







汉语拼音:rù shí








  1. 合乎时尚;投合世俗喜好。

    唐 朱庆馀 《近试上张籍水部》诗:“妆罢低声问夫壻,画眉深浅入时无?” 宋 林希逸 《代石虚中谢表》:“伏念臣样不入时,器非适用。” 清 叶廷琯 《吹网录·龙城柳石刻》:“今庙中所刻,并非白石,笔法软弱入时。” 巴金 《寒夜》尾声:“从车上走下来一个装束入时的女人。”



  1. of his soul he was an outsider, and anti-social, and he accepted the fact inwardly, no matter how Bond-Streety he was on the outside.


  2. If you create a baseline at this point, changes made to your test assets since the last checkin will not be part of this baseline.


  3. Her partner is stylishly dressed as well in dark denim, leather shoes and a purple v neck sweater layered over a white tee.


  4. He therefore waited the arrival of his baggage from Edinburgh, that he might arrange his dress according to the fashion of the day.


  5. High-resolution block in Guangzhou City, several dress stylish easy to teach girls self Road.


  6. Having children is relatively easy in France, one reason Paris seems to teem with stylish career women with several offspring.


  7. One feels like getting in and out of the plane in a business suit or a nice dress or saree - the way our parents travelled, in style.


  8. You can restyle that old fur coat into a fashionable fur- lined trench coat and save thousands of dollars .


  9. But it could face losses if it has to sell them when interest rates are higher than when it purchased them.


  1. 她衣着入时。

    She's a snappy dresser.

  2. 穿着入时的人

    a fashionable dresser

  3. 衣着入时的赌徒

    a gambler in a sharp suit

  4. 她喜欢穿戴入时。

    She likes to keep up with the latest fashions.

  5. 她衣着很入时。

    Shes a very snappy dresser, ie She dresses very smartly and trendily.

  6. 条子喂入时太散。

    Spread of sliver at feed excessive.

  7. 她总是穿着入时,引人注目。

    She's always conspicuous because of her fashionable clothes.

  8. 南希衣着入时。神情冷淡。

    Nancy smartly dressed and aloof.

  9. 她的衣著总是很入时。

    Her clothes are always right up to the minute.

  10. 内存断点于写入时

    MW Memory breakpt on write

  11. 她穿着入时, 但不善于辞令。

    She dressed well, but she has no conversation.

  12. 她服装入时, 洒了香水。

    She was fashionably dressed and perfumed.

  13. 她总是穿著入时, 引人注目。

    Shes always conspicuous because of her fashionable clothes.

  14. 另外也包括美食和入时的服装。

    Also included here are fancy foods and the latest styles in clothing.

  15. 赫斯渥像往常一样打扮入时,风度翩翩。

    Hurstwood was in his best form, as usual.

  16. 当人们鱼贯而入时就议论开了。

    As the procession filed in, comments were audible.

  17. 键入时自动套用格式确保正确设置格式。

    Autoformat as you type ensures correct formatting.

  18. 签入时将提交挂起的更改。

    Pending changes will be committed at checkin.

  19. 他留着金色的长发,很不入时。

    He wears his blonde hair unfashionably long.

  20. 英雄主义、轰轰烈烈、衣着入时都与他无缘。

    Heroism, and noise, and fashion are all against him.

  21. 当落日照入时,我们停止了工作。

    We stopped the work when the setting sun shone in.

  22. 贾尼斯总是非常时髦。穿着入时。浓妆艳抹。

    Janice is always up to the minute. with the latest fashions in and styles in makeup.

  23. 史蒂文森太太穿老总是,整齐入时。

    Mrs.Stevenson always looks sharp as a tack.

  24. 尽管他年事很高,但思想观念却很入时。

    He has modern ideas in spite of his great age.

  25. 按退格键删除键入时发生的错误。

    Press the backspace button to delete your mistakes when typing.

  26. 当警察破门而入时他便开枪自杀了。

    He killed himself as police broke into the classroom.

  27. 简尽管薪水微薄但她还是极力打扮入时。

    Jane tries to be a fashion plate despite her small amount of salary.

  28. 那些盗贼正破门而入时被当场捉住。

    The thieves were caught in the act of breaking into the house.

  29. 菲尔喜欢舞技好而且打扮入时的女性。

    Phil likes women who are good dancers and stylish dressers.

  30. 她穿着米色长裤和红套衫, 打扮得很入时。

    She was fashionably turned out in cream trousers and a red sweater.


  1. 问:入时拼音怎么拼?入时的读音是什么?入时翻译成英文是什么?

    答:入时的读音是rùshí,入时翻译成英文是 fashionable




【读音】rù shí


【出处】唐·朱庆馀《近试上张籍水部》诗:“妆罢低声问夫壻,画眉深浅入时无?” 宋·林希逸《代石虚中谢表》:“伏念臣样不入时,器非适用。”

【示例】清·叶廷琯《吹网录·龙城柳石刻》:“今庙中所刻,并非白石,笔法软弱入时。” 巴金《寒夜》尾声:“从车上走下来一个装束入时的女人。”