


用耳朵接受声音:~力。~写。~觉。聆~。洗耳恭~。顺从,接受别人的意见:言~计从。任凭,随:~任(rèn )。~凭。~之任之。治理;判断:~讼(审理案件)。~政。量词,指马口铁密封成筒状以贮藏食物、饮料等:一~可口可乐。……


动植物的生活能力:生~。救~。逃~。拼~。~脉。性~。相依为~。迷信认为生来就注定的贫富、寿数等:天~。~相(xiàng )。~运(a.迷信指生死、贫富和一切遭遇;b.喻发展变化的趋向,如“人民一定能掌握自己的~~”)。上级对下级的指示:奉……



汉语拼音:tīng mìng








  1. 犹从命。

    《礼记·祭义》:“进退必敬,如亲听命。”《左传·僖公二十四年》:“ 郑 之人入 滑 也, 滑 人听命。”《孔子家语·哀公问政》:“民既孝於亲,又顺以听命,措诸天下,无所不可。” 唐 韩愈 《黄家贼事宜状》:“若因改元大庆,赦其罪戾,遣一郎官御史,亲往宣諭,必望风降伏,讙呼听命。” 清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·海超勇》:“生平唯服 阿文成公 ,任其驱使辱詈,听命惟谨。” 郭希仁 《从戎纪略》:“乃以 吴世昌 令,改派 吴善卿 为各路总指挥,不听命者斩以徇。”



  1. He had waited and plotted for a great length of time to be standing where he was now, with Jones at his command(5).


  2. quickly found out who was in charge. " She was always in command of her courtroom, " one said, " but she always wore a velvet glove. "


  3. But it is likely that the PBoC will be under orders to hold off raising rates or arresting loan growth for at least the next six months.


  4. After 11 years. . . I understand that the pilot carried out his order, but I do not feel regrets for him when he killed himself! . . .


  5. The moment he began to obey, that moment the healing process began.


  6. Though receiving the compass, he said he wouldn't comply with her order, However, he can take some comprised action.


  7. It is nonsense to stick with a broker, or any other sort of 'professional' who just takes your money.


  8. It would be too simplistic to put all of this down to a cultural propensity to defer to bullying corporate bosses.


  9. Martha Washington understood my signs, and I seldom had any difficulty in making her do just as I wished.


  1. 他听命於她。

    He was like putty in her hands.

  2. 听命行事测验

    directions test

  3. 他听命于她。

    He was like putty in her hands.

  4. 都会听命于你。

    Will be at your command.

  5. 他们只听命于我

    The only orders they take are from me.

  6. 他拒绝听命于他人。

    He refused to be dictated to.

  7. 为什么我该听命于你?

    Why should I dance to your pipe ?

  8. 我拒不俯首听命。

    I will not be lorded over.

  9. 会欢快地响应, 听命于

    Gaily, when invited, beating obedient

  10. 他甘愿听命于他的夫人。

    He is contented to take orders from his wife.

  11. 乖乖听命, 不然我就开枪。

    Behave yourself, or I will shot.

  12. 他们不情愿的听命做事。

    They did it unwillingly at his dictation.

  13. 杜绝多头听命, 造成指令矛盾。

    Avoid conflicting lines of command.

  14. 侍者听命给他拿了过来。

    The waiter did as he was desired.

  15. 听命胜于公羊的脂油。

    To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.

  16. 人某人呼来唤去, 听命于。

    At the beck and call of sb.

  17. 那时候,你只能听命于人。

    In those days you did what you were told.

  18. 保罗完全听命于自己的妻子。

    Paul lets his wife lead him by the nose.

  19. 那心灵只听命于你,只对你忠贞。

    The heart which love of thee alone can bind.

  20. 南方也很不愿意俯首听命。

    The South also paid little obedience.

  21. 他对于不得不听命于人很恼火。

    He had chafed at having to take orders from another.

  22. 防范不严的心灵便俯首听命了。

    These badly guarded souls listen.

  23. 防范不严得心灵便俯首听命了。

    These badly guarded souls listen.

  24. 她不断引诱查理,直到他听命于她。

    She lured Charley on until he did just what she wanted.

  25. 有成千上万的人随时听命于她。

    There are thousands of men at her call.

  26. 她想要她丈夫一直对她俯首听命。

    She wanted her husband to lick her boots all the time.

  27. 他认为她在那儿只是听命于他的。

    He assumes she is only there to do his bidding.

  28. 他热爱法律,但是他不喜欢听命于老板。

    He loved the law, but didn't like to listen to bosses.

  29. 她谨守在听命与承欢的范围以内。

    She confined herself to obeying and pleasing him.

  30. 妻子必须在各个方面完全 听命于丈夫。

    a wife should be subordinate to her husband in every way.


  1. 问:听命拼音怎么拼?听命的读音是什么?听命翻译成英文是什么?

    答:听命的读音是tīngmìng,听命翻译成英文是 take orders from




【拼音】tīng mìng
