


1. 量 [liáng]2. 量 [liàng]量 [liáng]确定、计测东西的多少、长短、高低、深浅、远近等的器具:~具。~杯。~筒。~角器。用计测器具或其他作为标准的东西确定、计测:计~。测~。~度。~体温。估计,揣测:估~。思~。打……





汉语拼音:liàng jiǔ






  1. 酒保;堂倌。

    《京本通俗小说·西山一窟鬼》:“却不是别人,是 净慈寺 对门酒店里量酒。”《古今小说·史弘肇龙虎君臣会》:“ 史弘肇 看着量酒道:‘我不曾带钱来,你厮赶我去营里讨还你。’”



  1. it ' s been shown that when men and women who drink the same amount of alcohol , women experience higher blood alcohol levels than men.


  1. 传统上,苏格兰出售的标准量的酒要多于别处。

    Measures sold in Scotland have been traditionally larger.

  2. 这是一种小酒杯, 它只能盛下一标准量得酒。

    This is a small glass that holds one unit of alcohol.

  3. 这是一种小酒杯,它只能盛下一标准量的酒。

    This is a small glass that holds one unit of alcohol.

  4. 糙沙时量水的加入量对轮次酒的影响

    Effects of Addition Quantity of Hot Water on the Liquors from Cyclic Fermentation During Adding Materials

  5. 足以使人醉倒的酒的量

    Enough alcohol to make a person drunk

  6. 英国水手从18世纪到1970年代得到定期的兰姆酒配给量。

    British sailors received regular rum rations from the 18 th century until the 1970 s.

  7. 那个人酒喝得过了量。

    The man drank a little more than was good for him.

  8. 这迷汤好比酒,被灌者的量各各不同

    Such rice gruel is like alcohol.Everyone has a different capacity for it

  9. 在英国酒的消耗量太大了。

    There's too great a consumption of alcohol in Britain.

  10. 喝酒时还要小心每次喝的量。

    Also, be wary of portion size when drinking alcohol.

  11. 同量的伏特加酒和橘子汁。

    Equal portions of vodka and orange juice.

  12. 产量低意味着冰酒收获量小而多变。

    Lower yields imply eiswein harvest also will be small and variable.

  13. 喝酒可别太放量,喝多了会伤身。

    Drinking too much is bad for one's health.

  14. 喝酒可别太放量,喝多了会伤身。

    Drinking too much is bad for one's health.

  15. 在贵国, 酒的消耗量是否受法律限制?

    Is the consumption of alcohol restricted by law in your country ?

  16. 这迷汤好比酒, 被灌者得量各各不同

    Such rice gruel is like alcohol.Everyone has a different capacity for it

  17. 伏特加酒的销售量创历史最高记录

    sales of vodka have reached an all-time high

  18. 也可以用等量的水和苦艾酒或是伏特加。

    You can use equal parts ofwater and vermouth or vodka.

  19. 在过去两年里,人均酒品消费量降低了。

    The per capita consumption of alcohol has dropped over the past two years.

  20. 近年来俄罗斯每年对酒的消费量呈上升趋势。

    The annual consumption of alcohol has seen an upward trend in Russia in recent years.

  21. 在过去五年, 烈性酒和啤酒的销售量明显增加。

    In the past five years, there had been noted increases in the sale of hard liquor and beer.

  22. 当啤酒税增高时,啤酒的消耗量就降低了。

    The consumption of beer went down when the tax on it was raised.

  23. 热表面电离同位素稀释质谱法测定红酒中痕量铅

    Measurement of Trace Pb in Red Wine With Thermal Ionization Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry

  24. 空余量容器如瓶,酒桶,水箱等液面上方的容积

    The amount by which a container, such as a bottle, cask, or tank, falls short of being full.

  25. 一量杯柯纳克白兰地, 然后用香槟或汽水酒加满。

    A jigger of cognac, and youre going to top it off with champagne or sparkling wine.