


用耳朵接受声音:~力。~写。~觉。聆~。洗耳恭~。顺从,接受别人的意见:言~计从。任凭,随:~任(rèn )。~凭。~之任之。治理;判断:~讼(审理案件)。~政。量词,指马口铁密封成筒状以贮藏食物、饮料等:一~可口可乐。……





汉语拼音:tīng wén







  1. 指听的活动或所听到的内容。

    《书·仲虺之诰》:“矧予之德言足听闻。” 唐 韩愈 《送穷文》:“心无异谋,口絶行语,於何听闻,云我当去。” 宋 曾巩 《代人谢余侍郎启》:“疎阔已甚,抵弃未能,輒布听闻,方虞訶谴。” 明 王守仁 《传习录》卷下:“久之,渐有喜静厌动,流入枯槁之病,或务为玄解妙觉,动人听闻,故邇来只説致良知。” 清 黄钧宰 《金壶七墨·漕弊》:“沿习已久,殊骇听闻。” 章炳麟 《文学说例》:“在文辞则务合体要,在口説则务动听闻。” 萧红 《生死场》九:“什么也看不见,只能听闻:那是, 二里半 的女人作嘎的不愉悦的声音来近 赵三 。”



  1. When he heard the name of the false prophet, he bowed and took me by the hand, and placed me by his side.


  2. He had very deep natural wisdom, though, and as soon as he found out about Buddhism, he made up his mind to become a monk.


  3. Moreover he said unto me, Son of man, all my words that I shall speak unto thee receive in thine heart, and hear with thine ears.


  4. The food cuts could be a harbinger to further cost-cutting; Deep Fried has heard that the building might be put up for sublease.


  5. He continues to puff away on cigars and listen to music in his office in an era where indoor smoking is all but unheard of.


  6. "I think the NDRC is too powerful, " he said, to a burst of loud applause from his mainly Chinese audience.


  7. " On hearing that, I became so excited that I hurried to test how much I had taught him, " Then you tell me, what do you remember?


  8. Ms Hampton said she had never known a school to cancel a prom as a result of a dispute over gay students.


  9. Mark drove his wife to Los Angeles "like a maniac, " and saw the helicopter with the donor heart arrive on the hospital roof.


  1. 听闻辨别阉

    discrimination threshold of hearing.

  2. 我仍未听闻最近的新闻。

    I have not heard the latest news.

  3. 我已听闻他们呼唤我的名字。

    I've heard them calling my name.

  4. 我和夏洛克都未曾有听闻。

    I've never heard of it and neither has Sherlock.

  5. 听闻您身体健康,我欣喜至极!

    I am very glad to hear that you are enjoying good health.

  6. 在我听闻你死讯的那一刻。

    Don't give up on me, Kate.

  7. 我见他手施怜悯,听闻他安慰声。

    I see His hand of mercy, I hear His voice of cheer.

  8. 我听闻一些关于你的有趣的事情。

    I heard something interesting about you.

  9. 评弹演出听闻环境的调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Acoustical Environment of Pingtan Performance

  10. 更多是你们没有听闻过的音乐家

    And for even more that you've never heard of.

  11. 听闻了这场比赛都给我发了邮件

    and heard about the game and emailed me.

  12. 这个信仰的原因和听闻大法是这样。

    The case of faith and listening to Dharma is thus.

  13. 月亮听闻了你的名字,你却没有理睬我。

    The moon heard thy name, yet hadst thou no heed of me.

  14. 他们听闻印度所遭受的饥荒深感同情。

    They heard of the suffering from famine in India with bleeding heart.

  15. 我很难过听闻你父亲过世, 请节哀顺变。

    I was really sorry to hear about your father, please accept my sympathy.

  16. 当天来了很多急切想要听闻真理的人士。

    Many people attended the seminar, eager to hear the truth.

  17. 她的妻子听闻他被解雇了,变得非常担心!

    His wife got wind of dismissing end become very worried!

  18. 那时, 我的父母听闻在其他镇上, 有位名医。

    Then my parents heard there was a very good doctor in another town.

  19. 听闻这一好消息,努比的母亲激动得昏厥过去。

    His mother fainted upon hearing the good news.

  20. 王后以斯帖听闻末底改的哀恸, 却不明所以。

    When Queen Esther heard of Mordecai's condition, she couldn't understand it.

  21. 住在附近, 现年38岁的康贝尔, 听闻过各种传说。

    Lives in neighbor, present age 38 yearold Kang Beier, has heard each kind of fable.

  22. 上帝听闻了我们所有的抱怨和不信,并且非常不悦。

    The Lord hears all our murmurings and distrusts, and is much displeased.

  23. 最近,我听闻一个朋友得到了一个她的牙医推荐的职位。

    Just recently, I have heard about someone getting hired for a position that her dentist told her about.

  24. 也许你曾经听闻过这个美国生活方式倡导者提姆。菲利斯。

    You may have heard of the American lifestyle guru Tim Ferriss.

  25. 我听闻警方对这次恶搞行为的调查取得了显著的进展。

    As of this evening, the police have made significant advances towards solving this malicious crime.

  26. 在最佳时窗下分析出了每首乐曲的最佳听闻混响时间。

    Optimum listening reverberation time has been calculated in the optimum integration window.

  27. 听闻丈夫出外丧命,这女子只吓得栗然发怔,一语不发。

    Hearing her husband died when going out on business, the woman trembled and was terrified. She was unable to say a word.

  28. 听闻丈夫出外丧命,这女子只吓得栗然发怔,一语不发。

    Hearing her husband died when going out on business, the woman trembled and was terrified. She was unable to say a word.

  29. 听闻此说, 阿尔发唱片公司人员说那是磁铁式的耳环, 夹的啦。

    He said, ear accessory can be stickon or clipon.

  30. 闻听他的死讯,我流泪了。

    To learn about his death, gave a tear to my eye.


  1. 问:听闻拼音怎么拼?听闻的读音是什么?听闻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:听闻的读音是tīngwén,听闻翻译成英文是 hearing; what one hears.


