




1. 发 [fā]2. 发 [fà]发 [fā]交付,送出:分~。~放。~行(批发)。放,射:~射。百~百中。焕~。表达,阐述:~表。~凡(陈述某一学科或一本书的要旨)。阐~。散开,分散:~散。开展,张大,扩大:~展。~扬。打开,揭露:~现……



汉语拼音:tuō fà







  1. 头发大量脱落的现象,多由发癣等皮肤病引起。



  1. He would like to try some other drugs which were also been told useless by his friend, so he gave up drug treatment.


  2. While it's easy to blame your parents for your thin hair or balding scalp, not all causes of hair loss trace back to genetics.


  3. He said the finding raised the possibility of not only stopping hair loss, but of bald men also being able to regrow full heads of hair.


  4. One of Dr Collins's clients admitted to rubbing his own urine on to his bald patch after reading it would halt hair loss.


  5. Alopecia bit recently, I do not know whether it is more like the things that made premature senility or disease.


  6. I heard that moxibustion moxibustion temple can prevent hair loss, do not know whether to use tubes, you can consult a doctor . . . . . .


  7. He said he was now talking with several drugs firms about creating the anti-baldness product.


  8. Mr. Zhang said he's been through hair loss for many years and his image had been seriously spoiled at least 5 years.


  9. Diseases like malaria that kill over a million people a year get far less attention than drugs to help with baldness.


  1. 休止期脱发

    telogen effluvim.

  2. 斑形脱发, 斑秃

    alopecia areata

  3. 我开始脱发了

    My hair is starting to fall out.

  4. 先天性局限性脱发

    circumscribed alopecia of congenital origin

  5. 反射性斑秃。反射性脱发

    reflex alopecia

  6. 当然,脱发很可怕

    Now, baldness, it's a terrible thing.

  7. 恶病质性脱发

    alopecia cachectica.

  8. 男性脱发属于遗传。

    In men, hair loss is hereditary.

  9. 怎样用生姜治疗脱发?

    How to treat trichomadesis with ginger

  10. 这药膏可以防止脱发。

    The ointment stops the hair from falling out.

  11. 这个年轻人开始迅速脱发。

    The young man was starting to bald rapidly.

  12. 病症头皮疼痛,发炎,脱发。

    Disease Scalp is aching, inflammation, trichomadesis.

  13. 医治初期脱发的有效方法。

    A good way of curing incipient baldness.

  14. 中医辨证治疗脱发八法

    Eight Therapeutic Methods on Treatment of Calvities Based on Syndrome Differentiation

  15. 激素的问题可能会导致脱发。

    Hormonal problems may cause hair loss.

  16. 摆脱头屑头油, 脱发烦恼不再!

    No more baldness and no more dandruff!

  17. 白酒泡小辣椒能治脱发吗

    Can liquor bubble small chili treat trichomadesis.

  18. 雄激素性脱发是可以治愈的。

    Androgenetic Alopecia can be cured.

  19. 可用于粉刺、褐斑、雀斑及脱发。

    Can use at acne, speckle, fleck and lose one's hair.

  20. 主要不良反应为骨髓抑制和脱发。

    The main toxicity was myelosuppression and alopecia.

  21. 其他类型的脱发是斑秃, 全秃, 脱发。

    The other types of Alopecia are Alopecia Areata, Alopecia Totalis, and Alopecia Universalis. Universalis.

  22. 这是脱发有关的疾病的压力, 是暂时的。

    This hair loss is related to the stress of the illness and is temporary.

  23. 烫发,颜色和其他美容治疗引起脱发。

    Perms, colors, and other cosmetic treatments cause hair loss.

  24. 帽子过紧的话, 会加快脱发的速度。

    The cap passes close word, can accelerate the rate of trichomadesis.

  25. 酒吧男招待面色红润,前额有点脱发。

    The bartender had a florid face and a receding hairline.

  26. 脂溢性脱发, 耳鸣, 疲劳, 消瘦怎么办?

    Lose one's hair of fat excessive sex, tinnitus, fatigue, angular how to do ?

  27. 蛇行状脱发性棘状毛囊角化病

    keratosis follicularis spinulosa decalvans cum ophiasi

  28. 老板终于找到了有效治疗脱发的方法。

    The boss managed to find an effective treatment for hair loss.

  29. 女生脱发可以用霸王防脱洗发水吗?

    Does the girl student lose hair being able to use despot to against taking off shampoo?

  30. 可引起脱发由遗传和荷尔蒙改变。

    Alopecia can be caused by heredity and changing hormones.


  1. 问:脱发拼音怎么拼?脱发的读音是什么?脱发翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脱发的读音是tuōfà,脱发翻译成英文是 alopecia; to lose one's hair

  2. 问:脱发酵母拼音怎么拼?脱发酵母的读音是什么?脱发酵母翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脱发酵母的读音是tuō fā jiàomǔ,脱发酵母翻译成英文是 Saccharomyces capillitii

  3. 问:脱发性痤疮拼音怎么拼?脱发性痤疮的读音是什么?脱发性痤疮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脱发性痤疮的读音是tuō fà xìng cuó chuāng,脱发性痤疮翻译成英文是 acne decalvans

  4. 问:脱发性毛囊炎拼音怎么拼?脱发性毛囊炎的读音是什么?脱发性毛囊炎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脱发性毛囊炎的读音是tuō fà xìng máo náng yán,脱发性毛囊炎翻译成英文是 folliculitis decalvans


