


牵引,拉,拽:~车。~船。~累(lěi )。~儿带女。耷拉着:~着辫子。延长时间:~延。~欠。~债。……


引长:~长(cháng )。~续。蔓~。~年益寿。展缓,推迟:~迟。~缓。~宕。~误。引进,请:~聘(聘请)。~纳。~师。~医。姓。……



汉语拼音:tuō yán








  1. 延长时间,不迅速处理。

    宋 苏辙 《乞废忻州马城盐池状》:“仍乞取问 蔡礪 等建议害民,及虞部官吏希合权要,故作拖延情罪,依法施行。”《朱子语类》卷七十:“不知目前虽遮掩拖延得过,后面忧吝却多。”《清会典事例·户部·畿辅官兵庄田二》:“ 道光 二十七年定……如实係无力完缴,并非故意拖延,准由该管参佐领查明报部。” 陈残云 《山谷风烟》第二八章:“立刻将田契……交给农会,不许拖延。”

  2. 延长。

    柔石 《为奴隶的母亲》:“沉静而寒冷的死一般的长夜,似无限地拖延着,拖延着。” 陈其通 《万水千山》第四幕:“如果我们在 彝族 区,一关一仗的打,就会拖延时间,敌人的增援部队就会赶到我们的前头。”



  1. When you put things off once, it's easier to put them off again, until the habit is so firmly ingrained that it cannot be easily broken.


  2. 5b. The goods were promised to be delivered with in a week, and we have been put to considerable in convenience through the long delay.


  3. No single one of these currents prolongs the crisis. It is the product of the complex interplay between them.


  4. Xu said there had been a small delay in paying taxes, but they had paid the full amount and yet the heaviest fine was levied.


  5. Had it not been for a bleeding ulcer he might have postponed looking at himself for many years more.


  6. The environmentalist know how to hold up the process of a big project, and it's not easy to let them away.


  7. Britain's swimming director said he would delay his team's arrival to the last moment to limit the risk posed by dirty air.


  8. Tom dragged his feet when told to turn off the TV and go to bed.


  9. Since there was no chance of an agreement, it was a waste of time dragging out the discussion.


  1. 拖延战术。

    Time wasting tactics.

  2. 停止拖延。

    Stop procrastinating.

  3. 迟缓, 拖延

    linger v dawdle , be slow

  4. 拖延, 搁置

    bench counter delay nourishment postpone put off shelf shelve

  5. 长时间拖延

    long delays

  6. 拖延的原因

    ifs and buts.

  7. 过度的拖延

    inordinate delay.

  8. 有意拖延的

    Intended to delay.

  9. 拖延的战术

    a delaying tactic.

  10. 无理的拖延

    unreasonable delay.

  11. 拖延付账单

    Put off paying the bills.

  12. 付款被拖延

    be in arrears with payment.

  13. 被迫得拖延。

    a forced or punitive delay.

  14. 被迫的拖延。

    a forced or punitive delay.

  15. 拖延招致损失。

    Delay spells losses.

  16. 故意拖延比赛

    intentional delay of the game.

  17. 拖延研究述评

    Review on the Research of Procrastination

  18. 别再拖延了

    Stop stalling.

  19. 长时间的拖延

    A great delay.

  20. 不要拖延时间。

    Do not procrastinate.

  21. 那叫拖延时间。

    That's procrastination.

  22. 避免拖延五法

    Five Ways to Avoid Procrastination

  23. 慎思不是拖延。

    Deliberating is not delaying.

  24. 她拖延了归期。

    She procrastinated her return.

  25. 但是,不要拖延。

    But do not procrastinate.

  26. 设计拖延至5月。

    The design dragged on until May.

  27. 设计拖延至5月。

    The design dragged on until May.

  28. 拖延付账的人

    people who are tardy in paying their bills

  29. 他们拖延了审判。

    They stalled off the trial.

  30. 我可以拖延时间。

    I mean, I can stall for time.


  1. 问:拖延拼音怎么拼?拖延的读音是什么?拖延翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拖延的读音是tuōyán,拖延翻译成英文是 delay

  2. 问:拖延地拼音怎么拼?拖延地的读音是什么?拖延地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拖延地的读音是,拖延地翻译成英文是 protractedly

  3. 问:拖延的拼音怎么拼?拖延的的读音是什么?拖延的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拖延的的读音是,拖延的翻译成英文是 protracted

  4. 问:拖延者拼音怎么拼?拖延者的读音是什么?拖延者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拖延者的读音是,拖延者翻译成英文是 procrastinator

  5. 问:拖延原则拼音怎么拼?拖延原则的读音是什么?拖延原则翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拖延原则的读音是tuōyán yuánzé,拖延原则翻译成英文是 Procrastination Principle

  6. 问:拖延应付拼音怎么拼?拖延应付的读音是什么?拖延应付翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拖延应付的读音是tuō yán yīng fù,拖延应付翻译成英文是 temporization

  7. 问:拖延战术拼音怎么拼?拖延战术的读音是什么?拖延战术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拖延战术的读音是tuōyánzhànshù,拖延战术翻译成英文是 stalling tactics

  8. 问:拖延比赛拼音怎么拼?拖延比赛的读音是什么?拖延比赛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拖延比赛的读音是tuō yán bǐ sài,拖延比赛翻译成英文是 delay the game; stall

  9. 问:拖延诉讼拼音怎么拼?拖延诉讼的读音是什么?拖延诉讼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拖延诉讼的读音是tuō yán sù sòng,拖延诉讼翻译成英文是 fourching

  10. 问:拖延不还者拼音怎么拼?拖延不还者的读音是什么?拖延不还者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拖延不还者的读音是tuō yán bù huán zhě,拖延不还者翻译成英文是 delay creditors

  11. 问:拖延型暴乱拼音怎么拼?拖延型暴乱的读音是什么?拖延型暴乱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拖延型暴乱的读音是tuō yán xíng bào luàn,拖延型暴乱翻译成英文是 protracted riot



“拖延”是个多义词,它可以指拖延(梦换成演唱歌曲), 拖延(中文词语)。