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《管子·法禁》:“渔利苏功,以取顺其君。” 尹知章 注:“饰诈以钓君利,谓之渔利。” 宋 陆游 《跋南城吴氏社仓书楼诗文后》:“吝则嗇出,贪则渔利。” 清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记·如是我闻三》:“药以活人,岂敢杀人以渔利!” 鲁迅 《书信集·致姚克》:“他们也知道禁绝左倾刊物,书店只好关门,所以左翼作家的东西,还是要出的,而拔其骨格,但以渔利。”
Speaking Thursday at a press conference, Mr. Hatoyama denied knowledge of any wrongdoing and said he personally didn't benefit.
鸠山由纪夫在周四举行的一个新闻发布会上坚称自己不知道任何违法行为的存在,并说他个人未从中渔利。LTCM's strategy was to scour world markets for pairs of assets with prices that appeared to be out of line with each other.
LTCM的投资策略是精心在全世界范围内发掘同类金融资产在不同市场中的不合理价差并从中渔利。The deputy administrator of the US Agency for International Development, Donald Steinberg, said the aid must not benefit al-Shabab.
美国国际发展署副署长DonaldSteinberg说不能让al-Shabab从这次援助中渔利。In the 1970s, the Nixon administration was able to take advantage of the rift between Beijing and Moscow to make an opening toward China.
70年代,尼克松政府在中苏裂缝中收了渔利,使得美国能打开中国的大门。Yet the sceptics' aim is not to help deal with the problem but to extract concessions.
但疑欧派的目的不是帮着解决这个问题,而是企图从中渔利。trying to get round our patents and cash in on our sales efforts.
企图回避我们的专利并从我们的销售工作中渔利。The Democratic Party, which trails the GNP in national polls, has failed to capitalise on the president's unpopularity.
国民调查统计显示民主党的受众率仅次于国大党,但此次总统支持率下滑,他们却无法从中渔利。The investment firm, which bought Simmons in 2003, has pocketed around $77 million in profit, even as the company's fortunes have declined.
虽然席梦思公司财产减少了,但是THL不但没有受损反而从中渔利不少,获得了7700万美元的利润。4. . . trying to get round our patent and cash in on our sales efforts.
试图规避我们的专利并从我们的促销工作中渔利。他名为帮忙, 实际是想从中渔利。
On the surface he was helping out, but in fact he was profiting from the situation.
On the surface he was helping out, but in fact he was profiting from the situation.
However these gateway's battle gives CCTV the net unearned gain the opportunity.
Trying to get round our patents and cash in on our sales efforts.
恐怖主义充分利用了尚未解决的冲突, 并从冲突扩大中渔利。
Terrorism fully exploits unresolved conflicts and profits from their expansion.
人们都很紧张, 而军事机构在军火工业的支持下乘机渔利。
People were nervous, and the military establishments, backed by arms industries, cashed in.
They acquire the land in order to be able to sell it advantageously to the government.
Clodius guessed her pique and resolved to profit by it.