


用耳朵接受声音:~力。~写。~觉。聆~。洗耳恭~。顺从,接受别人的意见:言~计从。任凭,随:~任(rèn )。~凭。~之任之。治理;判断:~讼(审理案件)。~政。量词,指马口铁密封成筒状以贮藏食物、饮料等:一~可口可乐。……




1. 任 [rèn]2. 任 [rén]任 [rèn]相信,信赖:信~。使用,给予职务:~命。~人唯贤。负担,担当:担~。~课。职务:就~。到~。~重道远。由着,听凭:~凭。~性。~意。~从。~随。听~。放~自流。听之~之。不论,无论:~何……





汉语拼音:tīng zhī rèn zhī








  • 【解释】:听、任:随,任凭;之:代词,代人或事物。任凭事物存在发展而不去过问。
  • 【出自】:毛泽东《反对自由主义》:“见损害群众利益的行为不愤恨,不劝告,不制止,不解释,听之任之。”
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、宾语、定语;用于人或事物


  1. Problem is, the way the Obama administration is drifting, the fleet is shaping up to be default jailers in the war on terrorism.


  2. Many Americans, however, might ask why the State Department had allowed a rising economic rival into such a vast oil reserve.


  3. I'm away, always to monitor for the class and, because our class is not a place to turn a blind eye to bad behavior.


  4. The derelict farm would be plowed one last time, then sown with disappearing and all but unknown prairie seeds, and left to be.


  5. Federal prosecutors are now investigating whether any commanders knew of the SOS debacle, but failed to stop it.


  6. As long as there's a path from the door to my bed, I tend not to ignore and perpetuate the clutter.


  7. If I let them slide, my reputation as a fair manager is in jeopardy.


  8. If a person went mad, or 'out of his mind', there was not much that could be done about it.


  9. One is to do nothing, treating the various problems created by resistance as acceptable costs when set against drugs' much greater benefits.


  1. 我所做的就是听之任之!

    All I did was let him play!

  2. 普通民众会听之任之, 是的。

    The common people will let it go, yes.

  3. 我们不能对此事听之任之。

    We cannot pass this matter by without protest.

  4. 她情绪低落, 一切都听之任之。

    She got depressed and began to let things slide.

  5. 他的前任们采取了听之任之的态度。

    His predecessors had been supine.

  6. 我们对毒品泛滥不能听之任之。

    We can't take a laissez-faire attitude to drug abuse.

  7. 但是, 过不多久, 她又会听之任之。

    But soon she let go.

  8. 她不能对这样的说法听之任之。

    She could not allow such a claim to go unchallenged.

  9. 可是这种事情我却不能听之任之。

    But it's the kind of thing I can't permit.

  10. 你若听之任之, 它们就会成为障碍。

    They become barriers only if you let them.

  11. 对他的玩忽职守我们不能听之任之。

    We cannot leave aside his neglect of duty.

  12. 对无可奈何的事, 我们都得听之任之。

    We must all bow to necessity, ie accept what is inevitable.

  13. 对于自己千变万化的个性, 我不再听之任之

    From this moment I am prepared to control whatever personality awakes in me each day.

  14. 在这个问题上政府一直听之任之,毫无头绪。

    On this issue, the government is adrift.

  15. 他的优点那么突出因此人们只好听之任之。

    His merit was so great that they had to put up with him.

  16. 但如果他一直找我们麻烦,我们不能听之任之。

    But if he keeps giving us trouble, we got to deal with it.

  17. 如果听之任之, 所有的北注定是属于它的威力。

    If left unchallenged, all of the North is doomed to fall under its power.

  18. 对于损害群众利益的事情,我们不能听之任之。

    We cannot shut our eyes to things that harm the interests of the masses.

  19. 在均势变得不利于我们时, 我们不会听之任之。

    We would not stand by while the balance shifted against us.

  20. 如果听之任之, 恐怖主义网络就将变得越来越危险。

    Left alone, terrorist networks will become ever more dangerous.

  21. 报告称, 面对这种状况, 两个国家不能听之任之。

    The countries could not resign themselves, it said, to this state of affairs.

  22. 老人怀着听之任之的心情等待自己寿终正寝的一天。

    The old man waits for the day of his dissolution with resignation.

  23. 老人怀着听之任之得心情等待自己寿终正寝得一天。

    The old man waits for the day of his dissolution with resignation.

  24. 他们可以打误导人的广告,继续寻求听之任之的政治纲领。

    They can run misleading ads and pursue the politics of anything goes.

  25. 美国财政部长盖特纳必须就是否听之任之做出定夺。

    Mr Geithner, the US Treasury Secretary, must decide whether to let him.

  26. 这个国家对贪污行为听之任之, 尽管正式法律上不被允许。

    In this country, corrupt practices are allowed, though not officially permitted.

  27. 政府对该问题听之任之,因为要解决它付出的代价太大。

    The government connive at the problem because it would cost them too much to solve it.

  28. 迟震希望通过这组照片来激励那些对命运听之任之的人。

    Chi hopes the photos will inspire those who have let go of their own fate.


  1. 问:听之任之拼音怎么拼?听之任之的读音是什么?听之任之翻译成英文是什么?

    答:听之任之的读音是tīngzhīrènzhī,听之任之翻译成英文是 take a laissez-faire attitude


