


上,升:~山。~车。~门。~天。~台。~场(chǎng )。~高。~攀。~临。~科。~程。~堂入室。踩,践踏,脚向下用力:~踏。踢~。记载:~记。~报。~载。谷物成熟:~岁(丰年)。五谷丰~。立刻:~时。“~即相许和,便可作婚姻。”进:~崇……





汉语拼音:dēng jī








  1. 即帝王位。

    元 关汉卿 《单刀会》第三折:“后来 高祖 登基,传到如今,国步艰难,一至於此!”《水浒传》引首:“如今 东京 柴世宗 让位与 赵检点 登基。”《西游记》第七一回:“当时 朱紫国 先王在位之时,这个王还做东宫太子,未曾登基。” 老舍 《茶馆》第三幕:“皇上不是快登基了吗?我先给您道喜!”

  2. 借指反动头子上台。

    郭沫若 《反正前后》第二篇:“自 蒲殿俊 登基以后,各派势力在暗中斗争了十天,结果也就酿成了一场兵变。”



  1. Saul and Jonathan had been killed in battle but David did not say immediately "Now I can be king" .


  2. Nevertheless, thanks to the incorruptness of monarchic government, the country was still more prosperous than the time of her coronation.


  3. In its abstract sense, maat was the divine order established at creation and reaffirmed at the accession of each new king of Egypt.


  4. Today's shops heave with Jubilee cakes, disposable decorations and flag-emblazoned baubles, letting consumers buy patriotism out of a box.


  5. However, when Constantine the Great became emperor in 306, he legalized Christianity and made it the official religion of the Roman Empire.


  6. Zedekiah was one and twenty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem.


  7. Joash was seven years old when he began to reign, and he reigned forty years in Jerusalem. His mother's name also was Zibiah of Beersheba.


  8. But meanwhile, despite all of the obstacles Kim Jong Un must overcome as he ascends the throne, powerful forces will encourage stability.


  9. The last line added was the Jubilee Line in 1977 in honor of the twenty-fifth anniversary of Queen Elizabeth's crowning.


  1. 新国王登基

    the accession of a new king.

  2. 新皇帝登基了。

    The new emperor ascended the throne.

  3. 理查三世登基

    Richard III is crowned king of England.

  4. 他在1910年登基。

    He came to the throne in 1910.

  5. 肯特的登基岬

    Dungeness in Kent.

  6. 国王加冕后正式登基。

    A king was invested by being crowned.

  7. 国王加冕后即正式登基。

    A king is invested by being crowned.

  8. 他将于明日登基, 继承帝位。

    He will ascend the throne tomorrow and become the king.

  9. 他将于明日登基,继承帝位。

    He will ascend the throne tomorrow and become the king.

  10. 新皇登基总是要改年。

    New emperors always change the designation of their imperial reigns.

  11. 那个国家的女王是去年登基的。

    The Queen of that country was seated last year.

  12. 新皇登基总是要改年。

    Today we have learnt how to change between decimal fractions and compound numbers.

  13. 登基立为君主使登位

    To invest with regal power enthrone.

  14. 他登基之后就创造新的乐曲

    After he was enthroned, he ordered new music pieces be created on Buddhism.

  15. 皇帝登基时,宽赦了一些囚犯。

    When the emperor ascended the throne, he pardoned many criminals.

  16. 皇帝登基时,宽赦了一些囚犯。

    When the emperor ascended the throne, he pardoned many criminals.

  17. 女王在隆重的仪式中登基。

    The queen was enthroned with great pomp and ceremony

  18. 这是1928年以来得第一次登基典礼。

    It is the first enthronement since1928.

  19. 这是1928年以来的第一次登基典礼。

    It is the first enthronement since1928.

  20. 皇帝自愿退位,由他的儿子登基。

    The emperor abdicated in favor of his son.

  21. 这位年轻的王子将很快登基。

    The young prince will soon occupy the throne.

  22. 在古代,新帝登基总会颁布大赦令。

    In ancient times, an order of amnesty would be announced when a new emperor ascended the throne.

  23. 在古代,新帝登基总会颁布大赦令。

    In ancient times, an order of amnesty would be announced when a new emperor ascended the throne.

  24. 他批准这项措施时,登基才8个月。

    He had been on the throne for barely eight months when he authorized this.

  25. 主教为新国王登基举行涂油仪。

    The bishop anointed the new king with oil.

  26. 约翰特普莱登基金在此领域授奖。

    The John Templeton Foundation awards grants in the field.

  27. 先皇年十八, 乃登基即位, 经纶天下。

    From a young age he has aspired to learn medicine well and cure the sick.

  28. 我想你已经收到了登基典礼的邀请。

    I hope you've received your invitation to the enthronement ceremony.

  29. 先皇年十八,乃登基即位,经纶天下。

    The former emperor came to the throne at the age of 18 and began to manage the country.

  30. 皇帝登基以后, 总要封赏他手下得大臣。

    When the emperors ascended to the throne, they would award all their officials.


  1. 问:登基拼音怎么拼?登基的读音是什么?登基翻译成英文是什么?

    答:登基的读音是dēngjī,登基翻译成英文是 to ascend the throne; be enthroned

  2. 问:登基奇拼音怎么拼?登基奇的读音是什么?登基奇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:登基奇的读音是Dēngjīqí,登基奇翻译成英文是 Denkić



登基又称即位,即皇帝即位。 新皇帝继位,纪年改元,以示万象一新。 有些皇帝登基并不改元,如后周世宗、恭帝都未改元,而是沿用太祖的“显德”年号,由此可看出国家的兴衰变化。