


1. 爪 [zhǎo]2. 爪 [zhuǎ]爪 [zhǎo]指甲或趾甲:趾端有~。鸟兽的脚指:鹰~。~牙(喻党羽,狗腿子)。一鳞半~。抓。爪 [zhuǎ]禽兽的脚(多指有尖甲的):鸡~子。狗~子。像爪的东西,这个锅有三个~儿。……


1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:zhǎo zi






  1. 犹言蠢材、笨蛋。

    唐 郑棨 《开天传信记》:“﹝ 贺知章 ﹞涕泣辞上,上曰:‘何所欲?’ 知章 曰:‘臣有男未有定名,幸陛下赐之,归为乡里荣。’上曰:‘……卿子必信顺之人也,宜名之曰孚。’ 知章 再拜而受命。 知章 久而谓人曰:‘上何謔我耶。实 吴 人,孚乃爪下为子,岂非呼我为爪子耶!’” 元 无名氏 《村乐堂》第二折:“兀那爪子也,你不要言语,我与你这枝金釵儿。” 元 无名氏 《村乐堂》第二折:“我和你説,这等爪子在家里打搅,我明日则教同知赶了他去罢。”

  2. 动物的有尖甲的脚。

    《儿女英雄传》第三三回:“﹝ 安老爷 ﹞一脚正踹在狗爪子上。” 丁玲 《杜晚香·这是什么地方》:“﹝熊﹞用两个大爪子,扑住车灯。”

  3. 手的辱称。




  1. Since red and yellow feathers, claws stretched out inside, Yi Shen a, as if it led you to do gymnastics!


  2. He thought some clawed thing clutched at his leg as he yanked himself back out onto the passageway, shaking from more than the cold.


  3. When orders come in she sends out a paw or dog nose print kit that includes three moulds to make a full nose or paw print of a pet.


  4. She seemed to realise it in a sort of pussy -like way and instinctively concluded to cling with her soft little claws to Carrie.


  5. But amazingly the tiger hung his head, stretched a paw out to her hand and rubbed his cheek against where the girl's face was.


  6. Viserion's claws scrabbled against the stones, and the huge chains rattled as he tried to make his way to her again.


  7. Never mind, that old cove who has something the matter with his paw I know, and that I'm positive.


  8. Across the garden, the big yellow dog snorted and made digging motions with his paws.


  9. WL: I had to claw myself out, and let me tell you, I didn't take the scenic route, if you know what I mean.


  1. 猫用爪子抓。

    The cat scratches with her claws.

  2. 你爪子怎么了

    What happened to your paw?

  3. 适于栖息的爪子

    insessorial claws.

  4. 鸟类捕食的爪子

    the talon or claw of a bird of prey

  5. 爪子不适合鼓掌。

    Paws were never made for clapping.

  6. 能缩回的爪子

    retractile claws.

  7. 猫有四个爪子。

    A cat has four paws.

  8. 猫用爪子抓墙。

    The cat clawed the wall.

  9. 狗弄伤了爪子。

    The dog had hurt its paw.

  10. 猫能缩回爪子。

    A cat can retract its claws.

  11. 猫能缩进爪子。

    A cat can retract its claws.

  12. 猫伸出了爪子。

    The cat protracted its paws.

  13. 猫有锐利的爪子。

    Cats have sharp claw.

  14. 猫有锐利得爪子。

    Cats have sharp claw.

  15. 猫有锋利的爪子。

    Cats have sharp claws.

  16. 猫的爪子烧伤了。

    The cat's paw was burnt.

  17. 猫用爪子抓椅子。

    The cat clawed the chair.

  18. 狗用爪子抓骨头。

    The dog pawed at the bone.

  19. 猫用爪子互相抓。

    The cats clawed at each other.

  20. 爪鸟类捕食的爪子

    The talon or claw of a bird of prey.

  21. 猫用爪子击打气球。

    The cat batted the balloon with its paws.

  22. 熊用爪子拍打门。

    The bear pawed the door.

  23. 猫缩进它的爪子。

    A cat retracts its claws.

  24. 猫缩进它得爪子。

    A cat retracts its claws.

  25. 猫在舔它的爪子。

    The cat was licking its paw.

  26. 小猫的爪子很软。

    The kitten has very soft paws.

  27. 我亲爱的小爪子呀!

    Oh my dear paws!

  28. 狗爪子上都是血。

    The feet of the dog were bloody.

  29. 猫用爪子抓桌腿。

    The cat clawed at the leg of the table.

  30. 狗正在用爪子挖洞。

    The dog is clawing a hole.


  1. 问:爪子拼音怎么拼?爪子的读音是什么?爪子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:爪子的读音是zhuǎzi,爪子翻译成英文是 claw; paw; talon




拼音:zhuǎ zī词义:爪子原本意思为动物的四肢。现有网络新用法:爪子=做啥子的连读音=做什么一般语法为问句:你在爪子?意思是问你在做什么?A:你在爪子?B:没爪子。译:A:你在干什么?B:没干什么。溯源:四川,湖北襄樊地区的方言词汇,爪子=做啥子,原词按康熙字典上的写法应该是:口爪 子。也可作昵称、例:八爪 、爪子