







汉语拼音:wèi sì






  1. 喂养。

    清 唐孙华 《鹰坊歌与夏重恺功同赋》:“多畜驯鸽供餵饲,流血渗漉霑衿喉。”



  1. On Feeding Turtles: When and How Much?


  2. he was also fed small grains of corn. Mike occasionally choked on his own mucus, which the Olsen family would clear using a syringe.


  3. As their provisions dwindled, they began to butcher the weakest dogs to feed the others.


  4. Many also say the meat industry is contributing by feeding animals antibiotics to help them grow better.


  5. Her latest book, is sure to be a next best seller: The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands.


  6. Do not feed pigeons or other birds.


  7. The mice on resveratrol did better as they grew older, ending up with much the same staying power on the rod as mice fed a normal diet.


  8. Avoid close contact with poultry and birds - do not feed birds.


  9. Method: To use the endothelium peeling technique through the right iliac artery and to feed the rabbits with high cholesterol.


  1. 有关龟类喂饲几时?几多?

    On Feeding Turtles When and How Much

  2. 蝇蛆喂饲对虾试验研究

    Experiment in Feeding Prawn with Nurturing Fly Larvae.

  3. 不要喂饲白鸽和野鸟等。

    Do not feed pigeons or other birds.

  4. 血清色胺酸含量以喂饲低色胺酸饲粮者较低。

    Serum tryptophan was lower in chicks fed low tryptophan diet.

  5. 当然,你每日仍然要喂饲你的鱼及清理鱼缸。

    Of course, you have to feed your fish and clean the tank.

  6. 小黑麦籽实配制精料日粮喂饲奶牛试验效果

    Feeding Dairy Cattle Using Rye Seed as excellent Feed

  7. 每天喂饲但不要超过你的虾子一天的进食量。

    Feed daily but never feed more than the amount that your shrimps can consume in one day.

  8. 喂饲前体提高悬浮培养水母雪莲细胞的黄酮产量

    Increased flavonoids production in suspension culture of Saussurea medusa cells by the addition of precursors

  9. 精心护理, 特别注意喂饲, 有助于一些病例得自行恢复。

    Careful nursing, with particular attention to feeling, will aid those cases where spontaneous recovery is likely.

  10. 精心护理,特别注意喂饲,有助于一些病例的自行恢复。

    Careful nursing, with particular attention to feeling, will aid those cases where spontaneous recovery is likely.

  11. 畜牲知道谁是主人,对喂饲它的主人也懂得表示感恩。

    Animals know who feeds them and are grateful but God's people so often take all that he gives and are not thankful.

  12. 在牧场中喂饲未煮熟的厨房废肉是小猪群的一个传染来源。

    Feeding of uncooked table scraps on the farm is a source of infection in small herds.

  13. 精量饲喂系统

    precision feeding system

  14. 放牧前饲喂奶牛

    Feed cows before turning out on pasture

  15. 用废弃食物饲喂猪

    Feeding food wastes to swine

  16. 紫花苜蓿饲喂奶牛试验

    A study of alfalfa feeding dairy cattle

  17. 妊娠母猪的阶段饲喂

    Phase feeding of pregnant sow

  18. 断奶前小奶牛的饲喂

    Feed for young milk cow before weaning

  19. 杏仁油渣饲喂奶牛的效果

    Feeding Effects of Almond Oil Mea

  20. 天康671羔羊颗粒饲喂羔羊试验

    The Study of Raising Lambs with Tiankang 671 Granular Feeds

  21. 粗饲料发酵饲喂育肥羊效果

    Fattening effects of fermented coarse fodder feeding sheep

  22. 奶牛饲喂苜蓿草块的效果

    Effect of Alfalfa Pellets on Dairy Cow Milk Yield and Quality

  23. 苹果渣代替麸皮饲喂猪试验

    Experiment of Feeding Pig with Dried Apple Pulp to Replace Wheat Bran

  24. 不同牧草饲喂羔羊育肥效果研究

    Raising Lamb Using different Pasturage

  25. 白环柄菇饲喂小白兔无毒。

    Feeding small white rabbits showed that the mushroom was non poisonous.

  26. 发酵玉米秸秆饲料饲喂肉兔试验

    Test of feeding fermentation maize straw to weat rabbit

  27. 小肽制剂饲喂断奶仔猪的效果观察

    Result of feeding weanling pig with small peptide

  28. 秸秆发酵饲料饲喂肉鹅试验报告

    Test report for stover of fermentation to feed the goose

  29. 甘露寡糖饲喂犊牛的重复试验

    Repeated Experiment for Feeding Calves with Mannan Oligosaccharides

  30. 纤维添加剂对断奶仔猪饲喂效果研究

    Study on the Effects of Fiber Additive for Weaned Piglets


  1. 问:喂饲法拼音怎么拼?喂饲法的读音是什么?喂饲法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:喂饲法的读音是wèi sì fǎ,喂饲法翻译成英文是 feeding method