






1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……





汉语拼音:nǐ yú bù lún







  • 【解释】:用不能相比的人或事物来比方。


  1. na.
  2. An analogy is ill-drawn.;The comparison is not apt.;be compared inappropriately (

  3. improperly)

  1. 拟于明日启程

    intend to leave tomorrow

  2. 拟于下月前往大连

    plan to go to Dalian next month

  3. 他们拟于4月推出新型号产品。

    They are putting out a new model in April.

  4. 他由于薪金太低拟于下月辞职。

    He is going to quit his job next month because his salary is too low.

  5. 学校是5号开学,我拟于1号提前返校。

    The school opens on the 5th, and I intend to return on the 1st.

  6. 学校是5号开学,我拟于1号提前返校。

    The school opens on the 5 th,and I intend to return on the 1 st.

  7. 据悉,贾谊故居初步拟于2004年开始修复。

    Reporters learned that the renovation of the Former Residence of Jia Yi is preliminarily scheduled to start in 2004.

  8. 朋友就是在拟于弄他人的时候也能理解你的哀与乐的人。

    A friend is someone who can see the truth and pain in you even when you are fooling everyone else.

  9. 第款不适用于拟予以临时注册的船舶。

    Subsection shall not apply in relation to a ship which is to be provisionally registered.

  10. 第款不适用于拟予以临时注册得船舶。

    Subsection shall not apply in relation to a ship which is to be provisionally registered.

  11. 本文拟闭于三类收害观入行剖析。

    This article plans to three kind of income views to carry on the analysis.

  12. 新厂拟建于此。

    A new factory is to be located on this site.

  13. 拟为2007年增设的职位概述于下。

    The additional positions proposed for2007 are summarized below.

  14. 拟为2007年增设得职位概述于下。

    The additional positions proposed for2007 are summarized below.

  15. 下一届圆桌会谈已拟定于12月召开。

    The next round-table meeting has been set for December.

  16. 拟像已经成了我们生活于其中的地域。

    Simulacra have become the terrain we live in.

  17. 拟真似肤技术, 像网一样附着于肌肤的技术。

    The skin simulation technology is a technology that can adhesive to skin like a net.

  18. 拟真似肤技术, 像网一样附着于肌肤得技术。

    The skin simulation technology is a technology that can adhesive to skin like a net.

  19. 有关详情载于秘书处拟备的背景资料简介

    Relevant details set out in the background brief prepared by Secretariat

  20. 在传统的数值拟合中物理数据的误差来源于哪里?

    Where does the error in conventional numerical fitting come from for some physical data ?

  21. 请自选角度, 自拟题目, 写一篇不少于800字得文章。

    Please choose an angle and write an essay on this topic in800 words or more.

  22. 请自选角度,自拟题目,写一篇不少于800字的文章。

    Please choose an angle and write an essay on this topic in800 words or more.

  23. 行政部门将拟出一份官方协议,该协议将于几周后签署。

    The administration will draw up an official agreement that will be signed in a few weeks.

  24. 行政部门将拟出一份官方协议,该协议将于几周后签署。

    The administration will draw up an official agreement that will be signed in a few weeks.

  25. 提出了曲线拟合法,并引入了适用于小样本的灰度法。

    Grey method which is suitable to small size sample is introduced and curve fitting method is also proposed.

  26. 该等拟派股息需要本公司之股东于周年大会中批准。

    The proposed dividend subject to approval by the Company's shareholders in the upcoming annual general meeting.

  27. 有鉴于此, 本文拟对醴陵暴动作一初步探讨, 以就教于方家。

    Because of this, the article drafts to sweeting wine hill insurrection is made one preliminary discuss, in order to advise with square home.

  28. 把该方法应用于新集煤层气井得拟合, 取得良好效果。

    Application result of this method to simulating coalbed methane well in Xinji is reasonable.

  29. 手册适用于规划研究, 以及拟备或修订规划图则等工作。

    It applies to planning studies, and the preparation or revision of town plans.

  30. 走读生凡拟在校用午餐者希于9时前通知校内总务管理员。

    Nonresident students who wish to lunch in should inform the Domestic Bursar before nine oclock.



【词 目】 拟于不伦

【发 音】 nǐ yú bù lún

【英 译】draw an inappropriate parallel

【释 义】 用不能相比的人或事物来比方。

【出 处】 唐·刘知己《史通·浮词》:“天文以害意,自古而然,拟非其伦,由来尚矣。” 陈寅恪《论再生缘》:“能读英文者,颇怪其拟于不伦。”


【用 法】作谓语、定语;指比拟不当。