


草木的根:~草(泛指中药)。无~之木。事物的根源,与“末”相对:~末(头尾;始终)。根~(根源;彻底;本质上)。草的茎,树的干:草~植物。中心的,主要的:~部。~体。原来:~来。~领。自己这方面的:~国。~身。~位。~分(fèn )。……





汉语拼音:běn rì








  1. 当天。

    明 张居正 《拟日讲仪注疏》:“本日若遇风雨,传旨暂免。” 清 黄六鸿 《福惠全书·教养·讲学》:“本日早间,司会者将报名册上。”



  1. This RTTS technology is best used for that large volume of content that isn't being translated today.


  2. But many investors stayed on the sidelines, waiting for the outcome of the U. S. Federal Reserve meeting slated for later in the day.


  3. According to your require, we quote net for 5000 metric ton , please reply to make sure in a week from now on.


  4. Today I would like to tell you three stories from my life.


  5. I dont have to work tonight, so I think I can go with you.


  6. When the beloved Chairman Mao Zedong declared that: "the Central People's Government People's Republic of China was set up in the day. "


  7. Thank you for your samples of striped coatings received today.


  8. Spring winds to-day are blowing in wild eddies, driving dust and dead leaves away, and with them your lessons are all lost.


  9. tomorrow will be very beautiful, but most people will today or tomorrow evening dead!


  1. 宣布本日议程

    call for the order of the day.

  2. 本日创意再次无限。

    Creativity is again very high.

  3. 敬祝本日鹤算良辰。

    Accept my best wishes for many happy returns of this day.

  4. 我觉得本日运气不佳。

    I guess today is just not my day.

  5. 本日农事播种玉米下田。

    Todays work Sow corn seeds in the veggie field.

  6. 本日是否能收到您得支票?

    May we have your check today?

  7. 本日是否能收到您的支票?

    May we have your check today ?

  8. 我想我要试试本日特选汤。

    I think I'll try the soup du jour.

  9. 送奶员注意,本日请送2品脱。

    Pint2 pts today please,milkman,eg on a notice.

  10. 她是本日美国报的专栏作家。

    She's a columnist for USA Today.

  11. 伊拉克本日又有严重袭击发生。

    Its been another day of deadly attacks in Iraq.

  12. 重要的短语和句子你本日感受若何?

    Key phrases and sentences How do you feel today?

  13. 本日我们引见绘制根基图形方面的技能。

    Today we introduce the diagram basic graphics skills.

  14. 本日我们引见绘制根基图形方面得技能。

    Today we introduce the diagram basic graphics skills.

  15. 经友好协商双方于本日达成如下条款

    It is on this date that mutually agreed between the undersigned parties on the terms and conditions asf

  16. 我们报实盘,以本日上午11点回答为有效。

    We offer firm for reply 11 a. m. tomorrow.

  17. 本日社会的底层是布满了这种失落事件的。

    The lowest depths of the actual social world are full of these lost traces.

  18. 我要中杯的本日咖啡,一块起司蛋糕。

    I'll have a coffee of the day, medium, and a piece of cheesecake.

  19. 从本日起头,我要过好每一天、走好每一步。

    Beginning today I will take life one day at a time, one step at a time.

  20. 感谢您5月5日的订单,本日已经履约,特此奉告。

    In thanking you for your esteemed order of the 5th May,I inform you that it has this day been executed.

  21. 渡边先生自本日起已离开本公司。特此奉告。

    We have the honour to inform you that Mr. watanabe this day retired from our firm.

  22. 超市工作人员正在入口处发放本日特价的传单。

    The staff of the supermarket are handing out the leaflets on their discount products at the entrance.

  23. 从本日起头,生命的每个瞬间,我都要爱护保重。

    Beginning today I will cherish each moment of my life.

  24. 放一天假这正是我本日干的, 别见告我的老板。

    Take a day off. That's what I'm doing today. Don't tell my boss.

  25. 对于来日诰日干差筹备便是本日作到最佳,女子组。

    The best preparation for tomorrow is doing you best today.

  26. 这家店依然用一本日记账来跟踪日销售量。

    This store still uses a journal to keep track of its daily sales.

  27. 本日用杂品经营总公司已对外营业,欢迎批发零售。

    Our Daily Necessities Trading Company has opened for Business. Purchases By wholesale or retail are welcome.

  28. 本日是你们最后一堂法语课,所以我请你们一订潜心听讲。

    This is last class in French, so I beg you to be very attentive.

  29. 跟一般得日记不同得是,这本日记要和爱人分享。

    Unlike most journals though, this is one to share with your partner!

  30. 跟一般的日记不同的是,这本日记要和爱人分享。

    Unlike most journals though, this is one to share with your partner!


  1. 问:本日拼音怎么拼?本日的读音是什么?本日翻译成英文是什么?

    答:本日的读音是běnrì,本日翻译成英文是 Today.

  2. 问:本日售完拼音怎么拼?本日售完的读音是什么?本日售完翻译成英文是什么?

    答:本日售完的读音是běn rì shòu wán,本日售完翻译成英文是 all sold out today