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汉语拼音:gāo kǎo
As a teenager, he attended the prestigious National Tainan First Senior High School where his father had been a former principal.
青少年时期,李安就读于父亲知名的台南一中(其父曾任该校校长),但却连续两次高考失利。Don't you think? At the moment I am studying very hard as I am about to graduate and enter my.
现在我快要毕业了。即将参加高考,现正努力读书。Four years before, Chahua had been able to leave her home village through exams.
四年前,茶花靠高考离开了村子。We have been waiting for her to come back to see us, but (we have been waiting) in vain.
我们一直在等她回来看望我们,但我们白等了。【高考链接】Unlike them, however, Gaokao is given only once a year and is virtually the only basis for college entrance.
但不同在于,高考一年只有一次,并且是作为大学入学的唯一考量。If it is a composition of the university entrance exam, i must give it a full goal.
如果是高考作文,我一定给上天打满分的。The nine-hour test is offered just once a year and is the sole determinant for admission to virtually all Chinese colleges and universities.
历时9个小时的高考每年只有一次,并且实际上它是中国所有大学录取学生的唯一决定因素。It is not difficult to see that the majority of voters hold a negative attitude toward the practice.
由此可见,大多数网友对于高考状元的公布是持否定态度的。For some high school graduates, the exam is no longer the only promising option for a bright future.