


1. 重 [zhòng]2. 重 [chóng]重 [zhòng]分(fèn)量较大,与“轻”相对:~负。~荷。~量(liàng )。~力。举~。负~。程度深:~色。~病。~望。~创。价格高:~价收买。数量多:~金聘请。眉毛~。~兵。主要,……





汉语拼音:chóng shěn






  1. Throughout his campaign, Obama said he would review U. S. trade agreements with Central and South American nations.


  2. But a higher court threw out his conviction and ordered that he be tried as a juvenile.


  3. They should have referred it back to Florida. Instead, they proved how much they were bought and paid for as just lawyer hacks.


  4. The company was undertaking a thorough review of its service and believed it had addressed most of the problems, it said.


  5. It also advocates being able to claw back money from former managers if the accounts have to be restated.


  6. In Chinese criminal procedures, the sending back for retrial system is simple, it is uncertainty in practice, and it tends to be increase .


  7. He was brought to trial again by the state of Florida, this time represented by a local lawyer appointed by the court.


  8. The main credit rating agencies say they are reviewing the U. S. government debt situation for a potential downgrade.


  9. Bad credit OK, We are ready to give you a $343, 000 loan, after further review, our lenders have established the lowest monthly payments.


  1. 上诉法院命令重审。

    The Court of Appeal ordered a retrial.

  2. 二审发回重审

    the second trial sending backs to retry

  3. 法院命令重审此案。

    The court ordered the case to be retried.

  4. 撤销原判, 发回重审

    Rescind the original judgement and remand the case ro the original court for retrial

  5. 很多案子都因此而重审

    Many cases were reviewed.

  6. 我去让他们重审这个案子。

    I'm trying to get them to review the case.

  7. 这个案子会在中级法院重审。

    The case will be tried again in the intermediate court.

  8. 这个案子会在中级法院重审。

    The case will be tried again in the intermediate court.

  9. 关押战犯重审管理办事处主任

    Director of the Office for the Administrative Review of the Detention of Enemy Combatants

  10. 因此, 上诉法庭下令同一初审法庭重审。

    Accordingly, the Court ordered a retrial by the same court.

  11. 对我国发回重审制度的思考

    On the Retrial System in China

  12. 这个案子破绽百出, 我们最好重审一下。

    The case is full of flaws, we'd better rehear it.

  13. 这个案子破绽百出,我们最好重审一下。

    The case is full of flaws, we'd better rehear it.

  14. 对民事诉讼发回重审制度的思考

    Thinking of the System of Remand for Civil New Trial

  15. 重审立场的时间也已成为过去。

    The time for restating wellknown well known positions is passed, the past.

  16. 重审立场得时间也已成为过去。

    The time for restating wellknown well known positions is passed, the past.

  17. 重审定于6月21日在休斯顿进行。

    The resentencing is scheduled for June21 in Houston.

  18. 他的解决办法是重审公司的开发流程。

    His answer was to examine the company's development process.

  19. 发回重审与上诉不加刑原则关系论

    Remand for New Trial and the Principle of No Appeal Resulting in Additional punishment

  20. 当事人对重审案件的判决,裁定,可以上诉。

    The parties may appeal against the judgment or order rendered in a retrial of their case.

  21. 那没关系,有汤米的证词,案子可以重审的!

    It wouldnt matter. With Tommys testimony, I can get a new trial.

  22. 挪威政府将重审该国基金得投资战略。

    Norway's government will review its fund's investment strategy.

  23. 挪威政府将重审该国基金的投资战略。

    Norway's government will review its fund's investment strategy.

  24. 届时,本席愿意重审其对贝和达芙妮的

    if and when Miss Vasquez can demonstrate.

  25. 所以,在重审估价中,缺陷也起着一定作用。

    Thus, fault plays a role in the Restatement assessment.

  26. 关于我国民事诉讼法发回重审制度的思考

    Thoughts on the System of Remanding the Case in Civil Procedure Law

  27. 第一部分是发回重审制度得概念和特征。

    The first part is about the concept and the characteristics of the remanding rule.

  28. 第一部分是发回重审制度的概念和特征。

    The first part is about the concept and the characteristics of the remanding rule.

  29. 当事人可就重审案件的判决或裁定进行上诉。

    The litigants may appeal against a judgment or a ruling derived from the retrial.

  30. 等八府巡案包大人择日重审九品芝麻官

    Wait until supreme Judge come and rejudge.


  1. 问:重审拼音怎么拼?重审的读音是什么?重审翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重审的读音是chóngshěn,重审翻译成英文是 retrial; trial de novo

  2. 问:重审申请拼音怎么拼?重审申请的读音是什么?重审申请翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重审申请的读音是chóng shěn shēn qǐng,重审申请翻译成英文是 motion for new trial