







汉语拼音:hào hàn










  1. 同“ 浩汗 ”。水盛大貌。

    清 叶名澧 《桥西杂记·湖广省分闱乡试》:“ 湖南 士子赴 湖北 乡试,必经由 洞庭湖 。湖水浩瀚无涯,波涛不测。” 周恩来 《别李愚如并示述弟》诗:“出国去,走 东海 、 南海 、 红海 、 地中海 ,一处处的浪卷涛涌,奔腾浩瀚,送你到那自由故乡的 法兰西 海岸。” 峻青 《秋色赋·火光》:“无边无垠的大海,它是那样的辽阔浩瀚,雄伟庄严。”

  2. 形容广大繁多;广博。

    南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·事类》:“经典沉深,载籍浩瀚。” 宋 范仲淹 《答手诏条陈十事》:“至若在京百司,金穀浩瀚,权势子弟,长为占据。” 明 胡应麟 《诗薮·元》:“ 宋 人调甚驳,而材具纵横,浩瀚过於 元 。” 林伯渠 《答横槊将军》诗:“浩瀚襟怀 扬子水 ,光辉旗帜 井冈山 。”



  1. God loves you; every being of Light in the vastness of Creation loves each and every one of you, and yet not everyone on Planet Earth does.


  2. Up to Brig, the Rhone is a torrent, and then becomes a great mountain river running southwest through a glacier valley.


  3. "Jinpingmei Cihua" is the treasure house of words, in the face of this vast ocean of words, we can only choose just a part of it.


  4. When I think of the play of force and matter, and all the tremendous struggle of it, I feel as if I could write an epic on the grass.


  5. Very soon he lost his way. he grew pale at the great height and the vast sky in front of him and behind.


  6. He said though the two countries are thousands of miles apart, the vast Pacific Ocean can't separate the friendship between both peoples.


  7. The vastness of the ocean breeze blowing a worry-free, so that the garden near the road began to drift with the tide of gold leaf.


  8. Sailing the greats seas there is always an urge to step on land, at least for a bit. Thankfully the urge always passes quickly.


  9. infinity of space, Owen wondered what manner of Being or Power it was that had originated and sustained all this.


  1. 浩瀚的大海

    a boundless sea.

  2. 浩瀚的水域

    a vast spread of water.

  3. 浩瀚的宇宙

    the measureless universe.

  4. 浩瀚的沙漠

    a vast expanse of desert.

  5. 宇宙浩瀚无边。

    The universe is limitless.

  6. 宇宙浩瀚无边。

    The universe is limitless.

  7. 大西洋浩瀚无边。

    The Atlantic Ocean is immense.

  8. 浩瀚无边的海洋

    a vast ocean

  9. 宇宙的浩瀚无垠

    the immensity of the universe

  10. 浩瀚设计公司总经理

    Chen Wenlong NOVA Product Design LTD.

  11. 绿色犹如浩瀚的海洋

    And green can be big like an ocean

  12. 我们的世界浩瀚, 喧闹,

    Our world is full of immensity and clamour

  13. 大西洋是个浩瀚的海洋。

    The Atlantic is a mighty ocean.

  14. 草原的浩瀚确是奇观。

    The spread of the prairies was indeed a startling sight.

  15. 浩瀚的学习和研究的领域

    A vast realm of learning and research

  16. 福州浩瀚康体器材有限公司。

    Fuzhou Hao Han Kang Ti Equipment Co., Ltd.

  17. 天空是那么的宽广和浩瀚。

    And the sky is so rich and deep.

  18. 浩瀚得血海下沉淀得原罪。

    The vast sea of blood sedimentation under the original sin.

  19. 北京星辰浩瀚文化发展有限公司

    Beijing Shekels Hexagon Culture Development

  20. 草原得浩瀚确是奇观。

    The spread of the prairies was indeed a startling sight.

  21. 超越宇宙浩瀚无垠太空人伍迪!

    Beyond infinity, Space Ranger. Woody!

  22. 浩瀚的宇宙,我们一样展翅飞翔。

    The vast universe, we as wings.

  23. 而你, 浩瀚的海啊, 不寐的母亲。

    And you, vast sea, sleepless mother.

  24. 而你, 浩瀚得海啊, 不寐得母亲。

    And you, vast sea, sleepless mother.

  25. 浩瀚的沙漠、浩淼的水域、茫茫的积雪

    A vast expanse of desert, water, snow, etc.

  26. 我想象不出太空的浩瀚无际。

    I can't imagine the immensity of space.

  27. 宇宙的浩瀚使人觉得自身渺小。

    HUMBLEThe vastness of the universe makes a person feel humble.

  28. 浩瀚的太平洋是世界上第一大洋。

    The vast Pacific is the world's largest ocean.

  29. 将来, 人们会充分利用浩瀚的天空。

    One day, man can make full use of vacant space.

  30. 浩瀚大海有源头,参天大树有须根。

    There is origin even for vast ocean, and root for giant trees.


  1. 问:浩瀚拼音怎么拼?浩瀚的读音是什么?浩瀚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浩瀚的读音是hàohàn,浩瀚翻译成英文是 vast; expansion



“浩瀚”是个多义词,它可以指浩瀚(张杰演唱歌曲), 浩瀚(汉语词语)。