







汉语拼音:pèng chù








  1. 接触;碰撞。

    茅盾 《霜叶红似二月花》一:“可是兴奋之中,不免又带几分不安,似乎又怕他们自己向来不敢碰触的生活上的疮疤会被心直口快的姑太太一把抓破。” 郭沫若 《水平线下·到宜兴去》:“他还屡次反抗,要把自己的头去碰触地面。”



  1. Only when the wind blew very strongly from the north could he feel even the slightest touch of his magical heritage.


  2. I shall touch her cold and unrelenting cheek once more. . . tonight a part of me has died inside.


  3. It looked as if he had been endowed with the elasticity of a ball, and rebounded each time his feet touched the ground.


  4. The five men, who had heard of elephants but had never been close to one, asked the rider to allow them to touch the great animal.


  5. After an official investigation, the U. S. Navy reported that the ship had been blown up by a mine.


  6. It had taken him all these years to touch the hem of the Infinite, he said, and it was amazing that he had survived it all.


  7. Yawning, he lifted his arms up to the sky, his hands stretching as if to touch the heavens.


  8. She was in such pain that she could barely stand to get dressed. Even the touch of her cotton clothes seemed like the scraping of a knife.


  9. If a grizzly bear does actually make contact with you, curl up in a ball, protecting your stomach and neck, and play dead.


  1. 电力碰触保安器

    power contact protector

  2. 碰触伤口要谨慎。

    Sairs should not be fair handled.

  3. 请勿徒手碰触刀片。

    Do not touch blade with bare hand.

  4. 他用雨伞去碰触它。

    He touched it with his umbrella.

  5. 请小心碰触这个箱子。

    Please handle the box carefully.

  6. 我只需要你的碰触。

    All I need is your touch.

  7. 我轻轻的碰触她的衣衫。

    And I touched her on the sleeve.

  8. 我轻轻得碰触她得衣衫。

    And I touched her on the sleeve.

  9. 你永远不碰触你的过去

    You never wanna breathe your last

  10. 碰触一下内心那份纯真。

    Kick back? Get in touch with your inner child? That sert of thing?

  11. 却无法碰触到神的手。

    and not quite touching that God's hand.

  12. 你伸手就可以碰触到我。

    Just reach out and touch me.

  13. 已经变成最难碰触的梦。

    Has become the most unreachable dream.

  14. 烙铁的尖端绝对不可碰触陶瓷。

    Never contact the ceramic with the iron tip.

  15. 我喜欢他牵我的手和碰触我。

    I like him to hold my hand and fooling around.

  16. 医生碰触我的手,手臂和头。

    The doctor touches my hand, arm and head.

  17. 在滂沱的大雨中感觉你的碰触

    I feel you touch me in the pouring rain

  18. 请勿使裸露皮肤碰触发热表面。

    Please do not cause the exposed skin to bump the triggering calorimeter surface.

  19. 纯洁未被玷污或未被碰触的状态

    The state of being pure, unsullied, or untouched.

  20. 会抓住任何可以碰触到的东西。

    They grabbed anything they could touch.

  21. 碰触那星星为了让时间不流逝。

    Touch the stars for time will not flee.

  22. 一旦她碰触了她刺了她的手指纱锭。

    As soon as she touched the spindle she pricked her finger.

  23. 若我碰触你的唇,你可会颤抖?

    Would you treble if I touched your lips ?

  24. 碰触你的双唇,你是否给我亲吻?

    If I go for your lips, will you kiss me?

  25. 这是我不敢再碰触的一些东西。

    It is something I dare not to touch any more.

  26. 你的灵魂碰触我的声音, 合为一体。

    Your spirit touch my voice in one combined.

  27. 你总能碰触我的心, 带走我的呼吸

    You touched my heart and take my breath away

  28. 焚烧时,我不能碰触到它的烟雾

    I'm not allowed to even touch the smoke.

  29. 首先两个在最细微的碰触中折叠

    The first two folded at the slightest touch

  30. 也不能碰触到你,或者吻上你的唇。

    Or even touch or even kiss your lips.



pènɡ chù (碰触) 接触;碰撞。

茅盾 《霜叶红似二月花》一:“可是兴奋之中,不免又带几分不安,似乎又怕他们自己向来不敢碰触的生活上的疮疤会被心直口快的姑太太一把抓破。” 郭沫若 《水平线下·到宜兴去》:“他还屡次反抗,要把自己的头去碰触地面。”