


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……


1. 雅 [yǎ]雅 [yǎ]正规的,标准的:~言。~正(a.规范的;b.正直;c.客气话,用于赠给他人的书画题款上,请对方指正)。美好的,高尚的,不粗俗的:文~。高~。典~。~观。~教(jiào )。~兴(xìng )。~座。~俗。平素,……



汉语拼音:dà yǎ







  1. 《诗经》的组成部分之一。旧训雅为正,谓诗歌之正声。

    《诗大序》:“雅者,正也,言王政之所废兴也。政有小大,故有《小雅》焉,有《大雅》焉。”《雅》为 周 王畿内乐调。《大雅》多为 西周 王室贵族的作品,主要歌颂 周 王室祖先乃至 武王 、 宣王 等之功绩,有些诗篇也反映了 厉王 、 幽王 的暴虐昏乱及其统治危机。《左传·襄公二十九年》:“ 吴公子 札 来聘……为之歌《大雅》。曰:‘广哉,熙熙乎!曲而有体,其 文王 之德乎!’”后亦用以称閎雅淳正的诗篇。 唐 李白 《古风》之一:“大雅久不作,吾衰竟谁陈?” 清 侯方域 《司成公家传》:“自 杜甫 后,大雅不作,至 明 乃復振。”

  2. 称德高而有大才的人。

    《文选·班固<西都赋>》:“大雅宏达,於兹为羣。” 李善 注:“大雅,谓有大雅之才者。《诗》有《大雅》,故以立称焉。” 明 蒋灿 《题杜少陵像》诗:“大雅长往矣,遗容后代看。” 清 感惺 《断头台·受谳》:“那议会啊,聚四方里耆英大雅。”

  3. 泛指学识渊博的人。

    鲁迅 《集外集拾遗补编·<剪报一斑>拾遗附文》:“至于分类分得不伦不类,那是小子底学识不到,还得大雅指正指正呢。”

  4. 谓高尚雅正。

    宋 叶适 《贺县尉》诗:“端庞还有北人风,大雅元非 楚 士同。” 清 戴名世 《<野香亭诗集>序》:“其音和平而大雅,其旨绵渺而藴藉。” 叶圣陶 《倪焕之》十七:“这样不伤大雅而又含有象征意义的词儿正合于一个青年人寄兴的需要,他就常常用它。”



  1. The idea of this monstrous exposure of her person was so painful to her relations.


  2. The cross marks the ancient boundary between the City of Norwich and Borough of Great Yarmouth.


  3. Nothing could be in worse taste than misplaced flippancy; and he answered somewhat stiffly: "Yes, you have been away a very long time. "


  4. Covered with plastic film is divided into light (light) and matte film (dumb) two shiny, which has a grey, tasteful beauty.


  5. Here the Yare is joined by the Rivers Bure and Waveney and finally flows into the North Sea at Gorleston, Great Yarmouth.


  6. Diala GX absorbs the gas back into the oil, preventing gas build-up and minimising the danger of explosion.


  7. This floating trash clogs the waterways, clutters the fields, ruins the gardens and blights the trees.


  8. Shell Diala oils are an extensive range of transformer and switchgear oils.


  9. Accuracy is very important, but more important fluency, especially when small mistake not hurt the stock.


  1. 不能登大雅之堂

    not in good taste

  2. 按摩登上了大雅之堂

    Massage Comes Out of the Parlor

  3. 只是个无伤大雅的吻!

    It was a harmless little kiss!

  4. 只是个无伤大雅的吻!

    It was a harmless little kiss!

  5. 无伤大雅的谎言, 小谎

    Fib n. A trivial or childish lie

  6. 无伤大雅的言语, 说法等。

    a fairly innocuous remark, statement, etc

  7. 他的话有伤大雅。

    His remarks trespassed the bounds of good taste.

  8. 这种行为有伤大雅。

    Such behaviour offends against good taste.

  9. 八卦,只是个无伤大雅的消遣。

    Gossip. it's just a harmless form of recreation.

  10. 八卦,只是个无伤大雅的消遣。

    Gossip. it's just a harmless form of recreation.

  11. 八卦,只是个无伤大雅的消遣。

    Gossip. It's just a harmless form of recreation.

  12. 那是一条无伤大雅的评注。

    It was an innocuous remark.

  13. 他的举止有伤大雅。

    His manners transgressed the bounds of good taste.

  14. 示利米雅,拿单,亚大雅,

    and Shelemiah and Nathan and adaiah,

  15. 在我看来他有伤大雅。

    It seemed to me that he had transgressed the boundaries of good taste.

  16. 然而这都是些无伤大雅的否定。

    They were, however, cheerful negations

  17. 那只不过是无伤大雅的调情罢了。

    It was just harmless flirting.

  18. 我这个样子实在不适登大雅之堂。

    I'm not fit to be seen in public.

  19. 这种音乐是登不上大雅之堂得。

    This kind music is not appeal to refined temperaments.

  20. 这种音乐是登不上大雅之堂的。

    This kind music is not appeal to refined temperaments.

  21. 这种音乐是登不上大雅之堂的。

    This kind music is not appeal to refined temperaments.

  22. 如今赛骆驼终于登上大雅之堂了。

    Now camel racing has arrived at the arenas.

  23. 那是个无伤大雅的骗术,开个玩笑而已。

    It was an innocent deception, meant as a joke.

  24. 那仅是一次无伤大雅的恶作剧, 仅次而已。

    It was just a harmless prank, that's all it was.

  25. 那是无伤大雅的鬼把戏,开个玩笑而已。

    It was an innocent deception, meant as a joke.

  26. 那只是个术语,一个无伤大雅的词组而已。

    Its a technical term its just a harmless expression.

  27. 人们习惯在? ? 节开一些无伤大雅的玩笑。

    People play practical jokes on April Fools'Day by tradition.

  28. 其后是巴录的儿子毗大雅修造。

    After him was pedaiah the son of parosh.

  29. 这种行为有伤大雅。这种行为不服从解释。

    Such behaviour offends against good taste. This behavior defies explanation.

  30. 我不夸大不扭曲事实,不说无伤大雅的谎言。

    I will not exaggerate, distort facts or tell even the smallest of lies.


  1. 问:大雅拼音怎么拼?大雅的读音是什么?大雅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大雅的读音是dàyǎ,大雅翻译成英文是 elegance

  2. 问:大雅之堂拼音怎么拼?大雅之堂的读音是什么?大雅之堂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大雅之堂的读音是dàyǎzhītáng,大雅之堂翻译成英文是 A noble hall; an elegant place.

  3. 问:大雅水库拼音怎么拼?大雅水库的读音是什么?大雅水库翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大雅水库的读音是dàyǎ shuǐkù,大雅水库翻译成英文是 Daea Reservoir

  4. 问:大雅树木园拼音怎么拼?大雅树木园的读音是什么?大雅树木园翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大雅树木园的读音是dàyǎ shùmù yuán,大雅树木园翻译成英文是 Jeonbuk Daea Arboretum

  5. 问:大雅河漂流景区拼音怎么拼?大雅河漂流景区的读音是什么?大雅河漂流景区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大雅河漂流景区的读音是dàyǎ hé piāoliú jǐngqū,大雅河漂流景区翻译成英文是 Daya River Rafting Scenic Area