


斫,消除,修改:~误(亦作“勘误”)。校(jiào )~。不~之论(喻至理名言)。刻:~石。~印。~本。排版印刷:~行(xíng )。创~。~登。~载。出版物:~物。报~。书~。……





汉语拼音:kān chū







  1. 刊登发表。

    孙犁 《致韩映山信》:“这些文章,大都找到了发表地方,刊出后,有些问题,你或有兴趣。”《花城》1981年第2期:“在最近一期的黑板报中,针对矿山机关一些同志说的多做的少的问题,刊出了一幅漫画。”



  1. When they have no ideas anymore, they come out with a Fabregas story.


  2. The 1988 magazine publication was based on the only two surviving texts: a final copy and a draft, each kept hidden by a different friend.


  3. Every week, there's another humiliated woman on the cover of the tabloids. I'm sick of it.


  4. Every tour business can write off the full cost of new investments thduring the they make this year.


  5. On the phone, I promised her to meet at the park at four o'clock to show our picture in the newspaper.


  6. A week or so after the review appeared the phone rang.


  7. A few days before the seminar, several newspapers advertised the event free of charge. Many people made phone inquiries.


  8. On a crisp October morning, our local newspaper featured a stunning photo of sun-drenched aspen trees whose leaves had turned autumn gold.


  9. They present their results to colleagues and then publish them in a scientific journal.


  1. 适合刊出的语言

    printable language.

  2. 这部小说将连续刊出。

    The novel will appear serially.

  3. 现刊出部分学习要点。

    Show print to give partial study point.

  4. 我当然可以刊出这则新闻。

    I certainly can print the news.

  5. 请关注此网站, 新杂志即将刊出。

    Watch this site for the new programme.

  6. 这本杂志刊出了这位电影明星的照片。

    The magazine published pictures of the movie star.

  7. 护理类期刊基金资助课题论文刊出分析

    Analysis on Articles Published in Nursing Periodicals the Projects That Received Fund Subsidizing

  8. 今后每期通迅都会刊出书的下一期。

    Each future newsletter will carry the next installment of the book.

  9. 今后每期通迅都会刊出书的下一期。

    Each future newsletter will carry the next installment of the book.

  10. 现将此文分两期刊出,权且做一尝试。

    Assign this article periodical to go out now, as a temporary measure makes one attempt.

  11. 广告刊出后,要求资料的信件如洪水般涌来。

    Requests for information flooded in after the advertisement.

  12. 这篇短篇小说由两种著名的杂志刊出。

    This short story was published by two journals of repute.

  13. 由于篇幅原因, 这组文章将分两期刊出。

    As a result of length reason, this group of articles give cent periodical.

  14. 综合版近三年刊出文章的统计分析和思考

    The statistical analysis and thinking of all articles published by comprehensive page in recent three years

  15. 几天后,有报纸刊出了他勇斗劫匪的报道。

    Several days later, some newspaper carried a story of his heroic deed on the bus.

  16. 初期的研究进展在十月份的泌尿肿瘤科杂志上刊出。

    Initial progress is reported in the October issue of Urologic Oncology.

  17. 这次报道刊出后,在社会上产生了不小的反响。

    The publishing of this report has evoked great repercussions in society.

  18. 这次报道刊出后,在社会上产生了不小的反响。

    The publishing of this report has evoked great repercussions in society.

  19. 报纸连续6天刊出了关于这项神奇发现的报道。

    For six days, the newspaper published articles about these marvellous discoveries.

  20. 我遗憾地通知你,本刊因稿挤,你的文章未能刊出。

    I am sorry to inform you that your article was crowded out of the magazine.

  21. 我们在这里集中刊出,并对各位专家表示衷心的感谢。

    Therefore, we published all their kind contributions to show our heartfelt thanks.

  22. 但是财经却刊出了一篇12页长的校舍质量详尽调查。

    But it was Caijing that produced a detailed 10page investigation into the shoddy school buildings.

  23. 这条消息是根据一本女性杂志上刊出得一篇文章编辑得。

    This information was edited from an article in a women's magazine.

  24. 这条消息是根据一本女性杂志上刊出的一篇文章编辑的。

    This information was edited from an article in a women's magazine.

  25. 这条消息是根据一本女性杂志上刊出的一篇文章编辑的。

    This information was edited from an article in a women's magazine.

  26. 马林关于诺森布里亚的文章刊出后读者来信纷至沓来。

    Marling's article on Northumbria attracted a large postbag.

  27. 你问我答只会刊出您的笔名,其他个人资料一概保密。

    Only the Name will appear on the Mail Board, other personal data will be kept confidential.

  28. 接着报纸上又刊出了城防司令部严禁军人殴打学生的布告。

    Next, the local press carried an order by the city's garrison commander forbidding soldiers to strike students.

  29. 她的最新恐怖小说的节片断将在这个周末的杂志上刊出。

    An excerpt from her new thriller will appear in this weekend's magazine.


  1. 问:刊出拼音怎么拼?刊出的读音是什么?刊出翻译成英文是什么?

    答:刊出的读音是kānchū,刊出翻译成英文是 To publish.