








汉语拼音:kū long








  1. 洞;孔。

    《老残游记》第一回:“浑身溃烂,每年总要溃几个窟窿,今年治好这个,明年别处又溃几个窟窿。” 鲁迅 《彷徨·祝福》:“她就一头撞在香案角上,头上碰了一个大窟窿,鲜血直流。”

  2. 比喻债务、亏空。

    《歧路灯》第三十回:“那才是揭债还债,窟窿常在。” 丁玲 《太阳照在桑干河上》七:“唉,我劝过你哥,你看他拉下了十石粮食的窟窿去买了五亩葡萄园子,唉,早知道就不该买那些地。”



  1. For those not familiar with the song, it concerns a lazy farmer who complains about said hole and is told by his wife to fix it.


  2. I apologized and turned her back, holding her fiercely, and, as if I'd just pulled her from a hole in the ice, felt her life return.


  3. A great stone, dropped from above, smashed through the bottom of the boat.


  4. "The black hole" very easy to let the human imagine one literally "the greatly black hole" , be in effect it is not so.


  5. Some investors, no doubt, see faster growth on the way; but a growing number are worried about the size of America's fiscal hole.


  6. A reddish saliva soiled the corners of her lips, and she had a black hole in her mouth.


  7. Whether my back ache was true or false, these holes might be a reason to see a doctor.


  8. When I took it out of the bag and examined it closely, I found a large hole at the side and one button was missing.


  9. These holes also gave her hope that she could probably prove to me that she was not a whore.


  1. 冰上的窟窿

    water hole.

  2. 把她戳了个窟窿

    It went in one side and out the other.

  3. 房顶满是子弹打的窟窿。

    The roof was riddled with bullet holes.

  4. 针尖大得窟窿, 斗大得风

    A Big wind can Blow through a small hole

  5. 我能补一下这个窟窿吗

    Could you mend this hole

  6. 针尖大的窟窿,斗大的风。

    A big wind can blow through a small hole.

  7. 窟窿已用泥子堵住了。

    The hole has been stopped up with putty.

  8. 我的牛仔裤挂了个窟窿。

    I tore a hole in my jeans.

  9. 房顶上一个巨大的窟窿

    a whacking great hole in the roof

  10. 手套的拇指上有个窟窿。

    There's a hole in the thumb.

  11. 门被子弹打得尽是窟窿。

    The door was riddled with shot.

  12. 房顶满是子弹打得窟窿。

    The roof was riddled with bullet holes.

  13. 当然也有裂缝和窟窿填补。

    Also be sure to have any cracks and holes filled.

  14. 冰山把那船撞出了窟窿。

    The ship was holed by an iceberg.

  15. 她在地上挖了一个窟窿。

    She scraped a hollow place in the ground.

  16. 墙上到处都是子弹打的窟窿。

    The wall was riddled with bullet holes.

  17. 他们在墙上炸开一个窟窿。

    They burst a hole through the wall.

  18. 老天爷呀, 我要戳你一个窟窿!

    God ah, I need to poke your hole!

  19. 撞了个窟窿得油船正在喷油。

    The holed tanker was disgorging oil.

  20. 撞了个窟窿的油船正在喷油。

    The holed tanker was disgorging oil.

  21. 球在窟窿的边沿上停了下来。

    The ball came to rest at the edge of the hole.

  22. 汽车给子弹打得车身上尽是窟窿。

    The car was riddled with bullets.

  23. 我不喜欢屋顶上那个难看的窟窿。

    I don't like the look of that hole in the roof.

  24. 球在窟窿得边沿上停了下来。

    The ball came to rest at the edge of the hole.

  25. 我要用子弹把你打得尽是窟窿。

    I'll riddle you with bullets!

  26. 某物突然陷入其底部窟窿的倒塌。

    the sudden collapse of something into a hollow beneath it.

  27. 她用石浆, 把天上的窟窿补好。

    Then she repaired the sky with the stone fluid.

  28. 他们的狗把我的裤子咬了个窟窿。

    Their dog bit a hole in my trousers.

  29. 留下了一个一英尺半见方得窟窿。

    It left a hole a foot and a half across.

  30. 留下了一个一英尺半见方的窟窿。

    It left a hole a foot and a half across.


  1. 问:窟窿拼音怎么拼?窟窿的读音是什么?窟窿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:窟窿的读音是kūlong,窟窿翻译成英文是 hole; deficit

  2. 问:窟窿眼儿拼音怎么拼?窟窿眼儿的读音是什么?窟窿眼儿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:窟窿眼儿的读音是kūlongyǎnr,窟窿眼儿翻译成英文是 small hole



◎ 窟窿 kūlong(1) [hole]∶孔;洞鞋底磨了个窟窿(2) [cavity]∶空洞,在物体内部有空的地方岩壁内有窟窿(3) [deficit;debt]∶比喻负债,亏空(4) [loophole;flaw]∶漏洞;破绽kūlong窟窿