


抢,强取:抢~。掠~。巧取豪~。强(qiāng )词~理。争先取到:~得最后胜利。~魁。~冠(guàn )。冲开:~门而出。丧失,削除:剥~。褫~(剥夺)。~志(改变志向或意愿)。晃动:光彩~目。决定如何处理:请予裁~。漏掉(文字):第八行……


1. 冠 [guān]2. 冠 [guàn]冠 [guān]帽子:衣~。~戴。~盖(古代官吏的帽子和车盖,借指官吏)。衣~楚楚。形状像帽子或在顶上的东西:~子。鸡~。树~。~状动脉。冠 [guàn]把帽子戴在头上:沐猴而~。超出众人,居第一……



汉语拼音:duó guàn







  1. 夺取冠军。




  1. "But when I was in the semis, playing against Nadal, I said maybe if I beat Rafa, I can win the tournament , " he said.


  2. "I knew where it was going, I felt it, " Van der Sar said, diving to his right to push the ball away and spark delirious celebrations.


  3. He began this season yelling "championship or bust" as loud as he could, hoping his teammates would listen and follow suit.


  4. The 24-year-old defender may have won the title with Chelsea, but he feels the Stamford Bridge faithful never saw the best of him.


  5. In one month, it was enough to see how he works and his desire to win things. So it wasn't hard to make the decision to come to Chelsea.


  6. France went into the finals as favourites for the finals having reached the semi finals of the World Cup some two years previously.


  7. There was no doubt that if she had not lost her rudder, she would have won the race easily.


  8. Popovich also said he did not agree with the argument of those who say they can no longer win.


  9. I would like to be there at the top of the table and be contending but I cannot say too much on the other teams.


  1. 她们是夺冠热门。

    They are the favorite team to win.

  2. 我料定他能夺冠。

    I'm sure he will win the championship.

  3. 英国队志在夺冠。

    The British team is poised to win the title.

  4. 破发成功, 夺冠在望。

    With a break the title was in sight.

  5. 破发成功,夺冠在望。

    With a break the title was in sight.

  6. 祝愿你比赛夺冠成功。

    May you succeed in winning the first prize in the game.

  7. 是我要夺冠的信念。

    Is I want to win convictions.

  8. 夺冠者状态极佳。

    The champion was in sparkling form.

  9. 我仍然看好他们夺冠。

    The outstanding Royde shovel ball, Kelisidiyanuo crosses his leg, is this.

  10. 他们夺冠的实力无可置疑。

    Their ability to win the championship was beyond doubt.

  11. 他们夺冠的实力无可置疑。

    Their ability to win the championship was beyond doubt.

  12. 我仍然认定联队会夺冠。

    United are still my tip for the Title.

  13. 她似乎具备夺冠的条件。

    She seems set fair to win the championship.

  14. 舒马赫加拿大雨后夺冠

    Schumacher shines in Canada rain

  15. 他夺冠的可能性微乎其微。

    There is very little possibility of his becoming the champion.

  16. 英语演讲比赛厦门队夺冠

    Xiamen grabs gold at English Speaking Contest

  17. 今天下午谁最有可能夺冠?

    Who is most likely to win the first place this afternoon?

  18. 我不可能定下夺冠的目标。

    I cannot think about aiming for the title.

  19. 厦门队夺冠首届国际风筝赛

    Xiamen Team tops World Kite Tournament

  20. 人们早就认定她有可能夺冠。

    She was earmarked early as a possible champion.

  21. 她在最近的选美比赛中夺冠。

    She got the first prize in a recent beauty contest.

  22. 现在只有三个队有机会夺冠。

    Only three teams are now in contention for the title.

  23. 他夺冠不过是早晚的事罢了。

    It will only be a matter of time before he wins the championship.

  24. 单人游戏中经理模式意甲夺冠

    As the Lead Profile in a single player game win Serie A in Manager Mode

  25. 单人游戏中经理模式德甲夺冠

    As the Lead Profile in a single player game win the Bundesliga in Manager Mode

  26. 他的转会使曼联夺冠十拿九稳。

    His transfer to Manchester United almost guarantees them the championship.

  27. 他的转会使曼联夺冠十拿九稳。

    His transfer to Manchester United almost guarantees them the championship.

  28. 单人游戏中经理模式西甲夺冠

    As the Lead Profile in a single player game win the Spanish Primera in Manager Mode

  29. 单人游戏中经理模式法甲夺冠

    As the Lead Profile in a single player game win the Dutch Eredivisie in Manager Mode

  30. 他在加时赛重打败对手而夺冠。

    He won the first prize in the championship by beating his rival in a sudden death play off.


  1. 问:夺冠拼音怎么拼?夺冠的读音是什么?夺冠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:夺冠的读音是duóguàn,夺冠翻译成英文是 win the championship


