


去,到:~返。~复。~还(huán )。~来。交~。向~。勇~直前。过去:~昔。~日。~事。~古。~常。以~。一如既~。同“望”。……


1. 号 [hào]2. 号 [háo]号 [hào]名称:国~。年~。字~。指人除有名、字之外,另起的别称:别~(如“李白,字太白,~~青莲居士”)。标志:记~。排定的次序或等级:编~。~码。扬言,宣称:~称(a.名义上是;b.以某名著称……



汉语拼音:wǎng hào






  1. 指往古帝王的称号。

    《文选·扬雄<长杨赋>》:“延光于将来,比荣乎往号。” 李善 注:“ 张晏 曰:‘往号,三五也。’ 李轨 《法言》注曰:‘五帝三王,延光至今不絶也。’”



  1. 网络
  2. Enterprise

  1. 哪个门是去往十七号航班的?

    Which gate is flight seventeen?

  2. 每100打装于一只木箱内,从第一号开始往上循序编号。

    Every 100 dozen should be packed in a wooden case marked TM and numbered from No. 1 upward.

  3. 不,是8号,不过,她们往9号前进。

    No, eighth. no, theyre going to ninth, though.

  4. 就这样她走过了好些工厂和批发商号,一眼也没有往里看。

    In this way she passed many manufacturing and wholesale houses without once glancing in.

  5. 总之,你将带领地狱神号往南至万帕拉索

    You, however, shall take the acheron south to valparaiso.

  6. 停靠在1号站台的火车是开往利兹的。

    The train now standing at platform 1 is for Leeds.

  7. 往高处行,2008年6月1号,录于活水福音教会,芝加哥瑞柏城。

    Higher Ground,recorded on June 1 st,2008 at Living Water Evangelical Church,Naperville IL.

  8. 今天我遭遇了肇事逃逸。我在往我车那儿走的时候,看见有个女的撞了我的车尾,然后直接跑了。幸亏我记下了车牌号。

    I was involved in a hit and run today. As I was walking to my car, I saw a lady back into my car and try to take off. Luckily I was able to write down her license plate number.

  9. 所有救护车往三号站。

    All ambulances go to number three.

  10. 往哪儿走是12号登机口

    Which direction is Gate 12

  11. 有得, 往对面街搭11号吧。

    Yes, take number 11 on the other side of this.

  12. 有的,往对面街搭11号吧。

    Yes, take number 11 on the other side of this.

  13. 往右拐弯,沿街一直走到388号。

    Turn right and walk up along the street to 388.

  14. 欢迎乘坐飞往纽约得67号航班。

    Welcome on board flight 67 to New York.

  15. 欢迎乘坐飞往纽约的67号航班。

    Welcome on board flight 67 to New York.

  16. 欢迎乘坐飞往纽约的67号航班。

    Welcome on board flight 67 to New York.

  17. 开往伯明翰的列车从12号站台开出。

    The train for birmingham leaves from platform 12.

  18. 有7月9号飞往纽约的机票吗?

    Do you have a flight to New York on July 9th?

  19. 飞往里昂的160航班在4号门登机。

    Vol 160 vers Lyon, porte 4.

  20. 飞往里昂得160航班在4号门登机。

    Vol 160 vers Lyon, porte 2.

  21. 飞往芝加哥的三号航班准点吗?

    Is flight three for Chicago on time?

  22. 飞往悉尼的123次航班正在五号登机。

    Flight 123 to Sydney is now boarding at gate five.

  23. 飞往悉尼得123次航班正在五号登机。

    Flight 121 to Sydney is now boarding at gate five.

  24. 帝国声威号将马上启程驶往土伦。

    The Empire renown will set sail for Toulon at once.

  25. 飞往罗马得班机从3号航站楼出发。

    Flights for Rome depart from Terminal 1.

  26. 飞往罗马的班机从3号航站楼出发。

    Flights for Rome depart from Terminal 3.

  27. 他又返回到73号教室,从窗户往里注视。

    He returned to Room 73 and peered through the window.

  28. 飞往巴黎的英航726号班机在16号门登机。

    BA flight 726 to Paris is now boarding at gate 14.

  29. 飞往洛杉矶的第2345号航班飞行时间有所改变。

    Flight No.2345 to Los Angeles is rescheduled.

  30. 飞往洛杉矶得第2345号航班飞行时间有所改变。

    Flight No. 2343 to Los Angeles is rescheduled.