







汉语拼音:zhào lì








  1. 依照惯例或常情。

    宋 洪巽 《旸谷漫录》:“此日试厨幸中臺意,照例支犒。”《官场现形记》第四三回:“ 随凤占 又赶到城外,照例禀送, 区奉仁 自去回任不题。” 巴金 《一个平淡的早晨》五:“他穿好衣服,照例地在楼下厨房里洗了脸,漱了口。”



  1. The president of the bank sat in, ex officio, at the committee's more important meetings, voting only if it became necessary to break a tie.


  2. Visiting investors are routinely given the red-carpet treatment, as if the vanguard of a new caravan of capital bearers.


  3. The ordinary of Newgate came to me, and talked a little in his way, but all his divinity ran upon confessing my crime.


  4. and though he belonged to one of the universities, he had merely kept the necessary terms, without forming at it any useful acquaintance .


  5. The regularity with which he did this smacked of some one who was waiting to live upon her labour.


  6. And He came out and went according to His custom to the Mount of Olives; and the disciples also followed Him.


  7. The perennial whiskey glass was in his hands, and he drained it with shaking fingers.


  8. Doubtless he also made a joke when he told the firm's board that he would step down at the end of the year.


  9. He makes it a rule to have his breakfast at seven.


  1. 我们照例握握手。

    We shook hands as a matter of form.

  2. 宾主照例祝酒干杯。

    The toast was duly drunk.

  3. 大家照例是责怪我。

    Everyone blamed me as per usual.

  4. 我们照例去了酒吧。

    We make our ritual visit to the pub.

  5. 仿照例句改写这些句子。

    Change these sentences in the same way as the example.

  6. 格林医生照例在查房。

    Dr Green was on her daily ward rounds.

  7. 他照例笑着招呼我们。

    He greeted us with his inevitable smile.

  8. 他照例笑著招呼我们。

    He greeted us with his inevitable smile.

  9. 也奉上燔祭, 照例而献。

    He brought the burnt offering and offered it in the prescribed way.

  10. 人家也照例回拜了他们。

    The visit was soon returned in due form.

  11. 人家了照例来回拜了她们。

    The visit was returned in due form.

  12. 晚饭后, 她照例出去散步。

    She went out for a walk after supper as a rule.

  13. 另一方面,实用主义照例提问。

    Pragmatism, on the other hand, asks its usual question.

  14. 我照例每晚喝热牛奶。

    I drank hot mile every night on principle.

  15. 我们照例饭后喝杯茶。

    As a rule, we have a cup of tea after dinner.

  16. 他照例七点钟吃早饭。

    He makes it a rule to have his breakfast at seven.

  17. 不用说他照例来得很晚。

    Needless to say, he came late as usual.

  18. 杜尔的判断照例是正确的。

    As usual, Doerrs judgement was sound.

  19. 午饭后,照例是施水仪式。

    After lunch came the daily water duty.

  20. 照例,修理工作并非如此简单。

    Inevitably the repair job was not quite so simple.

  21. 她照例向主席致感谢辞。

    She gave the customary speech of thanks to the chairman.

  22. 我每天照例送孩子上学。

    I do the milk run every day taking the children to school.

  23. 史蒂夫照例来得最晚。

    Steve, as usual, was the last to arrive.

  24. 这些名人照例是独来独往。

    These distinguished individuals came and went, singly as a rule.

  25. 警察的日子照例不会好过的。

    As usual, the police will have a difficult time.

  26. 我每天照例都要看报纸。

    I make it a rule to read the newspaper every day.

  27. 她早饭前照例练一小时钢琴。

    She always puts in an hour's piano practice before breakfast.

  28. 那天早上, 他照例起得很早。

    That morning he got up very early, as usual.

  29. 这些著名人物照例是独来独往。

    These various distinguished individuals came and went, singly as a rule.

  30. 找地方停车照例又是一番忙乱。

    There was the usual faff of finding somewhere to park the car.


  1. 问:照例拼音怎么拼?照例的读音是什么?照例翻译成英文是什么?

    答:照例的读音是zhàolì,照例翻译成英文是 as a rule

  2. 问:照例老套拼音怎么拼?照例老套的读音是什么?照例老套翻译成英文是什么?

    答:照例老套的读音是,照例老套翻译成英文是 conventionality




【拼音】zhào lì

【注音】ㄓㄠˋ ㄌㄧˋ


近义词:按例、惯例、照常、照旧、照样、 照样、仿效、仿照 、 依旧

反义词:破例 、反常、异常