


处理:~公。~事。~理。处分:惩~。法~。首恶必~。置备:~置。~货。创设:创~。兴(xīng )~。……





汉语拼音:bàn shì







  1. 犹成事、成功。

    《南史·张敬儿传》:“ 高帝 曰:‘卿若办事,当以本州相赏。’”《金史·承裕传》:“昔汝自言得兵三万足以办事,今以 石抹仲温 、 术虎高琪 及 青宜可 与汝军相合,计可六万,斯亦足以办矣。”

  2. 处理公务。

    明 郎瑛 《七修类稿·事物四·忠靖二事》:“传命再问如何,公对如前,然后上命各回衙门办事。” 清 魏源 《道光洋艘征抚记上》:“于是 义律 于十一月復遣人禀言,在 粤 办事多年,实欲承平,今诸事扰乱,心多忧虑。”

  3. 泛指做事。

    周立波 《山乡巨变》下二十:“共产党员大公无私,替人办事,连一杯水也不应该吃人家的。”

  4. 犹言能干,会办事。


  5. 旧指处理具体事务的下级官吏。

    陶成章 《浙案纪略·秋瑾传》:“ 瑾 既得金,又至 沪 ,会 成章 亦归 上海 ,遂偕 瑾 见 处州 办事 丁鑅 、 吕熊祥 等, 瑾 出 绍兴 同志公函,促 成章 归。”



  1. Inside the district hospital, Mr. Bhuria said he had applied three times for a food ration card, but the clerk had failed to produce one.

  2. If I can't rattle off a list of things I have to do, I feel as if I'm admitting that I'm not worth much.

  3. Baoshu work, with the result that his situation even more difficult, Baoshu do not think I stupid, he knows enough to have a negative.

  4. Cyrus Vance has always been a clean-desk man, so it did not take him long to prepare to leave Washington.

  5. The Product Owner selected a subset of these items, which constituted the possible product backlog to be considered for the sprint.

  6. The more macho types, especially those of a conservative cast of mind, desire certainty of every kind even more than most.

  7. According to a morning to the work of the service of the LinChuan spot eyewitness district, said the blast occurred sound very loud.

  8. The executive of a Japanese enterprise in Noida Special Economic Zone bother his head about the poor efficiency of Indian special zone.

  9. But due to the particularity of the Chinese market, the company has no alternatives but to follow local rules.


  1. 照原则办事

    act on principles.

  2. 按制度办事

    do things by the book

  3. 按法律办事

    do as the law requires.

  4. 看风头办事

    act according to the situation

  5. 差遣仆人去办事

    A servant on an errand

  6. 不错,按规定办事

    Excellent. rule following.

  7. 按照风俗习惯办事

    Conform to a custom

  8. 我想按照法律办事

    I want things to be legal.

  9. 答应为另外一方办事

    To engage on the other side

  10. 我按照我的原则办事

    I acted in conformity with my principles.

  11. 迷恋过去,照老皇历办事

    Top live in the past

  12. 我拒绝是按原则办事

    I refused on principle.

  13. 就是因为你总是这样办事

    because you do things like this!

  14. 多谢你能来我们家办事

    Thanks for coming over and doing it here.

  15. 把他得事办妥。

    Get his affairs in order.

  16. 把他的事办妥。

    Get his affairs in order.

  17. 这件事办得很脆。

    That was a neat job.

  18. 我们必须把这事办妥。

    We must push the matter through.

  19. 他们急于把这事办好。

    They were anxious to get it done.

  20. 难道这事办不到得吗?

    You mean this can't be done?

  21. 他急于把这件事办好。

    He was anxious to get it done.

  22. 刘家的事办得很热闹。

    The Liu family celebrations were very lively.

  23. 我们必须把这件事办妥。

    We must push the matter through.

  24. 你把这件事办得一塌糊涂。

    You've made a mess of the job.

  25. 我们希望赶快把这事办完。

    We wish to get through the business quickly.

  26. 你可以相信他能把事办好。

    You may depend on him to do it well.

  27. 请你把这件事办一办好吗

    Will you see about the whole business.

  28. 我们确实有办法把这事办成?

    Do we really have the means to actually pull this off

  29. 我们轻而易举就把这件事办了。

    We got the job done in a breeze.

  30. 回绝他的好意,这事办的可不聪明。

    It was unwise to reject his offer.


  1. 问:办事拼音怎么拼?办事的读音是什么?办事翻译成英文是什么?

    答:办事的读音是bànshì,办事翻译成英文是 handle affairs; conduct affairs

  2. 问:办事潦草拼音怎么拼?办事潦草的读音是什么?办事潦草翻译成英文是什么?

    答:办事潦草的读音是bànshì liǎocǎo,办事潦草翻译成英文是 do things sloppily

  3. 问:办事员拼音怎么拼?办事员的读音是什么?办事员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:办事员的读音是bànshìyuán,办事员翻译成英文是 administrative writer

  4. 问:办事处拼音怎么拼?办事处的读音是什么?办事处翻译成英文是什么?

    答:办事处的读音是bànshìchù,办事处翻译成英文是 bureau; a local office of the government, a milita...

  5. 问:办事员与管理工作者协会拼音怎么拼?办事员与管理工作者协会的读音是什么?办事员与管理工作者协会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:办事员与管理工作者协会的读音是Bànshìyuán yǔ Guǎnlǐ Gōngzuòzhě Xiéhuì,办事员与管理工作者协会翻译成英文是 Clerical and Administrative Workers' Union...



办事,犹成事、成功;处理公务;泛指做事。语出《南史·张敬儿传》:“ 高帝曰:‘卿若办事,当以本州相赏。’”