




1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……



汉语拼音:hào dà








  1. 气势、规模、数量等盛大。

    汉 陆贾 《新语·道基》:“宽博浩大,恢廓密微。” 宋 司马光 《涑水记闻》卷十五:“河水浩大,非耙可濬。”《水浒传》第六一回:“钱粮浩大,人物繁华。” 清 吴敏树 《答李香州书》:“承惠手书,滔滔千百言,旨趣浩大,不可以骤穷。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致曹靖华》:“不过此事经费浩大,大约不过空想而已。”



  1. A great deal of money is spent on new and bigger aircraft and airports to deal with the vast increase in passengers travelling by air .


  2. Within the plant kingdom are to be found a vast array of chemical structures.


  3. Breeding huge numbers of crocodiles was one of those projects that seemed like a good idea at the time.


  4. The feast of life in this vast, and of the elaborate identity, the power of the majesty of the time prosperous, extreme scenery! ! ! ! !


  5. Even if China's model is changing to one less dependent on exports, such a huge structural shift will inevitably bring havoc in its wake.


  6. nevertheless, I never cease to be amazed by the vast amount of knowledge and life experiences they relate to me.


  7. and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength.


  8. Gambling is only for young men who have expensive tastes and not enough money to keep up the kind of lives they lead.


  9. This vast enterprise enabled the bank to compare the purchasing power of many countries in 2005.


  1. 多么浩大的战场!

    What a mighty battlefield!

  2. 工程浩大, 所费不赀。

    The project is on such a gigantic scale that the cost is hard to calculate.

  3. 工程浩大,所费不赀。

    The project is on such a gigantic scale that the cost is hard to calculate .

  4. 餐厅是一项浩大的工程

    That restaurant is a huge undertaking.

  5. 餐厅是一项浩大的工程。

    That restaurant is a huge undertaking.

  6. 这次竞选运动声势浩大。

    The campaign was a blockbuster.

  7. 那是一项非常浩大的工程。

    That is a huge project.

  8. 这是一项规模浩大的工程。

    This is a huge project.

  9. 这是一项规模浩大的工程。

    This is a huge project.

  10. 那是一项非常浩大得工程。

    That is a huge project.

  11. 这次大选的声势将非常浩大。

    This election's going to be huge.

  12. 而是一直在进行的浩大工程。

    and like a giant work in progress.

  13. 这是一项规模浩大得工程。

    This is a huge project.

  14. 不过这是一项非常浩大的工程。

    But this is a very huge project.

  15. 一场声势浩大的广告宣传活动

    an aggressive advertising campaign

  16. 组织那场演出是一项浩大的工程。

    Organizing the show has been a massive undertaking.

  17. 海洋是浩大的,你只是其中的一滴水。

    The ocean is vast, you are just a drop in it.

  18. 群众正在进行声势浩大的示威游行。

    The crowd was demonstrating tumultuously.

  19. 然而宇宙的浩大不应该摇动我们的信心。

    However the vastness of the universe should not shake our faith.

  20. 因工程浩大, 希望各位执事鼎立相助。

    As this is a huge project, we hope every attendant would support us with great effort.

  21. 因工程浩大,希望各位执事鼎立相助。

    As this is a huge project, we hope every attendant would support us with great effort.

  22. 马拉松比赛那天,集聚了浩大的比赛选手。

    On the day of the marathon, there was a grand parade of all the competitors.

  23. 他觉得他的队伍实力坚强,声势浩大。

    He was confident of the unyielding strength and formidable superiority of his troops.

  24. 由于工程浩大, 持续了数年, 耗资万金。

    The construction lasted several years and cost a large sum of money.

  25. 在1871年,芝加哥遭遇一场浩大的火灾。

    In1871, Chicago suffered a massive fire.

  26. 但这通常是个难度不低的浩大工程。

    But this is rarely an easy or trivial task.

  27. 一个声势浩大的语言改革运动应运而生。

    There occurred a gigantic language reform.

  28. 将他的书付印本身就是一件浩大的工程。

    Getting his book into print has been an Olympian task in itself.

  29. 波兰人发起了声势浩大的投资运动。

    The poles launched a tremendous investment drive.

  30. 将你最好的献与主,主爱浩大无可比。

    Give of your best to the Master, naught else is worthy His love.


  1. 问:浩大拼音怎么拼?浩大的读音是什么?浩大翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浩大的读音是hàodà,浩大翻译成英文是 Great in momentum, scale or number.




【拼音】hào dà



【例句】声势浩大 工程浩大


【基本解释】规模巨大 浩大的工程。