




用草或苇子编成的成片的东西,古人用以坐、卧,现通常用来铺床或炕等:~子。草~。苇~。竹~。凉~。~地而坐。~卷(juǎn )。座位:~位。~次。出~。列~。酒筵,成桌的饭菜:筵~。宴~。酒~。特指议会中当选的人数:四~。职位:主~。西~(塾……



汉语拼音:jiǔ xí







  1. 宴席。请客或聚餐用的酒和整桌的菜。

    《梁书·韦粲传》:“右卫 朱异 尝於酒席厉色谓 粲 曰:‘卿何得已作领军面向人!’”《西游记》第四回:“一朝閒暇,众监官都安排酒席,一则与他接风,二则与他贺喜。” 老舍 《茶馆·人物表》:“ 明师傅 --男。五十多岁。包办酒席的厨师傅。”



  1. At the dinner, Mr Blank was in his cups when he made his speech and consequently it was the most amusing speech of the evening.


  2. Banquet on the mixed feelings myself, but do not know where to start, all in the wine.


  3. I started attending Toastmasters meetings and made a few table topic speeches.


  4. A rising country is like a diner sitting down to a full table: until he starts eating, he does not realise how hungry he is.


  5. feasts at weddings is just a waste of money .


  6. There was feasts and banquets , theatrical entertainments and sporting competitions between the local groups.


  7. This is a wine made for drinking with friends over a meal or simply to enjoy the pleasure of drinking a fine wine.


  8. Rich man's son sitting on the banquet arrogance, but in the kitchen girl endless until the feast half little girl has not eaten a meal.


  9. After thinking for few days, I finally remembered that I've forgotten my banquet (bride's side).


  1. 丰盛的酒席

    an opulent feast.

  2. 山珍海味的酒席

    a feast of fat things

  3. 谁包办婚宴得酒席?

    Who's doing the food at the wedding reception?

  4. 谁包办婚宴的酒席?

    Who's doing the food at the wedding reception ?

  5. 男方摆了20桌酒席。

    The bridegroom has given a wedding feast with twenty tables.

  6. 傻瓜摆酒席, 智者吃酒席。

    Wise men take advantage of the opportunities which fools give them.

  7. 傻瓜摆酒席, 聪明人吃酒席。

    Fools make feasts and wise men eat them.

  8. 为学校的饮宴承办酒席

    Cater for a school feast

  9. 丰盛酒席普遍地被禁止。

    Sumptuous feasts are generally forbidden.

  10. 朋友摆上了丰盛的酒席。

    His friend treats him to a sumptuous feast.

  11. 谁承办你儿子婚礼的酒席?

    Who did the catering for your son's wedding?

  12. 投标承办酒席的有六家商号。

    There were six bidders for the catering contract.

  13. 你什么时候又开始承办酒席了?

    When did you start catering again?

  14. 请预订一桌八个人的酒席。

    Can I reserve a table for eight people?

  15. 请预订一桌八个人得酒席。

    Can I reserve a table for eight people ?

  16. 结婚大办酒席实在太浪费了。

    The practiceof giving lavish feasts at weddings is just a waste of money.

  17. 他们决定开办一家酒席承办公司。

    They decided to start a catering business.

  18. 想在重庆的江北这边办酒席!

    Want to do here in Chongqing Jiangbei banquet!

  19. 结婚大办酒席,实在可以免去了。

    The practice of giving lavish feasts at weddings can well be dispensed with.

  20. 一顿酒席足足可以花上1000块钱。

    You can spend as much as a thousand yuan on a banquet.

  21. 席不正,不坐。酒席摆得不合规矩,不坐。

    If the mat was not set right, he would not sit.

  22. 来得人太多,开了10几桌酒席。

    To too many people, there will be a few8 banquet tables.

  23. 酒令,是酒席上的一种助兴游戏。

    Drinkers'wager game is a kind of add to the fun games on the banquet.

  24. 来的人太多,开了10几桌酒席。

    To too many people, there will be a few10 banquet tables.

  25. 他经营饭店,还承办婚礼和宴会酒席。

    He runs a restaurant and also caters for weddings and parties.

  26. 我为来访的堂客们特设了一桌酒席。

    I have specially arranged a feast for the lady guests.

  27. 我为来访的堂客们特设了一桌酒席。

    I have specially arranged a feast for the lady guests.

  28. 是的,你收到酒席承包人的最后确认没

    Yes. did you get the check for the caterers.

  29. 酒席上的嘈杂声传到了他耳边。

    The confused sounds of the banquet reached his ear.

  30. 在传统酒席上, 自斟自饮是不礼貌的。

    At a formal dinner, it is not polite to drink wine or liquor by oneself.


  1. 问:酒席拼音怎么拼?酒席的读音是什么?酒席翻译成英文是什么?

    答:酒席的读音是jiǔxí,酒席翻译成英文是 feast

