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《梁书·武帝纪上》:“三正迭改,五运相迁,緑文赤字,徵《河》表《洛》。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·赤字》:“ 顺治 乙未冬夜,天上赤字如火。其文云:‘白苕代靖否復议朝冶驰。’”
He said the first phase of the two-stage plan called for about $1 trillion in spending cuts over the next decade.
他说,分为两个阶段的该项计划,其第一阶段呼吁在未来十年内削减赤字1万亿美元。The coming two months will be a test for Lew, as the battle over the budget deficit heats up in Congress.
随着预算赤字争夺在国会升温,接下来的两个月对卢来说将是一场考验。He said the U. S. 'has better stuff to do, ' including lowering the deficit and creating jobs.
奥巴马说,美国有更重要的事情要做,这包括降低赤字,创造就业。"Our intent is to get a clear agreement on the principles needed to achieve real progress on reducing deficits and debt burdens, " he said.
“我们的意图是,就在减少赤字和债务负担方面取得实质性进展所需的准则达成明确共识,”他表示。But if the money must be accounted for in the federal budget, Bush would have to retreat from his pledge to slash the deficit in half.
但是,如果这笔资金必须计入联邦预算,那么布什就必须在他保证把赤字减少一半方面做出退让。The bilateral trade deficit is often if wrongly cited as a contributing cause to American unemployment.
双边贸易赤字经常被设想为在造成美国失业上起到了不公正的作用。Mr. Geithner said the White House would allow taxes on top earners to increase in 2011 as part of an effort to bring down the U.
盖特纳说,白宫将允许针对富人的税收在2011年提高,以此作为降低美国财政赤字的部分措施。But that would be a good thing for the United States, since it would make our goods more competitive and reduce our trade deficit.
但是这对美国来说是件好事,因为这令到我们的商品有更大的竞争力,以减少我们的贸易赤字。With Britain facing a huge budget deficit and an uncertain economic outlook, this is one of the last things investors will wish to see.