







汉语拼音:xué dòng







穴洞 [xué dòng]
  1. 在土中、在峭壁上或在小丘里挖出来的空间,尤指有洞口通到地表面的天然地下室。通常由水的侵蚀作用,或是风与微生物等其他外力的风化作用形成。



  1. An artificial archway connected it with the grotto, to which a stairway of a dozen steps led down.


  2. In his work, which is a compilation of ancient documents, we read: "Beyond the Kidron gully there is a grotto with a church above it. "


  1. 以人造拱门十二个阶梯往下连接穴洞。

    Clive Cookson joins him in ignominy, having predicted that scientists would produce artificial life.

  2. 洞, 穴挖掘的洞穴

    A hole formed by excavating.

  3. 坑,洞一个地上天然的或人工的洞或穴

    A natural or artificial hole or cavity in the ground.

  4. 百兽进入穴中, 卧在洞内。

    Then the beasts go into dens, and remain in their places.

  5. 只有一个穴洞的老鼠必然很快被人抓到。

    The mouse that has but one hole is quickly taken.

  6. 我们只要在穴洞的一头打一下蛇, 它就会在另一头出现。

    When the reptile is attacked at one mouth of his burrow, he shows himself at another.

  7. 他打到第18洞时从9英尺外击球入穴。

    He holed from nine feet at the 18th.

  8. 动物被追赶时穿过并进入它的洞穴或兽穴的洞。

    A tool for forcing a pin, bolt, or rivet in or out of a hole.

  9. 重返洞穴屋

    Four Back to the Burrow

  10. 洞穴洞,山洞

    A cave or cavern.

  11. 石花洞岩溶洞穴

    Shihua karst cave

  12. 洞穴动物中空的洞穴,如地洞

    An animals hollowedout habitation, such as a burrow.

  13. 洞穴系统大,洞景分段明显。

    There are big cave systems with obviously sectioned cave scenes.

  14. 这个洞穴是现在被称为达摩洞。

    The cave is now called Damo Cave.

  15. 他感兴趣的领域的骨肉洞穴学的迅速恢复。

    His interest in the kindred field of speleology was promptly revived.

  16. 树洞为它们提供了一个安全的巢穴。

    The hole has provided a secure nest.

  17. 投球入篮,击球入穴指球落入或滚入篮内或洞内。

    To fall or roll into a basket or hole Used of a ball.

  18. 蓝色巨洞是伯利兹海面下的深穴。

    The Great Blue Hole is an underwater sinkhole off the coast of Belize.

  19. 人工挖开的洞室类似山洞或洞穴的人工建筑或人工洞室

    An artificial structure or excavation made to resemble a cave or cavern.

  20. 柳山南麓, 清江岸边的榨洞是赤穴。

    Chixie is the south of along the bank of Qingjiang River.

  21. 肖维岩洞。我对它很担忧,因为有些洞穴壁画

    Chauvet Caves. I am very worried about it because some of the cave paintings

  22. 高尔夫球在穴边打了一会儿转,最后落进洞内。

    The golf ball rimmed the cup for a while and fell at last into the hole.

  23. 我通常把家安在地里的浅洞中,称为洞穴。

    I usually make my home in shallow holes in the ground called burrows.

  24. 在所有洞穴中, 为寻找石油所钻的洞是最深的。

    The deepest holes of all are made for oil.

  25. 还有其它挖开的墓穴,留着七,八英尺深的洞。

    There were other graves that had been dug up, leaving holes seven or eight foot deep.

  26. 这些熊将可以在洞穴里冬眠, 可以挖洞, 还可以捉鱼吃。

    The bears will be able to hibernate in caves, dig in the ground and catch fish.

  27. 他们飘流无定,在旷野,山岭,石洞和地穴栖身。

    They wandered in deserts and mountains, and in caves and holes in the ground.

  28. 在冰河年代, 这个洞曾是一座干燥的洞穴系统的入口。

    The hole is the opening to what was a dry cave system during the Ice Age.

  29. 我以洞穴为家, 它是用叶子填充在土地上的洞。

    I make my home in a den, or burrow, which is a hole in the ground lined with leaves.

  30. 已知的最深的洞穴是格里诺布尔附近的高弗。伯杰洞。

    The deepest known cave in the world is the Gouffre Berger near Grenoble.


  1. 问:穴洞拼音怎么拼?穴洞的读音是什么?穴洞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:穴洞的读音是xuédòng,穴洞翻译成英文是 cellar hole

  2. 问:穴洞生物拼音怎么拼?穴洞生物的读音是什么?穴洞生物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:穴洞生物的读音是xué dòng shēng wù,穴洞生物翻译成英文是 carvernicole