


就是:知识~力量。当时或当地:~日。~刻。~席。~景。在~。~兴(xìng )。就,便:黎明~起。假如,倘若:~使。~便(biàn )。~或。~令。靠近:不~不离。到,开始从事:~位。……





汉语拼音:jí wèi









  1. 就位。古谓走入中庭左右两侧规定的位置。

    《书·顾命》:“卿士邦君,麻冕蚁裳,入即位。” 孔颖达 疏:“入即位者, 郑玄 云卿西面,诸侯北面。” 孙星衍 疏:“经言入即位,不言升阶,知皆陪位于中庭也。”《仪礼·士冠礼》:“主人玄冠朝服,緇带素韠,即位于门东西面。”

  2. 亦作“ 即立 ”。指开始成为帝王、皇后或诸侯。

    《左传·桓公元年》:“春王正月,公即位。”《周礼·春官·小宗伯》“小宗伯之职,掌建国之神位” 汉 郑玄 注:“ 郑司农 云,‘立’读为‘位’。古者立、位同字。古文《春秋经》‘公即位’为‘公即立’。”《后汉书·皇后纪上·和熹邓皇后》:“至冬立为皇后,辞让者三,然后即位。” 唐 韩愈 《许国公神道碑铭》:“ 元和 十五年,今天子即位。” 曹禺 等《胆剑篇》第一幕:“ 吴王 夫差 ,三十二岁,即位不久,喜功贪杀,骄狂自是,自以为有富国强兵的本领,立下独霸中原的大志。”



  1. By the year Richard I, known as "The Lionheart " for his bravery, came to the throne in 1189, the famous Three Lions badge had been formed.


  2. The film depicts King George VI, father of England's Queen Elizabeth, as a reluctant leader tortured by his stuttering.


  3. If you need a stream with no backing store (also known as a bit bucket), use Null.


  4. Four years ago, you know, President Howard Dean was coronated. . . -Sure, sure. -. . . and that didn't work out.


  5. Like the clouds: "Yellow Emperor ascended the throne, patronizing Edward, a virtue, Wei-jen is OK" ( "Hanshiwaizhuan's Disconnection" ).


  6. Shen Zong Emperor began to assume a strategic offensive to the West Xia after his enthronement.


  7. To ensure the use of ships for his special envoys, Emperor Yongle also ordered all ship manufacturers to be engaged in ship building.


  8. Buckingham Palace finally became the official royal palace of the British monarch on the accession of Queen Victoria in 1837.


  9. Whatever he does, the issue of succession is likely to escape the secrecy in which it has been wrapped for decades .


  1. 登极,即位

    accession to the throne.

  2. 新国王今日即位。

    The new king is throned today.

  3. 维多利亚女王即位

    the accession of Queen Victoria to the throne

  4. 他即位时年仅16岁。

    He was sixteen years old when he succeeded his father to the throne.

  5. 他即位时年仅16岁。

    He was sixteen years old when he succeeded his father to the throne.

  6. 他即位後继承了大片领地。

    He inherit vast estate on his accession to the throne.

  7. 她在一九五二年即位。

    She acceded to the throne in 1952.

  8. 他即位后继承了大片领地。

    He inherited vast estates on his accession to the throne.

  9. 传说中伊甸园即位于此。

    Tradition says the Garden of Eden was here.

  10. 维多利亚女王于1837年即位。

    Queen Victoria acceded to the throne in 1837.

  11. 即位之始,冀太平旦暮至。

    Ascended the thronethe beginning of Hebei peace Danmu to.

  12. 伊丽莎白二世女王於1952年即位。

    Queen Elizabeth II succeeded to the throne in 1952.

  13. 女王是五十多年前即位的。

    The Queen was enthroned more than 50 years ago.

  14. 但是你必须留下来参加即位典礼。

    But you have to stay for my enthronement.

  15. 伊丽莎白二世女王于1952年即位。

    Queen Elizabeth II succeeded to the throne in 1952.

  16. 女王的即位标志着新时期的开始。

    The Queen's accession to the throne marked the beginning of a new period.

  17. 在即位典礼上刻出华丽的雕像

    Cut a gallant figure at the coronation

  18. 没有我的支持,米诺斯无法即位。

    Minos could not have taken the throne without my support.

  19. 伊丽莎白女皇一九五二年即位。

    Queen Elizabeth came to the throne in 1952.

  20. 女王在城里最古老的教堂里即位。

    The queen was enthroned in the city's most ancient church.

  21. 秦始皇陵从秦始皇即位起就开始修建。

    Construction of the tomb started as soon as Qin Shihuang took the throne.

  22. 清德宗1875年即位,定年号为光绪。

    The Emperor Dezong of the Qing Dynasty ascended the throne in 1875, and chose the reign title of Guangxu.

  23. 先皇年十八, 乃登基即位, 经纶天下。

    From a young age he has aspired to learn medicine well and cure the sick.

  24. 先皇年十八,乃登基即位,经纶天下。

    The former emperor came to the throne at the age of 18 and began to manage the country.

  25. 商周时即位居南北水陆交通要冲。

    Business Week ranked the North and the South when water transportation hub.

  26. 唐中宗即位后,封李湛为赵国公。

    Tang throne cases, the letters for Lizhao guo gong Cham.

  27. 这事件恰好发生在亨利一世即位的时候。

    This event occurred just at the accession of Henry the first.

  28. 这事件恰好发生在亨利一世即位得时候。

    This event occurred just at the accession of Henry the first.

  29. 从我即位以来,印象中只有四年没有战争。

    Since I became caesar, I've known four years without war.

  30. 我们在即位纪念日那天观看了皇家游行队。

    We watched the Royal procession on Jubilee Day.


  1. 问:即位拼音怎么拼?即位的读音是什么?即位翻译成英文是什么?

    答:即位的读音是jíwèi,即位翻译成英文是 ascend the throne

  2. 问:即位典礼拼音怎么拼?即位典礼的读音是什么?即位典礼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:即位典礼的读音是,即位典礼翻译成英文是 coronation





【拼音】jí wèi

【英文/释义】1、[ascend the throne]∶开始做帝王或诸侯如:安王即位。——《史记·魏公子列传》2、[take one's seat]∶就位;入席

【探源】(1)指帝王登位。《左传·桓公元年》:“春王正月,公即位。”(2)指就位。《仪礼·士冠礼》:“主人玄冠朝服,缁带素毕,即位于门东西面。基本解释1. [ascend the throne]∶开始做帝王或诸侯安斄王即位。——《史记·魏公子列传》