






建筑物的出入口,又指安装在出入口能开关的装置:~儿。~口。开~见山。形状或作用像门的东西:电~。途径,诀窍:~径。~道儿。旧时指封建家族或家族的一支,现亦指一般的家庭:~第。~风。~婿。长(zhǎng )~长子。事物的分类:分~别类。宗教的……



汉语拼音:zǒu hòu mén







  1. 比喻不是通过正当途径,而是通过内部关系达到某种目的。

    茅盾 《脱险杂记·生活之一页》四:“我们送她一些香肠和咸鱼,她的回报是介绍我们走后门买面包。” 竹林 《生活的路》二十:“那些连加减乘除都不懂的,都可以通过各种关系走后门上大学。” 高晓声 《我的两位邻居》:“有一次 老方 病重,一时住不进医院,他却千方百计走后门让他住进去。”



  1. He used his influential friends to help him to get into the administration section by the back door .

  2. he used his influential friends to help him get into the civil service by the back door.

  3. Other foreign joint ventures in Cuba cut corners, but Rio Zaza's alleged misdeeds involved particularly large sums of money.

  4. He used his friends to help him get into the civil service by the back door.

  5. The United States of America job pipeline is disclosed by the back door, basically No.

  6. In Chinese, the "back door" refers to a way of doing business outside the normal, approved channels.

  7. "We close the front door, and they go through the back door, " he says.

  8. If plans enjoyment, for fear hardship, and even through the back door, special privileges, it is the cause of public anger.

  9. His father is in that department, so he got in through the back door.


  1. 走后门吧。

    Well,use the back door.

  2. 为什么不尝试走后门?

    Why not try back door?

  3. 要不要带你走后门?

    Want to use the back door?

  4. 他们靠走后门干的。

    They did it by the back door.

  5. 走后门是一种不正之风。

    Backdoor deals are unhealthy practice.

  6. 走后门是不正之风, 要杜绝。

    The irregular practice of pulling strings and abusing influence must be stopped.

  7. 所以你走后门,跑进小巷。

    So you go out the back way, into an alley.

  8. 他通过走后门得到一份工作。

    He got his job through the back door.

  9. 只要官方收费高,大家就走后门。

    Whereever costs are high, money goes underground.

  10. 她走后门买了一个钻石戒指。

    She got a diamond ring under the counter.

  11. 伊朗小姐因为他们总爱走后门。

    Miss Iran Because they like to enter through the back door.

  12. 你说过她是走后门才进来的。

    You said she got in through the backdoor.

  13. 为什么我总觉得她是走后门进来的?

    Why do I think she got in through the backdoor ?

  14. 她托关系走后门才找到了一份工作。

    She used her connections to land a job.

  15. 我们不该带着烟囱帽,吟着诗,走后门。

    You don't go through the back door with a poem and a bonnet.

  16. 这里有后门,走后门,他们就知道你警告我。

    There's a back door. They'll know you warned me.

  17. 二十世纪六十年代的反商品走后门运动

    Campaign Against Going Through the Back Door in Commodity Distribution in the1960s

  18. 像走后门这一类不正之风, 必须加以帛止

    Such unhealthy tendencies as securing advantage through pull or influence must be checked and stopped

  19. 由于大学入学考试不及格,他不得不走后门。

    Failing to pass the examinations for admission to college he had to get in by the back door.

  20. 对于走后门这个问题的处理要从严,不是从宽。

    Instead of being lenient, we should be strict in handling cases of backdoor dealings.

  21. 他通过走后门把他儿子弄进了一所飞行学校。

    He got hid son into a flying school through the back door.

  22. 总之,对他们的聘用条件十分严格,以避免走后门。

    In general, conditions ruling their employment are quite restrictive to avoid backdoor recruitment.

  23. 他利用有势力的亲戚以走后门的手段帮他弄到职位。

    He used his influential relatives to help him get in by the back door.

  24. 美国应征工作的管道是公开的,按说走后门的情况基本没有。

    The United States of America job pipeline is disclosed by the back door, basically No.

  25. 他并不聪明,因此他是以走后门的方式进入哈佛大学。

    He is not intelligent, so he entered Harvard through the back door.

  26. 他并不聪明, 因此他是以走后门的方式进入哈佛大学的。

    He was not intelligent, so he entered Harvard through the back door.

  27. 我从后门走了。

    Uh,I'm going out the back door.

  28. 嗯,我从后门走了。

    Uh, I'm going out the back door.

  29. 你能乖乖从后门走吗?

    Oh,would you be a lamb and go out the back?

  30. 你能乖乖从后门走吗?

    Oh, would you be a lamb and go out the back?


  1. 问:走后门拼音怎么拼?走后门的读音是什么?走后门翻译成英文是什么?

    答:走后门的读音是zǒuhòumén,走后门翻译成英文是 use one’s connections

