


1. 着 [zhuó]2. 着 [zháo]3. 着 [zhāo]4. 着 [zhe]着 [zhuó]穿(衣):穿~。穿红~绿。~装。接触,挨上:~陆。附~。不~边际。使接触别的事物,使附在别的物体上:~眼。~笔。~色。~墨。~力。~想。~……





汉语拼音:zhuó lì







  1. 尽力;用力。

    五代 吴涵虚 《上升歌》:“ 玉皇 有詔登仙职,龙吐云兮凤著力。”

  2. 尽力;用力。

    清 赵翼 《陔馀丛考·着力》:“《齐书》: 苍梧王 欲害 萧道成 , 陈太妃 駡曰:‘ 道成 有大功,今害之,谁復为汝着力者?’《南史》作‘谁为汝尽力’。” 鲁迅 《花边文学·做文章》:“因为要推倒旧东西,就要着力,太着力,就要‘做’。”



  1. One is to develop a core feature of the product or service, do not even this seems like a small business, as long as others do.


  2. But Bush, by his own admission, is still struggling to get a handle on where he went wrong.


  3. It makes you so decadent that you would make all efforts to struggle but fail to put forth your strength as if you were stuck in the mud.


  4. And Lin Yu-tang's works focus on building a world where women at home kingdom has always been at the center of it.


  5. I actually took some time off from trying to get girls and committed myself to becoming a more normal, adjusted guy.


  6. Mr Blinder is one of the authors of another popular undergraduate textbook, which he is now revising.


  7. Informal on the surface polish of his work, efforts to embody the essence of traditional Chinese painting freehand.


  8. The company is now focus on restructuring export, and hopes to work together more businessmen are welcome to inquire. . .


  9. For decades, India's sprawling and inefficient bureaucracy has spent billions of dollars to try to drag the poor out of poverty.


  1. 着力去干某事

    take great pains to do sth.

  2. 着眼于素质着力于改革

    To have the quality in mind, To take great pains to reform

  3. 这种扑面粉附着力强。

    The face powder adheres well to the skin.

  4. 孵化器应着力培育企业家精神

    Incubator ought to focus on cultivating entrepreneur spirit

  5. 为了获得附着力, 需要热力水压。

    A heated hydraulic press was required for adhesion.

  6. 为了获得附着力,需要热力水压。

    A heated hydraulic press was required for adhesion.

  7. 环形黏着力的标准试验方法

    Standard Test Methods for Loop Tack

  8. 胶鞋胶面附着力强度的研究

    Study on the Adhesive Strength of Rubber Overshoes.

  9. 耐水,耐酸和耐碱,附着力超强!

    Water, acid and alkaliresistant, adhesion super!

  10. 着力推进政府行政管理体制改革

    Make an Effort to the Reform on Administration System

  11. 附着力强, 柔韧性好, 耐冲击。

    Strong adhesion, excellent flexibility and impact endurance.

  12. 涂层对钢材基体具有强附着力。

    The coating has strong adhesive force to the steel.

  13. 防锈性能优异,干燥快,附着力强。

    Excellent rust resistance, quick drying, high adhesion.

  14. 对钢铁及旧漆膜的附着力好。

    Good adhesion to steel and existing coating.

  15. 硬度优良,耐磨耗,附着力好,耐醇优良。

    With great hardness, resistance to abrasion, alcohol and good adhesion.

  16. 着力解决经济发展中的不和谐现象

    To Make More Efforts to Address Discordant Elements in Economic Development

  17. 注意橙色的铜绿和附着力强磁铁

    Note orange patina and adhesion of strong magnet

  18. 文艺作品中应当着力塑造典型化人物。

    Literary works should focus on portraying typical people.

  19. 文艺作品中应当着力塑造典型化人物。

    Literary works should focus on portraying typical people.

  20. 三是着力联系实际抓好学习调研。

    Third, efforts to do a good job with practice, study and research.

  21. 铝和铝合金用釉瓷和搪瓷。附着力试验

    Vitreous and porcelain enamels for aluminium and aluminium lloys. adhesion tests

  22. 农业产业结构调整的着力点探索

    Exploration of the Focuses on Adjustment of Agricultural Structure of Production

  23. 材料必须有适度的粘着力和坚固性。

    The material must be moderately coherent and firm.

  24. 材料必须有适度得粘着力和坚固性。

    The material must be moderately coherent and firm.

  25. 壁虎脚底的粘着力究竟是怎样产生的呢?

    Adhesion of gecko foot exactly how is it?

  26. 那是在刚开始,我们还在着力解决问题。

    It was in the beginning, when we were still ironing out problems.

  27. 工业本身必须着力解决基础工业薄弱的问题。

    In industry, we should concentrate on developing basic industry, which is still weak.

  28. 国防大学着力改善高中级指挥员知识结构

    NDU focuses on improving knowledge structure of senior and medium level commanders

  29. 色泽洁白,干燥迅速,附着力强,反光性好。

    Pure colour, quick drying, strong adhesion, excellent reflecting.

  30. 静态平衡意味着力和力矩都处于平衡。

    Statical equilibrium means that both forces and moments are in balance.


  1. 问:着力拼音怎么拼?着力的读音是什么?着力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:着力的读音是zhuólì,着力翻译成英文是 put effort into

  2. 问:着力点拼音怎么拼?着力点的读音是什么?着力点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:着力点的读音是zháo lì diǎn,着力点翻译成英文是 origin of force



词目:着力 拼音:zhuó lì 同义词:努力,费力。

基本解释 [put forth effort] 尽力;用力 好人难做须着力 详细解释 1. 尽力;用力。

五代吴涵虚 《上升歌》:“ 玉皇 有诏登仙职,龙吐云兮凤著力。” 2. 尽力;用力。

清赵翼 《陔馀丛考·着力》:“《齐书》: 苍梧王 欲害 萧道成 , 陈太妃 骂曰:‘ 道成 有大功,今害之,谁复为汝着力者?’《南史》作‘谁为汝尽力’。”鲁迅 《花边文学·做文章》:“因为要推倒旧东西,就要着力,太着力,就要‘做’。” 3. 一般口头用语,比如说:这件事情很着力。
