


绘图:绘~。~图。~像。~地为牢。~脂镂冰(在凝固的油脂或冰上绘画雕刻,一融化就都没有了,喻劳而无功)。图像:~面。~片。~坛。~板。~卷(juàn )(a.成卷轴形的画;b.喻壮丽的景色或动人的场面)。~外音。图~。诗中有~。写,签押,署……


1. 地 [dì]2. 地 [de]地 [dì]人类生长活动的所在:~球(太阳系九大行星之一)。~心说。地球或地球的某部分:~质。~壳。地球表面除去海洋、江河、湖泊的部分:陆~。~下。地球表面的土壤:土~。田~。~政。~主。地球上的一个区域……


1. 为 [wéi]2. 为 [wèi]为 [wéi]做,行,做事:~人。~时。~难。不~己甚(不做得太过分)。当做,认做:以~。认~。习以~常。变成:成~。是:十两~一斤。治理,处理:~政。被:~天下笑。表示强调:大~恼火。助词,表示反诘……


养牲畜的圈(juàn ):虎~。亡羊补~(喻事后补救还不为迟)。~笼。古代称作祭品的牲畜:太~(古代帝王、诸侯祭祀社稷时,牛、羊、豕三牲全备之称)。少~(诸侯宗庙,用羊、豕之称)。监禁犯人的地方:监~。坐~。结实,坚固,固定:~固。~稳(a……



汉语拼音:huà dì wéi láo







  • 【解释】:在地上画一个圈当做监狱。比喻只许在指定的范围内活动。
  • 【出自】:汉·司马迁《报任少卿书》:“故士有画地为牢,势不可入,削木为吏,议不可对,定计于鲜也。”
  • 【示例】:这一封号,虽是几根柳森片门户,一张红纸的封条,法令所在,也同~,再没人敢任意行动。
  • 【语法】:连动式;作谓语、宾语;比喻只许在指定的范围内活动


  1. Never peaceful sleep, dream again and meet with you, to not be willing to leave, over here for you, always for you, take the world!


  2. I love to fill a cavity, a cavity with a cavity, sincerity, be most willing to here for you, a reduced prison of.


  3. If all the world in the samsara, then I was locked in a pale which time paragraph mark, unable to escape with no place to hide.


  4. It was the wonderful, I today a prison, wind erosion love I don't want to stop.


  5. Your whole life is affected by your attitude, which means you, and you will live a miserable life.


  6. That life, I determined to be your own prison, to lock you in my side, I don't hesitate.


  7. Many animals mark territory by smell, including domestic cats and their wild cousins.


  8. The remaining prison, the absurd words, together with my ashes to ashes.


  9. Memory is a bridge, I was there for you Restricting.


  1. 黑暗降临了!我独自一人画地为牢。

    I desired to draw a circle where I stayed alone.

  2. 只有画地为牢和创设分隔的空间才使得它变为可能。

    Only by drawing boundaries and creating separate spaces is it possible to do this.

  3. 遇见你是最好的时光情愿为你划地为牢

    Willing to be trapped by your love

  4. 如果全人类停止拜神,每个人都画地为界,您能想象这。

    every one in its own land, what do you imagine that to be like ?

  5. 这箱子为皮带绷牢。

    The box was strengthened by straps of steel.

  6. 他做好了计划, 准备为公民抗命坐牢。

    a form of civil disobedience in which demonstrators occupy seats and refuse to move.

  7. 你的当事人要为欺诈坐30年牢。

    Your client staring down the barrel of30 years for fraud.

  8. 许多动物就是用气味画地为牢的,这其中包括家猫和野猫。

    Many animals mark territory by smell, including domestic cats and their wild cousins.

  9. 他为我们坐了四年牢。

    He did four years for us.

  10. 我已经为我犯的罪坐了牢。

    I've already been to prison for crimes I committed.

  11. 牢牢把握立党为公执政为民的本质

    Keep a Firm Grip on the Essence of Building the Party for the Public and Wielding Power for the Masses

  12. 他犯下了可怕的罪行,为此得坐20年的牢。

    It will take him twenty years in prison to account for such a terrible crime.

  13. 我们为那艘没有系牢的救生艇悬着心。

    We were worried about the lifeboat which was not lashed down.

  14. 色牢度的测定是以原来染料密度在1。2以上为基准。

    The fading measurements were made at an original dye density of about 1.2.

  15. 色牢度得测定是以原来染料密度在1。2以上为基准。

    The fading measurements were made at an original dye density of about 1. 0.

  16. 为提高色牢度, 在分散染料染色后要进行还原清洗。

    To improve color fastness, disperse dyeing is usually followed by reduction clearing.

  17. 监狱当然是为要将作奸犯科者 困于牢栏之后

    Prisons, of course, are where people who break our laws are stuck, confined behind bars.

  18. 以肩膀上有一个伞柄为特色,还有一个可以扣牢的按扣。

    Features a handle on the shoulder and a snap button that can be fastened.

  19. 她也不想要我去为她坐几年的牢而换取她的自我形象。

    Nor would she want me to barter her selfimage for a few years in prison.

  20. 作家的一生都被为钱卖命的不变常规和交配仪式牢牢拴住。

    The writer chained for life the routine of a wage slave and the ritual of copulation.

  21. 该粘合剂的乳液, 成膜, 印花性能及牢度和手感均为良好。

    The binder emulsion exhibits fairly good in film forming, printing behaviour, colour fastness and hand feeling.


  1. 问:画地为牢拼音怎么拼?画地为牢的读音是什么?画地为牢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:画地为牢的读音是huàdìwéiláo,画地为牢翻译成英文是 to draw a circle on the ground to serve as a prison...



“画地为牢”是个多义词,它可以指画地为牢(英雄杀卡牌), 画地为牢(内蒙古出版社出版图书), 画地为牢(《梦幻西游》中的技能名), 画地为牢(马旭东演唱歌曲), 画地为牢(杨清明演唱歌曲), 画地为牢(羽。泉演唱歌曲), 画地为牢(汉语成语)。