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1. 迫 [pò]2. 迫 [pǎi]迫 [pò]用强力压制,硬逼:逼~。~害。压~。强~。胁~。~降(jiàng )。~降(xiáng )。~不得已。接近:~近。~冬。急促:急~。~切。~不及待。狭窄:地势局~。迫 [pǎi]〔~击炮〕一……
汉语拼音:pò yú
e. g: Compelled by the situation, the police went into action and cracked down on the rebellion before it could grow out of control.
迫于形势,警方立即采取行动镇压这次叛乱,以防局势扩大而闹得不可收拾。He's the kind of guy who doesn't care what other people think of him, so I don't think he was bowing to pressure.
他才不是那种在乎别人看法的人,所以我可不认为他是迫于社会压力才那么做。In recent years, the forces of political correctness have made the reporting of this sort of statistic virtually impossible.
最近几年,迫于政治正确性的压力,针对这类统计资料做报道已几乎不可能。When pressed, though, he said that the name Blackwell appeared on neither his official identification nor Florida driver's license.
可是迫于压力,他表示Blackwell这个名字既没有出现在自己的会议证件上也没有出现在他在佛罗里达州的驾照上面。But under such American pressure, it seems they will have to stay on the offensive in Swat, at least for a bit.
但是迫于美国如此这般的重压,巴军将领看来也只能在史瓦特地区采取攻势了,至少要稍稍采取攻势。The boy, who has suffered complications following the surgery, returned home but was unable to keep what he had done from his mother.
男生因为手术后回到家并发症连连,身体每况日下,迫于无奈只能向母亲袒露实情。The bank's regional units are under pressure to meet lending targets and get money out to governments.
世行地区部门迫于压力会满足借贷方并得到政府的钱。Her lawyer, Antoine Gillot, retorted that she had been placed under "scandalous" pressure to recant, without legal representation.
蒂布的律师安东尼•吉尔特反驳称蒂布迫于诽谤的压力,不得已在无律师在场的情况下撤回之前的指控。He took on a prominent political role after her death, and recently assumed the presidency after Pervez Musharraf resigned under pressure.