to bow to nancy's opinion.

  25. 不能屈从于金钱的诱惑。

    Do not succumb to a crave desire for money.

  26. 汤姆总是屈从于他得大哥。

    Tom always gave in to his big brother.

  27. 爱情征服一切,我们必须屈从爱情。

    Love conquers all; and we must yield to love.

  28. 许多女人屈从于他的魅力。

    Many women had succumbed to his charms.

  29. 许多女人屈从于他得魅力。

    Many women had succumbed to his charms.

  30. 她总是屈从于那些有钱人。

    She always truckles to those who have money.


  1. 问:屈从拼音怎么拼?屈从的读音是什么?屈从翻译成英文是什么?

    答:屈从的读音是qūcóng,屈从翻译成英文是 give way

  2. 问:屈从感拼音怎么拼?屈从感的读音是什么?屈从感翻译成英文是什么?

    答:屈从感的读音是qū cóng gǎn,屈从感翻译成英文是 feeling of resignation

  3. 问:屈从性格拼音怎么拼?屈从性格的读音是什么?屈从性格翻译成英文是什么?

    答:屈从性格的读音是qū cóng xìng gé,屈从性格翻译成英文是 compliant character

  4. 问:屈从行为拼音怎么拼?屈从行为的读音是什么?屈从行为翻译成英文是什么?

    答:屈从行为的读音是qū cóng xíng wéi,屈从行为翻译成英文是 submission

  5. 问:屈从角色拼音怎么拼?屈从角色的读音是什么?屈从角色翻译成英文是什么?

    答:屈从角色的读音是qū cóng jué sè,屈从角色翻译成英文是 subservient role

  6. 问:屈从性人格拼音怎么拼?屈从性人格的读音是什么?屈从性人格翻译成英文是什么?

    答:屈从性人格的读音是qū cóng xìng rén gé,屈从性人格翻译成英文是 submissive personality



“屈从”是个多义词,它可以指屈从(汉语词语), 屈从(里索斯诗作)。