




1. 把 [bǎ]2. 把 [bà]把 [bǎ]拿,抓住:~酒(拿着酒杯)。~玩(拿着赏玩)。控制,掌握:~握。~舵。看守:~守。~门儿。自行车、手推车等的手柄:车~。可以用手拿的小捆:秫秸~儿。专权,一手独揽:~持大权。从后托起小孩两腿使……



汉语拼音:huǒ bǎ







  1. 火炬的俗称。束状的照明物。顶部燃火,下部为握柄。

    宋 叶适 《送吕子阳携所解<老子>访留未久急归》诗:“火把起夜色,丁鞵明齿痕。”《水浒传》第四二回:“﹝ 宋江 ﹞只听的外面拿着火把,照将入来。” 西戎 《女婿》:“ 青枝 爹赶回来,天早黑了,街上到处是灯笼火把,到处是人。”

  2. 指束状的易燃物。




  1. Another little defect was that these matches could not be got to burn unless there was a light handy to touch them up with.


  2. A breath of wind caused the torches to flicker, and Armon felt a chill run through him as the image on the mural began to waver and melt.


  3. Then, the ends of the torches were flung hissing into the water, and went out, as if it were all over with him.


  4. By the light of torches, we was the black Hulk lying out a little way from the mud of the shore, like a wicked Noah's ark.


  5. After two years it had all become so familiar that I did not need a torch.


  6. He went up to heaven and lit a torch near the sun. He brought the torch back to earth and gave it to the first man.


  7. And it was I that brought your father a pitch-pine knot, kindled at my own hearth, to set fire to an Indian village, in king Philip's war.


  8. Dear friend: life is not a candle-light flickering in the wind but a torch igniting a new flame.


  9. He slides it out from under my pillow, holds it up like the Statue of Liberty torch and said "Mama, wut's dis? "


  1. 火把节之夜

    The Night of Firebrand Gala.

  2. 彝家欢度火把节

    Spends joyfully the torch stanza

  3. 火把花根片

    Colquhoumia root tablet.

  4. 火把房子烧了。

    Fire consumed the whole house.

  5. 把火把传给后代

    hand on the torch

  6. 火把灭了再点着

    The fire has ceased to burn

  7. 我们用火把照着那个雪人。

    We shine our torch on the snowman.

  8. 他用火把照向黑暗的山洞。

    He used a torch to see into the dark cave.

  9. 我将拿它片刻,我将带火把来。

    I'll come in a minute, I'll carry the torch.

  10. 我们将用火把狐狸驱逐出洞。

    We'll fire the fox out of the hole.

  11. 用火把点燃围抱你的柴堆

    Torched the pile upon which you

  12. 火把照亮了他们临时找得藏身地。

    Torches shone on the makeshift shelter.

  13. 火把照亮了他们临时找的藏身地。

    Torches shone on the makeshift shelter.

  14. 能不能请你将那火把递给我?

    Just oblige me with that torch again, will you ?

  15. 第28界奥运会火把传递将连续多少天

    How many days the torch relay last at the 28 th Olympic Games

  16. 我们要用火把洞里得老鼠赶出来。

    We'll burn out the rats in the hole.

  17. 我们要用火把洞里的老鼠赶出来。

    We'll burn out the rats in the hole.

  18. 他把火把插在地上,重新开始了工作。

    He planted his torch in the ground and resumed his labor.

  19. 灯笼火把得火光从窗格中照进来。

    The lights of their lanterns and torches could be seen through the latticed windows.

  20. 灯笼火把的火光从窗格中照进来。

    The lights of their lanterns and torches could be seen through the latticed windows.

  21. 其中一名男子用火把照着他的脸。

    One of the men shone a torch in his face.

  22. 教育不是把水桶装满,而是将火把点燃。

    Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fir.

  23. 一个小自由女神雕像, 是小火把发出的光。

    A little statue of liberty and the light is its torch.

  24. 从地面到最顶端的金色火把大约93米的距离。

    The distance from the grand ground to top of the golden torch is about 93 meters 93 m.

  25. 生活像夜中步行比赛一样,没有火把,只有团队。

    Life is a dark walking game which you walk without torch but with your team.

  26. 我抓着乔的一只手,他的另一只手拿着一个火把。

    I had hold of Joe's hand now, and Joe carried one of the torches.

  27. 我们在晚上的时候提着灯笼或火把出去散步

    We go out for a walk with our lanterns or torches in the evening.

  28. 我们在晚上得时候提着灯笼或火把出去散步

    We go out for a walk with our lanterns or torches in the evening.

  29. 我看吧,你还不如一把火把这个地方烧了。

    You'd have to nuke the place to make it look better.

  30. 门突然开了,在这屋子里洒进了火把得光亮。

    The door popped open, pouring torchlight into the room.


  1. 问:火把拼音怎么拼?火把的读音是什么?火把翻译成英文是什么?

    答:火把的读音是huǒbǎ,火把翻译成英文是 torch

  2. 问:火把节拼音怎么拼?火把节的读音是什么?火把节翻译成英文是什么?

    答:火把节的读音是Huǒbǎjié,火把节翻译成英文是 Torch festival; a traditional festival celebr...

  3. 问:火把树科拼音怎么拼?火把树科的读音是什么?火把树科翻译成英文是什么?

    答:火把树科的读音是,火把树科翻译成英文是 Cunoniaceae

  4. 问:火把烟囱拼音怎么拼?火把烟囱的读音是什么?火把烟囱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:火把烟囱的读音是huǒ bǎ yān cōng,火把烟囱翻译成英文是 flare stack

  5. 问:火把花属拼音怎么拼?火把花属的读音是什么?火把花属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:火把花属的读音是huǒbǎhuā shǔ,火把花属翻译成英文是 Colquhounia

  6. 问:火把花柄锈菌拼音怎么拼?火把花柄锈菌的读音是什么?火把花柄锈菌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:火把花柄锈菌的读音是huǒbǎhuā bǐngxiùjūn,火把花柄锈菌翻译成英文是 Puccinia colquhouniae

  7. 问:火把花生柄锈菌拼音怎么拼?火把花生柄锈菌的读音是什么?火把花生柄锈菌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:火把花生柄锈菌的读音是huǒbǎhuāshēng bǐngxiùjūn,火把花生柄锈菌翻译成英文是 Puccinia colquhouniicola