


1. 风 [fēng]2. 风 [fěng]风 [fēng]空气流动的现象。气象学特指空气在水平方向的流动:~向。~速。~级。~险。~波(喻纠纷或乱子)。~雨如磐(a.指风雨不断,天色黑暗,给人以重压的感觉;b.喻社会黑暗或境地艰难)。~花……





汉语拼音:fēng fān







  1. 亦作“ 风颿 ”。

    1.船帆。 清 林则徐 《中秋嶰筠尚书招余及关滋圃军门天培饮沙角炮台眺月有作》诗:“转眸已失 大小虎 ,须臾 沙角 风颿收。” 郭风 《叶笛集》:“我看见无数的双桅船,以它们的高耸的桅杆、红色的三角旗、白色和茶色的风帆,张起或卷下的风帆,来装饰你的港口。”

  2. 指张帆乘风而行的船。

    唐 韩愈 《岳阳楼别窦司直》诗:“严程迫风帆,劈箭入高浪。” 宋 周密 《齐东野语·三高亭记改本》:“尝试倚楹而望,水光浮空,云日上下,风颿烟艇,飘忽晦明。” 明 张煌言 《怀王媿两少司马徐闇公沉复斋中丞》诗:“南望 铜陵 又一山,风颿千尺鲸波间。” 艾芜 《海岛上》:“屋外一望无际的淡蓝色海面和几只茶褐色风帆,便像壁间的大画幅一样,明静而清新地摆在我的眼前。”



  1. Use your front hand to pull the mast across the centerline and into the wind, until you look through the sail window.


  2. He did not need a compass to tell him where southwest was. He only needed the feel of the trade wind and the drawing of the sail.


  3. Heed the North winds mighty gale, lock the door and trim the sail. When the Wind blows from the East, expect the new and set the feast.


  4. You know , I started sailing when I was seven , and started ocean racing when I was about eighteen, but I'd never been overboard before.


  5. I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.


  6. If you are not afraid of suffering, the courage to set sail against the wind and rain, the sea and the sun will be reflected on the Rainbow.


  7. Inside the opening, the wind was cut off, the sails hung limp and the ship lost speed.


  8. The best way to combat this is found in this phrase: Rather than trying to adjust the wind, adjust your sails.


  9. In the strong winds, we couldn't risk putting the sails up, so we had no means of controlling the boat.


  1. 风帆的鼓胀

    the flap of the sails

  2. 信息风帆网站

    Information Sail Website.

  3. 滑浪风帆大赛

    windsurfing regatta

  4. 风帆的各个部分

    every stitch

  5. 风帆冲浪参加风帆冲浪运动

    To engage in windsurfing.

  6. 云起风帆正当时。

    At that time, since clouds are sailing.

  7. 张着所有的风帆

    keep full sails

  8. 他们扬起了风帆。

    They hoisted sail.

  9. 扬起理想的风帆!

    Let my ideal sail out!

  10. 扬起理想得风帆!

    Let my ideal sail out!

  11. 扬起梦想的风帆

    How I Made My Dreams Come True

  12. 书页是我的风帆。

    The book page is my sail.

  13. 扬起友谊的风帆

    Hoisting the Sails of Friendship

  14. 渔民们扬起了风帆。

    The fishermen broke out a sail

  15. 风帆在微风中摆动。

    The sails flapped in the breeze.

  16. 展开旗子, 旗帜, 风帆等。

    unfurl a flag, banner, sail, etc

  17. 看着风帆上的鲜血,

    Looking at the sanguine sail

  18. 看着风帆上得鲜血,

    Looking at the sanguine sail

  19. 大船张满风帆。

    The big ship was in full sail.

  20. 大风吹得风帆鼓鼓的。

    The sails hove by the strong wind.

  21. 下午我都去风帆冲浪。

    I went windsurfing most afternoons.

  22. 扬起建筑方针的风帆

    Hoisting the sails of architectural principle

  23. 不断转动风帆以改变航向

    tack about

  24. 装有此种风帆的船

    A boat having such a sail.

  25. 武汉风帆电镀技术有限公司。

    Wuhan Fengfan Electroplating Technology Co., Ltd.

  26. 顺风了,船员们扬起了风帆。

    As the wind got favorable, the crew put up the sails.

  27. 古老的帆船使用帆布风帆。

    Old sailing ships used to have canvas sails.

  28. 我们愿助你扬起风帆。

    We hope to up the wind sail for you.

  29. 你做过风帆冲浪运动吗

    Have you ever tried windsurfing

  30. 滑浪风帆基本或以上证书

    Basic windsurfing certificate or above.


  1. 问:风帆拼音怎么拼?风帆的读音是什么?风帆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:风帆的读音是fēngfān,风帆翻译成英文是 sweep

  2. 问:风帆拖网渔船拼音怎么拼?风帆拖网渔船的读音是什么?风帆拖网渔船翻译成英文是什么?

    答:风帆拖网渔船的读音是fēngfān tuōwǎngyúchuán,风帆拖网渔船翻译成英文是 lugger trawler



“风帆”是个多义词,它可以指风帆(美国2007年Sterlin Harjo执导电影), 风帆(著名歌唱家彭丽媛演唱的歌曲), 风帆(汉语词语), 风帆(电视剧)。