


1. 牟 [móu]2. 牟 [mù]牟 [móu]取,谋求:~利。牛叫声:“~然而鸣”。古同“眸”,瞳人。古同“侔”,等同。姓。牟 [mù]〔~平〕地名,在中国山东省。……





汉语拼音:móu lì







  1. 谋取利益。

    汉 桓宽 《盐铁论·本议》:“万物并收则物腾跃,腾跃则商贾牟利自市。” 唐 权德舆 《进士策问》之三:“欲使操奇赢者无所牟利,务农桑者沛然自足。”《明史·刘大夏传》:“势家欲牟利无所得。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致孙用》:“书坊专为牟利,是不好的,这能使 中国 没有好书。”



  1. The forms might not be available, or they might have to be bought from profiteering officials or their friends.

  2. The tough economy and easy credit condition have led many companies trying to profit from asset appreciation.

  3. Corrupt politicians that were in prison for doing illegal favors were able to head right back to parliament after they got out.

  4. S. officials said was a strict condition: she could not profit from her story.

  5. But whether guys go as girls in MMOs for fun or for profit, it's easy to be fooled.

  6. Maybe, maybe not, but lawyer says that even with plea deal she can, sort of.

  7. A non-statutory, not-for-profit corporation set up in 2001 to provide market-oriented Internet domain name registration services.

  8. Using your name and the name of your non-profit charity in your promotion will lend credibility and breed trust in your offer.

  9. Conditions are terrible in Haiti and in the midst of the hardship and turmoil the evil that is Monsanto is trying to take advantage.


  1. 牟利性进货

    going long.

  2. 而是为了从中牟利。

    They do it to make a profit.

  3. 他用他父亲的名誉牟利。

    He trades on his father's reputation.

  4. 他们蔑视私产及合法牟利。

    They teach contempt for property and lawful profit.

  5. 传播淫秽物品牟利罪

    or disseminating obscene materials with the purpose of making profits crime

  6. 论为亲友非法牟利罪

    On Crime of Illegal Profiteering for Relatives

  7. 禁止将探矿权、采矿权倒卖牟利。

    Profiteering in exploration right or mining right shall be prohibited.

  8. 并且, 国会从中牟利已成既定事实。

    That, and the fact that the practice had become so lucrative for Congress.

  9. 为亲友非法牟利罪若干问题研究

    The Crime of Seeking Profits for Relatives and Friends

  10. 那人私下承认他的动机是为了牟利。

    The man privately admits that his motive is profits.

  11. 严禁倒卖牟利, 严禁卖给或者赠送给外国人。

    It'shall be strictly archives for profit, or to sell them or give them to foreigners.

  12. 为亲友非法牟利罪的若干问题探析

    Analyzing the Crime of Obtaining Unjust Benefits for Relatives and Friends

  13. 基本的价格飞涨不良政客还要从中牟利

    Basically, prices soar and crooked politicians then milk the rents from the sector.

  14. 不能允许这些人从其犯罪活动中牟利。

    These men cannot be allowed to profit from their criminal activities.

  15. 以牟利为目的, 倒卖国家禁止经营的文物

    Whoever, for the purpose of reaping profits, resells cultural relics, the transaction of which is banned by the state

  16. 不得以牟利为目的向社会推荐商品和服务。

    Nor are they allowed to recommend commodities and services to society with the aim of making profits.

  17. 熊狸可作为传统中药, 偷猎者因此想贩售牟利。

    The poachers want to sell the bear cats to be used in Traditional Chinese medicine.

  18. 自私的人试图从神圣的人权事业中为自己牟利

    Selfish men were... trying to make capital for themselves out of the sacred cause of human rights

  19. 自私得人试图从神圣得人权事业中为自己牟利

    Selfish men were... trying to make capital for themselves out of the sacred cause of human rights

  20. 为他们的亲友和部族牟利,而把其他人排除在外。

    their cronies, and tribesmen and exclude everybody else.

  21. 但是, 里布家族酿酒厂坚持称, 他们不会从中牟利。

    But Lieb Family Cellars insists that it is not making any money out of the project.

  22. 总统和他的家人也被指控腐败和利用职权非法牟利。

    The president and his family have also been accused of corruption and illegally profiting from his power.

  23. 因此, 在当前的战争经济中, 军队指挥官正在从冲突中牟利。

    As a result, in the current war economy, military commanders are profiting from the conflict.

  24. 这份新协定旨在加强政府的行动,阻止非法经营者牟利。

    The new agreement aims for greater action by governments to prevent illegal operators from making a profit.

  25. 他们做了一个信用卡诈骗案,并且牟利超过一百亿美元。

    They conducted a credit card fraud that netted them over 8 billion dollars.

  26. 第75段将抢劫塞族陵园得金属部分解释为是为了牟利。

    In paragraph75 the plunder of metal segments on Serbian graves is explained by profit.

  27. 第75段将抢劫塞族陵园的金属部分解释为是为了牟利。

    In paragraph75 the plunder of metal segments on Serbian graves is explained by profit.

  28. 他们利用人们对不确定因素的厌恶心理推销保险,从中牟利。

    They take advantage of people's dislike of uncertainty by providing insurance services.

  29. 在这种牟利时, 你绝不会想要耐心等待你的决定性转变。

    In such a profit, you will not want to wait for your decisive change.

  30. 他们一直人为地使糖的价格居高不下,以此为公司牟利。

    They have kept the price of sugar artificially high and so fattened the company's profits.


  1. 问:牟利拼音怎么拼?牟利的读音是什么?牟利翻译成英文是什么?

    答:牟利的读音是móulì,牟利翻译成英文是 to seek profit; to gain profit; to seek person...

  2. 问:牟利罗拼音怎么拼?牟利罗的读音是什么?牟利罗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:牟利罗的读音是Móulìluó,牟利罗翻译成英文是 Murillo, Bartolomé Esteban

  3. 问:牟利单位拼音怎么拼?牟利单位的读音是什么?牟利单位翻译成英文是什么?

    答:牟利单位的读音是móu lì dān wèi,牟利单位翻译成英文是 Revenue-Producing Activity




【读音】móu lì

【解释】◎牟,多所求取之意。 ◎也可以拿来用在牛的叫声上,如“牟然而鸣”。 词语的意思是取得的利益超出了应该获得的,一般形容贪婪的攫取巨大利益,违反道德,甚至法律。
