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《后汉书·东海恭王彊传》:“身既夭命孤弱,復为皇太后、陛下忧虑,诚悲诚慙。”《醒世恒言·小水湾天狐贻书》:“且説 王臣 母妻在家,真箇闻得 史思明 又反,日夜忧虑 王臣 ,懊悔放他出门。” 魏巍 《东方》第三部第一章:“这种景象带给她的却是忧虑和不安。”
Children are happy, because he did not too much of your heart, there is no unnecessary worries.
儿童是快乐的,因为他没有过多的心事,也没有不必要的忧虑。Current concerns around the company are that the International Energy Agency has recently said oil demand will be down over the next year.
目前市场忧虑的一点是,国际能源组织最近宣称数年内的全球原油需求量将会下降。you get in and I don't? ' I can't tell you how anxious we were, because so much was.
你进入,而且我没有?’我不能告诉你我们是多么忧虑,因为这么多是。That said, the war is clearly receding as a political issue, just as concerns about recession are growing.
尽管如此,随着人们对经济衰退的忧虑日益增长,这场战争作为一个政治议题的重要性正在明显衰减。He was a man about fifty years of age, who had a preoccupied air, and who was good. That was all that could be said about him.
他是个五十左右的人,神色忧虑而性情和好。我们能说的只是这一点。But when they wheeled me to the emergency room and I saw expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses, I got really scared.
但他们把我推进急救室时,我看见医生和护士脸上写满了忧虑,我真的很害怕。The rainy season usually begins in late April, and there have been a few rains, but some officials are still worried.
雨季一般在四月下半月开始,尽管是下了一点雨,然而当局对此仍感忧虑。Such threats compel her to sometimes swing onto the sidewalk, even though that could get her a ticket.
这种忧虑迫使她有时冒着被开罚单的危险,在人行道上骑车。Asking students to discuss their classes in a very public forum has got to raise concerns for some people as well.