


1. 当 [dāng]2. 当 [dàng]3. 当 [dang]当 [dāng]充任,担任:充~。担(dān )~。~之无愧。掌管,主持:~家。~权。~政。正在那时候或那地方:~时。~代。~初。~今。~即(立即)。~年。~街。~院。面对着……





汉语拼音:dāng miàn








  1. 面对面;在面前。

    唐 杜牧 《商山富水驿》诗:“邪佞每思当面唾,清贫长欠一杯钱。” 元 范康 《竹叶舟》第三折:“异人难遇,怎好当面错过。”《儒林外史》第四回:“恰好 江 南 张王 送了他一罎小菜,当面打开看,都是些瓜子金。” 巴金 《秋》二:“我最恨那种人,整天就在背后说人家闲话,有话又不敢当面说。”

  2. 元 明 时官场用语。谓上堂见官。

    元 曾瑞 《留鞋记》第三折:“[ 包待制 云]那叫冤屈的着他上来。[ 张千 喝云]如状的当面。” 元 孟汉卿 《魔合罗》第三折:“[ 张千 云]犯妇当面。[旦跪科]。”《古今小说·陈御史巧勘金钗钿》:“御史且教带在一边,唤 梁尚宾 当面。”

  3. 当作晤面。

    《初学记》卷二一引 汉 蔡邕 书:“侍中执事,相见无期,惟是笔疏,可以当面。”



  1. I asked him to wait. I said, 'Let me give you my blessing to your face. '


  2. She might as well have said it straight to his face and, for good measure, kicked him in the shins.


  3. If I was losing my job anyhow, at least I had the pleasure of telling my boss what I really thought of him.


  4. She did not face to face I was complaining about her professional, as well as her future.


  5. As a defender you know when you go into certain games against particular players that you're going to have a hard day.


  6. You are such a chicken. If you don't agree with him, why don't you tell it to his face?


  7. For the most part, the public has shown him only kindness and sympathy to his face, refraining from blaming him for the tragedy.


  8. I am so angry that I'll tell her to her face what I think of her.


  9. The sincere compliment comes simply, timely and naturally and is often given to others to the eyes.


  1. 当面的拒绝

    a positive refusal.

  2. 当面嘲弄我

    flout me to my face.

  3. 你当面撒谎。

    You lying to me now?Oh.

  4. 当面弄清楚

    straighten thing out face to face.

  5. 请当面点清。

    Please check your change before leaving the checkout area.

  6. 当面戳穿卡洛斯。

    Telling Carlos to go screw himself.

  7. 当面戳穿卡洛斯。

    Telling Carlos to go screw himself.

  8. 她当面指责他。

    She spat out her condemnation in his face.

  9. 他们当面夸奖他。

    They praised him to his face.

  10. 当面一棍子。当头一棒

    A slap in the face

  11. 我想当面见你。

    I want to meet you face to face.

  12. 他当面包师。

    He follows the trade of baker.

  13. 我需要当面见你

    I needed to see you in person.

  14. 至少不会当面叫

    At least not to his face, anyway.

  15. 当面是人, 背后是鬼

    act one way in public and another in private

  16. 她当面斥责他扯谎。

    She threw the lie in his face.

  17. 你竟敢当面嘲笑我?

    How dare you laugh in my face?

  18. 银钱过手,当面点清。

    Count the money on the spot.

  19. 当面奉承,背后捣鬼。

    Say nice things to a person's face, but play devil with him behind his back.

  20. 真朋友当面中伤你。

    A true friend stabs you in the front.

  21. 他们将当面进行辩论。

    They will debate face to face.

  22. 你当面将我拒之门外!

    You slammed your doors in my face!

  23. 我想当面和你说

    and I wanted to do it facetoface.

  24. 这样好, 当面扯清楚。

    This is good, straightening things out face to face.

  25. 这样好,当面扯清楚。

    This is good ,straightening things out face to face .

  26. 但又不好当面送。

    But they are so difficult to gift wrap.

  27. 他想当面包师。

    He follows the trade of baker.

  28. 当面教子, 背后教妻

    You may admonish your children in the presence of others, But your wife, only in privacy

  29. 我想当面跟你道歉

    so I could apologize in person?

  30. 我当面称他为懦夫。

    I call him a coward to his face.


  1. 问:当面拼音怎么拼?当面的读音是什么?当面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:当面的读音是dāngmiàn,当面翻译成英文是 do … face to face

  2. 问:当面讨论拼音怎么拼?当面讨论的读音是什么?当面讨论翻译成英文是什么?

    答:当面讨论的读音是dāngmiàn tǎolùn,当面讨论翻译成英文是 have a face-to-face discussion



词目:当面 拼音 :dāng miàn 释义: 1.面对面;在面前。
