







汉语拼音:dài màn









  1. 亦作“ 怠嫚 ”。懈怠轻忽。

    《周礼·春官·小胥》:“廵舞列而挞其怠慢者。”《三国志·蜀志·诸葛亮传论》:“尽忠益时者虽讎必赏,犯法怠慢者虽亲必罚。”《七国春秋平话》卷中:“汝等有功者赏,怠慢者斩!”《明史·外国传八·鞑靼》:“我边关守臣,因循怠慢,城堡不修,甲仗不利。” 碧野 《我们的力量是无敌的》第四章:“ 崔大宝 一点也不敢怠慢,他很快地捡来了两箱机枪弹。”

  2. 轻慢不敬,冷淡。

    《汉书·郊祀志上》:“始未尝不肃祇,后稍怠嫚也。” 汉 刘向 《列女传·有虞二妃》:“不以天子之女故而骄盈怠嫚。” 明 梁辰鱼 《浣纱记·得赦》:“诸大夫皆当以客礼事之,不可怠慢。” 茅盾 《子夜》四:“不过到底是 吴荪甫 的嫡亲舅父,在礼貌上 费小胡子 是不敢怠慢的。”

  3. 待客失礼的谦词。

    《京本通俗小说·志诚张主管》:“夫人暂住数日不妨,只怕家寒怠慢,思量别的亲戚再去投奔。”《西游记》第三六回:“ 三藏 称谢道:‘老院主,打搅寳山了。’僧主道:‘不敢,不敢。怠慢,怠慢。’” 陈登科 《赤龙与丹凤》十三:“ 韦克 侄,今天多有怠慢。”



  1. The failure of that merger was seen as a snub to Russia by the west, unwilling to let Russian companies into its markets.


  2. "Oh, I hope you'll die in a garret! Starved to death, " said the boy, mistaking our approach for that of his negligent attendant.


  3. If this sounds like a bit of a snub, well, it is.


  4. I do not know what is to become of them. But I hope and pray that she will not slight them and compel them to go into low company.


  5. He made no mention of his host, President Hosni Mubarak, a snub surely noticed by Egypt's autocratic ruler of nearly three decades.


  6. Put bluntly, countries and companies from around the world did not dare snub the rising and occasionally abrasive power by not turning up.


  7. France, in particular, seems to be a major target since it has been slow to adopt GM crops despite outside pressure.


  8. I felt rather hurt about this at first; it seemed somehow to be a sort of slight.


  9. Dhyana is not always immediately picked up a large brush, in a Word table next to the words "and next to a payment. "


  1. 故意的怠慢

    an intentional slight.

  2. 怠慢继续着。

    The slights continued.

  3. 别怠慢客人。

    See that none of the guests are neglected.

  4. 我被怠慢了。

    I was left out in the cold.

  5. 他怠慢了客人。

    He slighted the guests.

  6. 别怠慢了他们。

    See that none of them are neglected.

  7. 别怠慢了客人。

    See that none of the guests are neglected.

  8. 不重视冷落怠慢

    snub v. to pay no attention to.

  9. 我绝非有意怠慢。

    Sorry for that. I didnt mean to snub.

  10. 故意的怠慢参见

    an intentional slight.See Synonyms at voluntary

  11. 他对客人很怠慢。

    He entertains his guest very poorly.

  12. 他没有怠慢一个人。

    He slighted no one.

  13. 这不是可怠慢的事。

    It is not a thing to trifle with.

  14. 再有怠慢, 二罪俱罚!

    Any further neglect will be punished, plus this one.

  15. 不理睬有意的疏忽怠慢

    An intentional slight a snub.

  16. 不可怠慢了的爱好者。

    We can't risk alienating the Star Trek fans.

  17. 冷落、怠慢的言辞或行为

    Snubbing words or behaviour

  18. 怠慢故意的冷落或轻视

    cold shoulder deliberate coldness or disregard a slight or a snub

  19. 谁都不喜欢被人怠慢。

    No one like to be treated with neglect.

  20. 可不能怠慢吉姆这个人。

    Jim is not a man to be trifled with.

  21. 那种怠慢明显是故意的。

    The snub was clearly intentional.

  22. 那种怠慢明显是故意的。

    The snub was clearly intentional.

  23. 明目张胆的抗拒, 怠慢, 侮慢等。

    blatant disobedience, disrespect, insolence, etc

  24. 瑞安觉得这是一种怠慢。

    Ryan took it as a snub.

  25. 如果我怠慢或粗心,我会坠落。

    If I am inattentive or careless, I will fall.

  26. 怠慢故意的冷落或轻视怠慢或轻慢

    cold shoulder n. Informal Deliberate coldness or disregard a slight or a snub

  27. 被领班怠慢了的一对夫妇

    a couple who were snooted by the headwaiter.

  28. 三四个月之后就怠慢耍滑。

    Then three or four months later starts slacking.

  29. 如有怠慢之处,请多包涵。

    If I have been at all remiss, please accept my full apologies.

  30. 如有怠慢之处,请多包涵。

    If I have been at all remiss, please accept my full apologies.


  1. 问:怠慢拼音怎么拼?怠慢的读音是什么?怠慢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:怠慢的读音是dàimàn,怠慢翻译成英文是 slight; remiss

  2. 问:怠慢地拼音怎么拼?怠慢地的读音是什么?怠慢地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:怠慢地的读音是,怠慢地翻译成英文是 neglectfully

  3. 问:怠慢的拼音怎么拼?怠慢的的读音是什么?怠慢的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:怠慢的的读音是,怠慢的翻译成英文是 neglectful



明 冯梦龙 喻世明言第一卷老身每遍去时他当个尊长看待更不怠慢如今养了个儿子愈加好了