


1. 摩 [mó]2. 摩 [mā]摩 [mó]擦,蹭,接触:~擦。~天。~崖(山崖上刻的文字、佛像等)。~肩接踵。~顶放踵。摸,抚:~弄。~挲(suō)研究,切磋:观~。揣~(a.研究,仔细琢磨;b.估量,推测)。古同“磨”,磨擦。摩 [……


上,升:~山。~车。~门。~天。~台。~场(chǎng )。~高。~攀。~临。~科。~程。~堂入室。踩,践踏,脚向下用力:~踏。踢~。记载:~记。~报。~载。谷物成熟:~岁(丰年)。五谷丰~。立刻:~时。“~即相许和,便可作婚姻。”进:~崇……



汉语拼音:mó dēng








  1. 见“ 摩登伽女 ”。

  2. 英语modern的译音。现代的、合时的;新奇时髦的。

    茅盾 《劫后拾遗》五:“ 王先生 ,你这话就不大摩登了。这年头儿,识时务者为俊杰。” 老舍 《四世同堂》四三:“她的服装与头发脸面的修饰都还是摩登的,没有受娼妓们的影响。”



  1. New ventures rarely run smoothly, but one of her problems came from an unexpected quarter: some of the original Miss de Mode retailers.


  2. These. . . In these modern days, people like to be with many different people, but I'll tell you some people think I'm crazy.


  3. Modern iron may cooperate with all sectors of cooperation, to work with you to create a better future!


  4. I grew up with images of the city as a burnt-out shell and was amazed to see how modern it is.


  5. I'm taking Huei-fang round to see what the modern youth of Shanghai gets up to when it goes out into the country!


  6. In its fundamentally conservative vision, "Modern Family" turns out to be not so modern after all.


  7. At Modern Family Real Estate we aim to combine the best of what local and expat real estate companies have to offer in the Chengdu market.


  8. It's a movie set in the 1960s, and most of the action takes place in a modern but peeling and slightly ramshackle hotel.


  9. It's designed to let you in the company or wearing civilian clothes, appeared cool and modern.


  1. 非常摩登的人

    a howling swell

  2. 摩登纽约电影海报

    Slaves of new york Movie Poster

  3. 超级, 摩登, 俊俏, 罗曼蒂克

    Super, modem, pretty and romantic

  4. 看起来真够新颖, 摩登。

    It does seem new and modern.

  5. 默片中的别样摩登

    Vagarious Modern In The Silent Film

  6. 她的发型使她显得摩登。

    Her hair style brands her as modern fashioned.

  7. 我们有最摩登的电脑系统。

    We have the most modern computer system.

  8. 摩登舞中女士的角色

    The role of lady in Modern Ballroom Dancing

  9. 或是二十世纪中叶的摩登毛巾

    or some midcentury modern towels?

  10. 汇集摩登天空旗下众多乐队的

    Chill Out of Modern Sky

  11. 这是恶俗与摩登令人捧腹的组合。

    It's a hilarious mix of kitsch and modern wonder.

  12. 他也送来了一辆摩登的汽车。

    And he also sent a modern car.

  13. 事实上, 我们生活在一个摩登时代。

    Actually, we live in a modern period.

  14. 北京摩登天空音乐节上的北京青年一代。

    The new generation on Beijing modern sky music festival.

  15. 她就像圣诞装扮界里的摩登家庭。

    She's like the Modern Family of Christmas decorations.

  16. 那位女神原来一位相貌十分摩登的女郎。

    We discussed about Christy, she was the goddess to me.

  17. 玛丽真是个摩登女郎!瞧她那身打扮!

    Mary is such a clotheshorse!Look at her now.

  18. 你的摩登时代世界上每个人都能理解。

    The Modern Times everybody in the world can understand.

  19. 跟在宽阔、摩登的街道上看到的大不一样。

    It's quite different from that seen in the wide modern streets.

  20. 逃离温暖的霓虹,凛凛的寒,逃离摩登时代螺丝钉的命运。

    Flees the warm neon, the cold cold, flees the modern time screw bolt the destiny.

  21. 但古怪摩登的装饰对我来说没有什么吸引力。

    Quirky modern decor which did little for me.

  22. 她处在一个转型时期, 在高贵与摩登间徘徊。

    She is at a transforming stage, battling between royal and modern.

  23. 在音乐方面最好的可能是2008摩登天空音乐节。

    The best in terms of music was probably the2008 Modern Sky Festival.

  24. 在有些摩登时装中可以看到三十年代的影子。

    In some modern fashions we can see shades of the 1930s

  25. 在有些摩登时装中可以看到叁十年代的影子。

    In some modern fashions we can see shades of the 1930 s.

  26. 上海宛如纽约 国家的经济中心,又十分时尚,摩登。

    Shanghai is the economic centre, modern and fashionable, just like the New York City.

  27. 团队以表演国际标准摩登舞和拉丁舞节目为主。

    The Troupe primarily performs International Modern and Latin Ballroom Dance.

  28. 传统的街边理发服务,在摩登的新加坡已经越来越少见。

    The traditional street barber a vanishing trade in modern day Singapore.

  29. 去布莱顿捣毁窗子的那些摩登派和摇滚乐迷。

    The MODS and rockers who go down to Brighton and smash the windows.

  30. 如果我们想娱乐, 大多数喜欢摩登电影而不是古典小说。

    If we want entertainment most of us prefer a modern film to a classical novel.


  1. 问:摩登拼音怎么拼?摩登的读音是什么?摩登翻译成英文是什么?

    答:摩登的读音是módēng,摩登翻译成英文是 modern

  2. 问:摩登呢拼音怎么拼?摩登呢的读音是什么?摩登呢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:摩登呢的读音是,摩登呢翻译成英文是 moderne

  3. 问:摩登保镳拼音怎么拼?摩登保镳的读音是什么?摩登保镳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:摩登保镳的读音是,摩登保镳翻译成英文是 Security Unlimited

  4. 问:摩登家庭拼音怎么拼?摩登家庭的读音是什么?摩登家庭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:摩登家庭的读音是Módēng Jiātíng,摩登家庭翻译成英文是 Modern Family

  5. 问:摩登时代拼音怎么拼?摩登时代的读音是什么?摩登时代翻译成英文是什么?

    答:摩登时代的读音是Módēng Shídài,摩登时代翻译成英文是 Modern Times

  6. 问:摩登原始人拼音怎么拼?摩登原始人的读音是什么?摩登原始人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:摩登原始人的读音是mó dēng yuán shǐ rén,摩登原始人翻译成英文是 The Flinstones, an animated American televisio...

  7. 问:摩登天空音乐节拼音怎么拼?摩登天空音乐节的读音是什么?摩登天空音乐节翻译成英文是什么?

    答:摩登天空音乐节的读音是,摩登天空音乐节翻译成英文是 Modern Sky Festival

  8. 问:摩登女郎谋杀案拼音怎么拼?摩登女郎谋杀案的读音是什么?摩登女郎谋杀案翻译成英文是什么?

    答:摩登女郎谋杀案的读音是,摩登女郎谋杀案翻译成英文是 Murder a la Mod



摩登一词最早出现于《楞严经》、巴利文经典和大正藏第十四卷的《佛说摩登女经》。 19世纪20年代末期,因为与modern读音相近,拥有“现代”和“时髦”之意。 19世纪30年代以后,逐渐以“时髦”为主要含义。