




1. 落 [là]2. 落 [luò]3. 落 [lào]落 [là]丢下,遗漏:丢三~四。~了一个字。落 [luò]掉下来,往下降:降~。~下。零~(a.叶子脱落,如“草木~~”;b.衰败,如“一片~~景象”;c.稀疏,如“枪声~~”)。……







汉语拼音:yī luò qiān zhàng





唐韩愈《听颖师弹琴》诗:“跻攀分寸不可上,失势一落千丈强。” 原形容琴声陡然由高到低。后用以形容景况、地位急剧下降或情绪突然低落。



  • 【解释】:原指琴声陡然降落。后用来形容声誉、地位或经济状况急剧下降。
  • 【出自】:唐·韩愈《听颖师弹琴》诗:“跻攀分寸不可上,失势一落千丈强。”
  • 【示例】:所以喜奎一嫁,转瞬坤伶声势,~,伶界牛耳,又让男伶夺去。
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、定语;含贬义


  1. The family, as it considerably falls under modern conditions, has estimation in which it was held by an earlier generation.


  2. Japan is heading into a landmark election in a state of freefall.


  3. The United States government may not be so lucky with its reputation.


  4. General Motors is running out of cash. Oil prices ran up to historic highs before dropping, but only because of a worldwide recession.


  5. Then he appeared in three films that nobody want to see, and his career took a nose dive -- no producer wants him any more.


  6. The tidings of my high fortunes having had a heavy fall , had got down to my native place before I got there .


  7. Public opinion of him has fallen.


  8. But it was a symbolic knock for Mr Sarkozy just seven months before a presidential election, and it has crushed morale in his party.


  9. And a Presidential Assistant soon learns that his only strength is the President's confidence; without it, his position will rapidly erode.


  1. 政府的威望一落千丈。

    The governments popularity took a dive.

  2. 生意怎么会一落千丈的 呢?

    How come the business has gone all to pot ?

  3. 但是乔的情绪一落千丈。

    But Joe's spirits had gone down almost beyond resurrection.

  4. 生意怎么会一落千丈得 呢?

    How come the business has gone all to pot?

  5. 他的名誉看上去一落千丈。

    His fame looks as if it has suddenly declined.

  6. 我对他的评价已经一落千丈。

    He has gone down considerably in my estimation.

  7. 演艺事业突然一落千丈,他便借酒浇愁。

    His acting career took a nosedive and he turned to drink for solace.

  8. 昨晚气温一落千丈,直降至零下23度!

    The temperature really fell out of bed last night. It was 23 below!

  9. 丑闻败露后,他的名声一落千丈。

    His good name has been blown on since the scandal.

  10. 那便是使人情绪一落千丈的原因。

    It had been the cause of much emotional upset.

  11. 然而其他时候,事情却会一落千丈。

    Other times though, things take a nosedive.

  12. 剧院的气氛一落千丈,由高涨变为沮丧。

    The environment turned from excitement to frustration.

  13. 丑闻暴露后, 他的威信一落千丈。

    After the exposure of the scandal, his prestige suffered a sudden ruinous decline.

  14. 费尔德的社会地位已经一落千丈。

    Field has come down drastically in the world.

  15. 费尔德得社会地位已经一落千丈。

    Field has come down drastically in the world.

  16. 戴眼罩潜水赌博骗钱一起动脑筋一落千丈

    Bone shaker skin dive skin game skull session nose dive

  17. 公司债券和商业地产的价格一落千丈。

    The prices of corporate bonds and commercial property have plunged.

  18. 自美国入侵以来,总统的声望一落千丈。

    Since the US invasion the president's reputation has nosedived.

  19. 在她眼里, 他的身价一定会一落千丈。

    He must now inevitably sink in her opinion.

  20. 摩根大通得盈利一落千丈,股价也是如此。

    JP Morgan's earnings collapsed, as did its stock price.

  21. 摩根大通的盈利一落千丈,股价也是如此。

    JP Morgan's earnings collapsed, as did its stock price.

  22. 几项不得人心的措施使政府的声誉一落千丈。

    Several unpopular measures diminished the governments popularity.

  23. 今天的天气晴空万里,心情却犹如低谷陨石一落千丈了!

    Today the weather clear million, mood is a trough meteorite suffer a disastrous decline!

  24. 科学家们发现伤感的音乐和图片让人的情绪一落千丈。

    The scientists found the music and images caused people's moods to fall across the board.

  25. 菅直人原本糟糕透顶的支持率现在更是一落千丈。

    Mr Kans popularity ratings, already abysmal, may now sink further.

  26. 已经病入膏肓的刚果经济如今由于战争更是一落千丈。

    Already ailing, the Congolese economy is now in steep decline because of the war.

  27. 如果古巴判处此人长期监禁, 两国关系肯定会一落千丈。

    If Cuba throws him in prison for a long sentence, U.S. Cuba relations would almost certainly suffer.

  28. 由于政府未能有效地对付失业和破产,它的声望一落千丈。

    The government's popularity has dropped alarmingly as it failed to come to grips with unemployment and bankruptcies.

  29. 在流行音乐界这个娱乐圈里, 歌星们的名望更容易一落千丈。

    The pop world is a milieu where reputations decline and fall with more than usual rapidity.


  1. 问:一落千丈拼音怎么拼?一落千丈的读音是什么?一落千丈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:一落千丈的读音是yíluòqiānzhàng,一落千丈翻译成英文是 a great fall; suffer a disatrous decline; dr...



一落千丈,原形容琴声由高而低突然变化。现作下降得很厉害,用来形容声誉、地位或经济状况急剧下降。唐 韩愈 《听颖师弹琴》诗:“跻攀分寸不可上,失势一落千丈强。”原指琴声骤然低落。后常用以形容景况急剧下降。 宋 王迈 《上何帅启》:“失势一落千丈强,自安蹇步;冲人决起百馀尺,坐看羣飞。” 清 叶廷琯 《鸥波渔话·蒋珊渔残稿》:“百步九折馀,一落千丈势。” 孙中山